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Survey on Broadband and Wireless Usage in Taiwan

Survey on Broadband and Wireless Usage in Taiwan. Lu Ai-Chin 26 September 2003 Taiwan Network Information Center. Content. Outlines of Survey Usage for Internet and broadband users Usage for Internet and broadband households Usage for wireless users Usage for mobile users Conclusion.

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Survey on Broadband and Wireless Usage in Taiwan

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  1. Survey on Broadband and Wireless Usage in Taiwan Lu Ai-Chin 26 September 2003 Taiwan Network Information Center

  2. Content • Outlines of Survey • Usage for Internet and broadband users • Usage for Internet and broadband households • Usage for wireless users • Usage for mobile users • Conclusion

  3. The General Status of Internet Usage Surveys in Taiwan • Ministry of Transportation and Communications, Department of Statistics • The proportion of Internet users according to various factors • The satisfaction rate toward e-government • The Directorate General of Telecommunications, Ministry of Transportation and Communications • Type 1 &Type 2 ISP, revenue, software and hardware facilities, assets etc.. • Electronic Commerce Resources Center of Institute for Information Industry • Internet user population • The proportion of broadband, wireless and mobile subscribers • The analysis of usage behavior for people using e-commerce… …………..

  4. Outlines of Survey(一)

  5. Outlines of Survey(二)

  6. Usage for Internet and Broadband Users

  7. The Percentage of Internet users Use of Internet Never use of Internet In Taiwan, 57.23% (10,830,000 people) of population (18,925,772 people) who is older than 12 Years old had used internet

  8. The Percentages of Internet Users – Grouped by Gender • Note — Unit:%

  9. The Percentages of Internet Users – Grouped by Age • Note — Unit:%

  10. The Percentage of broadband User Broadband users Not broadband user (9,378,439 people) Definition of broadband users-is defined as one who accessed the internet using following type of Connection : ADSL,Cable Modem,Leased line, LAN, FTTB+LAN,Public Wireless LAN(WLAN)

  11. The Percentages of Broadband Users- Grouped by Gender (5,090,436) (4,288,003) • Note — Unit:%

  12. The Percentages of Broadband Users- Grouped by Age • Note — Unit:%

  13. Totol population of broadband users 9,378,439 Types of Connection • Note : The survey domain is people over 12 years old in Taiwan have accessed to Internet; it is 10,830,493 people in total Unit : Person

  14. The proportion of connection types Broadband Users

  15. The Usage of Broadband Users- frequency & hours per week

  16. The Usage of Broadband Users- place/function/time period

  17. Usage for Internet and Broadband Households

  18. The percentage of households using Internet Household not Use Internet (3,512,2400) Household using Internet

  19. The percentages of Internet households – Grouped by monthly income • Note —Unit:%

  20. Types of Connection used by households The total number of households using broadband 2,512,130 • Note—The domain is the Internet-using families in Taiwan, which has the total number of 3,512,240 households Unit :Household

  21. The percentages of households using broadband Households not using broadband (2,512,130) Households using broadband

  22. The usage of broadband households ISP service

  23. The usage of broadband households – download speed Broadband usage includes ADSL ADSL、Cable Modem、Leased line、LAN、Community network

  24. The usage of broadband households-IP type Broadband usage includes ADSL ADSL、Cable Modem、Leased line、LAN、Community network

  25. The usage of broadbandhouseholds –selecting ISP/payment Broadband usage includes ADSL ADSL、Cable Modem、Leased line、LAN、Community network 1,001~1,250NT

  26. Usage for wireless users

  27. The percentage of wireless users (1,510,296)

  28. The percentage of wireless users – by gender • Note—Unit:%

  29. The percentage of wireless networking users – Grouped by age • Note — Unit:%

  30. The usage of wireless users - location /payment

  31. Having troubles in wireless networking The usage of wireless users (con’t)

  32. The usage of mobile users

  33. The percentage of mobile users (967,437) Definition of Mobile users—is defined as who using WAP, GPRS, PHS etc. to connect the Internet through mobile phones.

  34. The percentages of mobile users– Grouped by gender • note—Unit:%

  35. The percentages of mobile users – Grouped by age • Note—Unit:%

  36. The usage of mobile users

  37. The usage of mobile users (con’t) Having troubles using mobile networking

  38. over 15 yr. old over 15 yr. old 0-100 yr. old 0-100 yr. old Mar. 2001 Sep. 2002 Mar. 2003 Jul. 2003 Internet Users in Taiwan 2001-2003 • Note: Unit in 10,000 people TWNIC 2002 Sep. : people over 15 years old in Taiwan. TWNIC 2003 Jul. : people from 0 to 100 years old in Taiwan MOTC: people from 0 to 100 years old in Taiwan Resource: Survey from TWNIC and Department of Statistics of MOTC

  39. Conclusion • For Internet users • The Internet population has grown upto 1,175,000 people; its percentage has reached 57.23% of the total population. • All areas have large proportions of Internet usage, their percentages are all higher than 50%. The figures for North area, Taipei City and Kaoshiung City are around 65%. • The percentage of male Internet users is 57%, and 42% for female ones. Internet users are evenly spread in different age level. For level of “16-20 yr olds” and “21-25 yr olds”, their percentages have reached around 90%. • Broadband usage has become more common; its population has reached 9,370,000 people, which is almost 50% of the total population. • 66.57% of the broadband users connect to Internet daily, and the most popular time period for connection is from 8:00pm till 12:00am.。 • Most of the broadband users connect to Internet at home, and the main purposes of using Internet are “browsing web information” and “sending or receiving e-mail”.

  40. Conclusion(Continue) • For households using Internet • There are 3,510,000 households having used Internet, its percentage has reached 54.40% of the total number of households in Taiwan. • All areas have large proportions of households using Internet, which all have reached more than 50%. For Taipei City, its ratio is 60%. The ratios of North area and Kaoshiung City are over 50%. • 97% of the households that use Internet have their own computer facilities, and 68.46%of these families have one computer. • Broadband usage has become more common. The total number of broadband households is 2,510,000 households. The rate of broadband usage is 38.91%. • Most of the households that use ADSL choose Hinet as their ISP, and the most common downloading speed is 512k. Eastern Broadband Telecom is the most popular ISP among Cable modem users, and its downloading speed is also 512k. • The two major concerns in choosing ISP are : fast speed and low cost; the satisfaction rate to ISP is around 70%. • The average monthly payment for broadband usage is $1001 to $1250; but the most acceptable payment range is from $251 to $750. • The major concern of using broadband is too slow for downloading. • The main reasons of not using broadband is because of no interest or no need. • There is 29.23% of non-broadband users who are willing to adapt to broadband usage, and their most favored connection style is ADSL. • Hinet is the most favored ISP for the future ADSL users, and Eastern Broadband Telecom as the favoured ISP for cable modem users.

  41. Conclusion(Continue) • For wireless networking users • Wireless networking users have reached 1,510,000 people which is 8%. • Home is the most commonly used networking place. The satisfaction rate has reached more than 60%. • The main reason of not using wireless networking is because of no need. • 12.19% of the non-wireless networking users are willing to adapt to wireless usage. • For mobile networking users • Mobile networking users have reached to 960,000 people, which is 5%。 • GPRS is the main connection type. “Browsing information” is the most frequently used service, and the major concern is “Too slow to connect”. • The average monthly payment is under $250. Its satisfaction rate is only 36%。 • The main reason of not using mobile networking is lack of need. • 8.54% of the non-mobile networking users are willing to adapt to mobile networking usage.

  42. Thank you

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