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Jeopardy. Stock Market. Bus Organiz. Labor. Investing. Misc/Govt. Q $100. Q $100. Q $100. Q $100. Q $100. Q $200. Q $200. Q $200. Q $200. Q $200. Q $300. Q $300. Q $300. Q $300. Q $300. Q $400. Q $400. Q $400. Q $400. Q $400. Q $500. Q $500. Q $500. Q $500. Q $500.

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Jeopardy Stock Market Bus Organiz. Labor Investing Misc/Govt Q $100 Q $100 Q $100 Q $100 Q $100 Q $200 Q $200 Q $200 Q $200 Q $200 Q $300 Q $300 Q $300 Q $300 Q $300 Q $400 Q $400 Q $400 Q $400 Q $400 Q $500 Q $500 Q $500 Q $500 Q $500 Final Jeopardy

  2. $100 Question Labor What is a union? Walter P. Reuther—former UAW president.

  3. $100 Answer Labor Group of employees who organize To negotiate with Employers on Wage and working conditions.

  4. $200 Question Labor What is it called when workers Organize a work stoppage to protest Employer activities AND what form Of protest associated with standing in Line out front of the business holding Signs goes with right along with that?

  5. $200 Answer Labor Strike and Picket

  6. $300 Question Labor What does it mean when an employer Agrees with the union to have a “closed shop”?

  7. $300 Answer Labor The employer agrees to hire only Union workers.

  8. $400 Question Labor Performed by unions and employers this is known as the process of Negotiating working conditions And wages.

  9. $400 Answer Labor Collective Bargaining

  10. $500 Question Labor Explain the difference between Arbitration and Mediation.

  11. $500 Answer Labor Mediation is when a 3rd party is called To make suggestions on how to solve An impasse between management and The union. Arbitration is when the 3rd party can force an agreement on What is recommended.

  12. $100 Question from Investing Rank the following investment types In order of return on money from Lowest to highest. -Stock -Bond -Savings Account -CD

  13. $100 Answer from Investing • 1. Savings Account • CD • Bond • Stock

  14. $200 Question Investing What is a CD and why does it pay More than a savings account?

  15. $200 Answer Investing Certificate of Deposit; because the Investor exchanges liquidity and Time guarantees for a higher return.

  16. $300 Question Investing What is the difference between A corporate stock and a corporate Bond?

  17. $300 Answer Investing A stock is purchasing a small share Of a corporation whereas a bond is A form of lending money to a Business or municipality.

  18. $400 Question Investing List 2 ways you can make money In the stock market.

  19. $400 Answer Investing • Buy stock low; sell high • Collect dividends (shared profits) that • company distibutes to shareholders. • 3. Short Selling

  20. $500 Question Investing If APR of return is 18% then what Is the monthly rate of return?

  21. $500 Answer Investing 1.5%

  22. $100 Question Stock Market What is arguably the most famous Stock market indicator in the US (if not the world)?

  23. $100 Answer Stock Market Dow Jones Industrial Average or Dow Jones

  24. $200 Question Stock Market What do the terms Bear and Bull Refer to in the stock market?

  25. $200 Answer Stock Market When the stock market trends Downward for an extended period it Is known as Bear Market; When it Trends upward it is a Bull Market.

  26. $300 Question Stock Market If someone makes money on a Stock by selling it for more than Purchased OR receiving profits from The company, then a person will most Likely Have to pay a ______ ______ tax unless it is a tax deferred account.

  27. $300 Answer Stock Market Capital Gains

  28. $400 Question Stock Market Identify at least two major U.S. Stock Markets.

  29. $400 Answer Stock Market New York Stock Exchange NASDAQ Others acceptable at Mr. A’s discretion

  30. $500 Question Stock Market What is a Price-Earnings Ratio (P/E) and why is it useful to know?

  31. $500 Answer Stock Market A price-earnings ratio is a comparison Of the stock price to the dividends It has paid and will informs buyers Of the past performance of the stock. Higher P/E ratios mean that an investor Is paying more for each unit of income Than those with lower P/E ratios.

  32. $100 Question Business Organizations The most simple form of business Ownership—one owner takes on all Responsibility for management/growth

  33. $100 Answer Business Organizations Sole Proprietorship

  34. $200 Question Business Organizations What is it called when two or more People share in the ownership and Day to day management of a company?

  35. $200 Answer Business Organizations Partnership

  36. $300 Question Business Organizations What is a huge common downside to owning A partnership or a sole proprietorship?

  37. $300 Answer Business Organizations • Unlimited Liability—debts the firm • incurs are the responsibility of the owners b/c the • owners are the firm. • Limited Life—partnerships and sole proprietorships • die with the owners unless sold off to willing others.

  38. $400 Question Business Organizations What is the difference between a Vertical and Horizontal conglomerate?

  39. $400 Answer Business Organizations Vertical—company has expanded Through various production stages of A market (e.g. Paper Mill owns trees, Lumber company, trucking, manufacturing Horizontal—company has expanded across a Like market—Weyerhouser paper, Xerox paper Staples paper—all finished product paper suppliers

  40. $500 Question Business Organizations What does one call the smaller Companies that make up the holdings Of a conglomerate?

  41. $500 Answer Business Organizations Subsidiaries Example: AC Delco makes parts for and is a subsidiary of General Motors.

  42. $100 Question Misc/Gov’t To the nearest percentage, what is The current unemployment rate?

  43. $100 Answer Misc/Gov’t U.S. Avg. Rounds To 10% Actual 9.5%

  44. $200 Question Misc/Gov’t Government creates these laws To keep neighborhoods from Being congested with too much Business or destroyed by unwelcome Economic activity (manufacturing In the middle of a neighborhood).

  45. $200 Answer Misc/Gov’t Zoning Laws

  46. $300 Question Misc/Gov’t What was the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission AND What Act caused this organization to come into existence ?

  47. $300 Answer Misc/Gov’t The EEOC was created by the Civil Rights Act of 1964 and Investigates discriminatory Employment practices based on Race, religion, sex, and age (over 40).

  48. $400 Question Misc/Gov’t What does it take to be considered unemployed? -4 requirements

  49. $400 Answer Misc/Gov’t • Over 16 • Able to work • Don’t have a job • Want a job

  50. $500 Question Misc/Gov’t What famous TV private investigator played By Tom Selleck drove a red Ferrarri?

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