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For the Strategic Prevention Framework State Incentive Grant Governor’s Advisory Council

Data Highlights for Indiana’s Blacks/African Americans and Hispanics/Latinos 2008 estimates, 2009. For the Strategic Prevention Framework State Incentive Grant Governor’s Advisory Council. Indiana Prevention Resource Center June 8, 2009.

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For the Strategic Prevention Framework State Incentive Grant Governor’s Advisory Council

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  1. Data Highlights for Indiana’s Blacks/African Americans and Hispanics/Latinos 2008 estimates, 2009 For the Strategic Prevention FrameworkState Incentive GrantGovernor’s Advisory Council Indiana Prevention Resource Center June 8, 2009 The Indiana Prevention Resource Center is funded, in part, by a contract with the Indiana Family and Social Services Administration, Division of Mental Health and Addiction, financially supported through HHS/Substance Abuse Mental Health Services Administration, Center for Substance Abuse Prevention, Substance Abuse Prevention and Treatment Block Grant. The IPRC is operated by the Indiana University Department of Applied Health Science and School of Health, Physical Education and Recreation. It is affiliated with the Department's Institute of Drug Abuse Prevention.

  2. The statistics contained in this report are demographic estimates from Claritas™, 2008 Updates, 2009.

  3. Percent Blacks/African AmericansCohort 1 25.8 12 2.5 11.7 0.2 3.3 6.7 Total Populations: US: 304,141,549 Indiana: 6,371,142 5.1 26.2 6 3.2 0.2 Total Black Population of: US: 37,812,661 (12.43%) Indiana: 565,695 (8.9%) 0.5 Claritas™, 2008 Updates, 2009 Indiana Prevention Resource Center

  4. 128,338 32,084 4,050 41,061 Number of Blacks/African AmericansCohort 1 52 5,190 7,627 Total Populations: US: 304,141,549 Indiana: 6,371,142 3,470 227,025 6,178 3,931 54 Total Black Population of: US: 37,812,661 (12.43%) Indiana: 565,695 (8.9%) 165 Claritas™, 2008 Updates, 2009

  5. Percent Blacks/African AmericansCohort 2 10.2 0.3 6.8 8.1 Total Populations: US: 304,141,549 Indiana: 6,371,142 0.1 0.1 Total Black Population of: US: 37,812,661 (12.43%) Indiana: 565,695 (8.9%) 0.4 Claritas™, 2008 Updates, 2009 5.1 8.6 Indiana Prevention Resource Center

  6. 11,340 52 Number of Blacks/African AmericansCohort 2 36 5,760 10,615 Total Populations: US: 304,141,549 Indiana: 6,371,142 34 28 Total Black Population of: US: 37,812,661 (12.43%) Indiana: 565,695 (8.9%) 197 3,711 Claritas™, 2008 Updates, 2009 15,022

  7. 25.8 12 (2) 2.5 Blacks: Percent (2008 est.)Strategic Prevention Framework, SIG Cohort 1 11.7 0.2 Indiana Prevention System: SPF SIG Cohort 1 3.3 6.7 5.1 26.2 6 3.2 0.2 0.5

  8. 128,338 32,084 (2) 4,050 41,061 Blacks: Number (2008 est.)Strategic Prevention Framework, SIG Cohort 1 52 Indiana Prevention System: SPF SIG Cohort 1 5,190 7,627 3,470 227,025 6,178 3,931 54 165

  9. 10.2 Blacks: Percent (2008 est.)Strategic Prevention Framework, SIG Cohort 2 0.3 Indiana Prevention System: SPF SIG Cohort 2 6.8 8.1 0.1 0.1 0.4 5.1 8.6

  10. 11,340 Blacks: Numbers (2008 est.)Strategic Prevention Framework, SIG Cohort 2 36 Indiana Prevention System: SPF SIG Cohort 2 5,760 10,615 34 28 197 3,711 15,022

  11. 29 counties have 2% or more Black residents; 22, 3% of more; 15, 5% or more; 5, 10% or more. Highest Percent of Blacks/African Americans 2 counties have 20% or more Black residents. Total Black Populations of: Indiana: 565,695 (8.90%) Indiana Prevention Resource Center Claritas™, 2008 Updates, 2009

  12. 29 counties have 2% or more Black residents; 22, 3% of more; 15, 5% or more; 5, 10% or more. Highest Percent of Blacks/African AmericansCohort 1 2 counties have 20% or more Black residents. Total Black Populations of: Indiana: 565,695 (8.90%) Indiana Prevention Resource Center Claritas™, 2008 Updates, 2009

  13. 29 counties have 2% or more Black residents; 22, 3% of more; 15, 5% or more; 5, 10% or more. Highest Percent of Blacks/African AmericansCohort 2 2 counties have 20% or more Black residents. Total Black Populations of: Indiana: 565,695 (8.90%) Indiana Prevention Resource Center Claritas™, 2008 Updates, 2009

  14. 29 counties have more than 600 Black residents; 25 more than 1,000; 20 more than 3,000; 15 more than 5,000; 8 more than 10,000; 4 more than 30,000; etc. Highest Number of Blacks/African Americans(Top 29) Total Black Populations of: Indiana: 565,695 (8.90%) Indiana Prevention Resource Center Claritas™, 2008 Updates, 2009

  15. Percent Hispanic/LatinoCohort 1 14.3 6.1 6.5 5.9 2.3 7.1 1.3 Total Populations of: US: 304,141,549 Indiana: 6,371,142 1.9 7 1.3 2.3 1 Total Hispanic Populations of: US: 46,336,030 (15.24%) Indiana: 317,804 (5.0%) 3.6 Claritas™, 2008 Updates, 2009 Indiana Prevention Resource Center

  16. 70,882 16,297 10,640 20,567 Number of Hispanics/Latinos Cohort 1 531 11,221 1,496 Total Populations of: US: 304,141,549 Indiana: 6,371,142 1,329 61,088 1,366 2,815 343 Total Hispanic Populations of: US: 46,336,030 (15.24%) Indiana: 317,804 (5.0%) 1,087 Claritas™, 2008 Updates, 2009 Indiana Prevention Resource Center

  17. Percent Hispanic/LatinoCohort 2 4.1 3.9 2 2.3 Total Populations of: US: 304,141,549 Indiana: 6,371,142 0.7 1.3 Total Hispanic Populations of: US: 46,336,030 (15.24%) Indiana: 317,804 (5.0%) 1.1 1.5 Claritas™, 2008 Updates, 2009 1.2

  18. 4,575 Number of Hispanics/Latinos Cohort 2 556 1,687 3,027 Total Populations of: US: 304,141,549 Indiana: 6,371,142 154 Total Hispanic Populations of: US: 46,336,030 (15.24%) Indiana: 317,804 (5.0%) 357 513 1,124 Claritas™, 2008 Updates, 2009 2,087 Indiana Prevention Resource Center

  19. 14.3 6.1 (2) 6.5 5.9 Hispanics/Latinos: Percent (2008 est.)Strategic Prevention Framework, SIG Cohort 1 2.3 Indiana Prevention System: SPF SIG Cohort 1 7.1 1.3 1.9 7 1.3 2.3 1 3.6

  20. 70,882 16,297 (2) 10,640 20,567 Hispanics/Latinos: Number, 2008 est.Strategic Prevention Framework, SIG Cohort 1 531 Indiana Prevention System: SPF SIG Cohort 1 11,221 1,496 1,329 61,088 1,366 2,815 343 1,087

  21. 4.1 Hispanics/Latinos: Percent, 2008 est.Strategic Prevention Framework, SIG Cohort 2 Indiana Prevention System: SPF SIG Cohort 2 3.9 2 2.3 0.7 1.3 1.1 5.1 1.5 1.2

  22. 4,575 Hispanics/Latinos: Numbers, 2008 est.Strategic Prevention Framework, SIG Cohort 2 556 Indiana Prevention System: SPF SIG Cohort 2 1,687 3,027 154 357 513 1,124 2,087

  23. 19 counties have 4% or more Hispanic/Latino residents; 14 more than 5%; 12 more than 6%; 9 more than 7% (estimates). Highest Percent of Hispanic/Latinos 5 counties have 10% or more Hispanic/Latino residents (est.) Total Hispanic Populations of: Indiana: 317,804 (5.00%) Indiana Prevention Resource Center Claritas™, 2008 Updates, 2009

  24. 19 counties have 4% or more Hispanic/Latino residents; 14 more than 5%; 12 more than 6%; 9 more than 7% (estimates). Highest Percent of Hispanic/LatinosCohort 1 5 counties have 10% or more Hispanic/Latino residents (est.) Total Hispanic Populations of: Indiana: 317,804 (5.00%) Indiana Prevention Resource Center Claritas™, 2008 Updates, 2009

  25. 19 counties have 4% or more Hispanic/Latino residents; 14 more than 5%; 12 more than 6%; 9 more than 7% (estimates). Highest Percent of Hispanic/LatinosCohort 2 5 counties have 10% or more Hispanic/Latino residents (est.) Total Hispanic Populations of: Indiana: 317,804 (5.00%) Indiana Prevention Resource Center Claritas™, 2008 Updates, 2009

  26. 36 counties have more than 1,000 Hispanic/Latino residents 23 more than 2,000; 15 more than 3,000; 10 more than 5,000; and 7 more than 10,000 (estimates). Highest Number of Hispanics Total Hispanic Populations of: Indiana: 317,804 (5.00%) Indiana Prevention Resource Center Claritas™, 2008 Updates, 2009

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