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LGfL supporting e-safety Helen Warner Royal Borough of Kensington and Chelsea ICT Support Service.

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Presentation Transcript

  1. LGfL supporting e-safety Helen WarnerRoyal Borough of Kensington and Chelsea ICT Support Service

  2. A class of 9 year olds are in the ICT suite. The teacher gives them a research topic ‘Thailand’. Salil calls the teacher over to tell her that the search results include a link ‘adult sex’, he is told “Don’t click the link” and the teacher then moves away to talk to another group of children elsewhere in the classroom.

  3. Darren, a young Australian teacher, has his own MySpace area and has posted pictures of himself, his friends and lots of details of his life. There’s a video clip of him in Lanzarotte, very drunk, having fun. Some of his pupils have found it.

  4. A very high number of pupils have their own MSN Messenger accounts and brag about how many ‘friends’ they have. You overhear one of the particularly brash Y9 girls bragging about her ‘older boyfriend’, who she plans to meet.

  5. http://www.esafety.lgfl.net/

  6. Education Programme

  7. Penelope, Head of Maths, has emailed some pupil reports to her hotmail account so she can finish at home.

  8. Alan, a science teacher, has been using his open Blog to share his views about education, his school and the school’s leadership.

  9. A teacher tells her technician she is upset because a pupil has posted a rude message on a Forum in the London MLE and asks him which child it was because she doesn’t know.

  10. Policy Resources • Policy separated into sections and includes specific references for child protection and anti-bullying policies

  11. Acceptable Use Policies

  12. Mr Jones reports that a student has a pornographic image on his screen. The student says the “image just appeared and it’s the first time it’s happened”.

  13. A 14 year old boy has taken his own life. There is an allegation of bullying and that the pupil had used websites that openly support suicide.

  14. LGfL URL filtering • Based around the NetSweeper filtering system • Provides 4 levels of filtering Blocks all illegal content on the Internet Watch Foundation blacklist • Global Deny list - contains other URLs deemed to be entirely unsuitable for access within LGfL network • Category database - categorises URLs and blocks by category • Local Deny list - allows blocking of individual URLs • Local Allow list - allows access to an otherwise blocked URL

  15. LGfL monitoring reportsURL logging • Every request made through the URL filtering service is logged, including: • Date and time • IP address of the user • URL details • Category of the URL • Whether it was blocked or allowed • All logs are kept for a minimum of 3 months and are fully searchable • Logs are stored unprocessed, for forensic purposes • Forensic software also available – contact Synetrix

  16. NetSweeper Reporter Wizard

  17. John, the technician finds evidence of a member of support staff gaining access to some pornographic videos. He tells the Deputy, Keith, who says, which computer? “Lets have a look”. Keith takes a look and agrees. They suspect its Danny, who’s part-time and wait until he’s in to challenge him. He denies all knowledge and then accuses the Deputy of harassing him. Danny has never signed an Acceptable Use Policy form.

  18. Possible incident procedure in case of illegal content • 1. Inform Head / senior leader and start an incident log. • All staff must report back to the member of SMT who updates the incident log at each stage. • 2. Don’t use the equipment. Photograph, bag and secure it – witness by 2 people from SMT. • Suspend user’s network / computer access. • 3. SMT decide if sufficient initial evidence / doubt to suspend member of staff pending investigation.

  19. Possible incident procedure in case of illegal content cont: 4. Link computer name to IP address on LAN. If auditing enabled on server, link username to computer. Request Internet logs from Synetrix. SMT inform LA – eSafety officer (Personnel) etc. Gather evidence e.g. screen prints if have Forensic software, AUP form, CCTV footage, timetable, etc. 5. SMT decide whether to involve a Third Party Forensic firm. Start disciplinary action if necessary. In case of Child Pornography – immediately inform Police. 0808 100 00 40 at: http://www.met.police.uk/childpornography/index.htm

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