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Pakistan Steel Ex-Employees Association of North America Inc. Pakistan Steel Mills “An Introduction” Pakistan Steel Ex-Employees Association of North America Inc. Pakistan Steel Ex-Employees Association of North America Inc.
Pakistan Steel Ex-Employees Association of North America Inc. Pakistan Steel Mills “An Introduction”
Pakistan Steel Ex-Employees Association of North America Inc.
Pakistan Steel Ex-Employees Association of North America Inc.
The engineering goods industry is recognized world over as most critical for the development of a self reliant and vibrant economy. This industry, however, depends heavily on basic metals, specially Iron & Steel as resource inputs. The Iron & Steel industry, therefore holds the key for sustained growth of the engineering sector and hence for development of the economy as a whole. The importance of the national assets such as PAKISTAN STEEL, which is determined on its strength and ability to sustain the national growth rate, need not be emphasized. If one desires to find out what PAKISTAN STEEL has done for the country, one will have to venture back in time, into the early 70's when PAKISTAN STEEL was only a dream on paper. By that time non-existence of an iron and steel making plant had shown its adverse effects on the industrial and economic development of the country which continued to suffer various set backs because of dependence on import of iron and steel products. A stage had reached when it was realized that the import bill to meet the requirements of steel could not be supported indefinitely. In fact the idea of setting up of a steel mill in the country had been cooking over the red hot coals of controversy since the introduction of the first five year plan (1955-60) which laid emphasis on the domestic production of iron and steel. Pakistan Steel An Introduction Pakistan Steel Ex-Employees Association of North America Inc.
Debates over the manufacturing process, supply sources of the requisite machinery and raw materials, plant site, domestic ore versus imported ore, ownership pattern, product-mix and above all, foreign financing credits, kept the project simmering over a period of two decades. The need to establish a Steel industry in order to provide base for industrialization of the country had been felt ever since inception of Pakistan in August 14,1947 by all successive Governments .........In 1968 Government of Pakistan decided that the Karachi Steel Project should be sponsored in the public sector, for which a separate Corporation, under the Companies Act, be formed. In pursuance of this decision, Pakistan Steel Mills Corporation Limited was incorporated as a private limited company to establish and run steel Mills at Karachi. Pakistan Steel Mills Corporation concluded an agreement with V/o Tyaz prom export of then USSR in January, 1969 for the preparation of feasibility report for the establishment of a coastal based integrated steel mill at Karachi. In January 1971 Pakistan and the USSR signed an agreement under which the later agreed to provide techno-financial assistance for the construction of a coastal-based integrated Steel Mills at Karachi. The foundation stone of this vital and gigantic project was laid on 30th December, 1973 by the then Prime Minister of Pakistan. The mammoth construction and erection work of an integrated Steel Mills, never experienced before in the country, was carried out by a consortium of Pakistani construction companies under the overall supervision of Soviet Experts. PAKISTAN STEEL did not only have to construct the main production units but a host of infrastructure facilities involving unprecedented volumes of work and expertise. Component units of the Steel Mills numbering over twenty and each a big enough factory in its own right were commissioned as they were completed between 1981 to 1985 with Coke Oven and by-Product Plant coming on stream the first and the Galvanizing Unit the last. Commissioning of Blast Furnace No.1 on 14th August, 1981 marked Pakistan's entry into the elite club of iron and steel producing nations. The project was completed at a capital cost of Rs.24,700 million. The completion of the Steel Mills was formally launched by the then President of Pakistan on 15th January, 1985. PAKISTAN STEEL today is the country's largest industrial under-taking having production capacity of 1.1 million tones of steel. Pakistan Steel An Introduction Pakistan Steel Ex-Employees Association of North America Inc.
LOCATION AND SITEPAKISTAN STEEL is located at a distance of 40 km South East of Karachi at Bin Qasim in close vicinity of Port Muhammad Bin Qasim. It was found to be an ecologically preferable location, alongside a tidal creek and having wind direction away from the city of Karachi. PAKISTAN STEEL is spread over an area of 18,660 acres (about 29 square miles) including 10,390 acres for the main plant, 8070 acres for township and 200 acres for 110 MG water reservoir. In addition it has leasehold rights over an area of 7520 acres for the quarries of limestone and dolomite in Makli and Jhimpir areas of district Thatta. SOCIAL OBLIGATIONS PAKISTAN STEEL besides its core activities, has done a lot in making the environment in and around PAKISTAN STEEL green and beautiful through addition of three unique projects. The Quaid-E-Azam Park, The Quaid-I-Azam Cricket Park and the Quaid-I-Azam Beach. The Quaid-E-Azam Park which spreads over an area of 45 acres, consists of series of six inter-connected lakes, lush green lawns and grassy terraces, colorful flower beds, fountains, life size steel-made models of wild and marine animals, jogging track, birds sanctuary and mini zoo, apart from children's playing and recreational ground and boating facilities. The other unique project, known as Quaid-I-Azam Cricket Park has been established amidst the picturesque surroundings in Steel Town, Slanty grassy terraces all around for spectators and diagonally located four hillocks with seating arrangements to provide panoramic view of the game. this is spread over an area of 32000 sq meters and is equipped with all the necessary facilities of international standard. The third project Quaid-I-Azam Beach is being developed with the aim to provide a seaside recreational spot to the employees of PAKISTAN STEEL, specially those residing at Steel Town and Gulshan-e-Hadeed. PAKISTAN STEEL is also on its way to establish Quaid-I-Azam National Park over a vast area of 400 acres, adjacent to Steel Town which shall be a tremendous contribution in the development of environment. Pakistan Steel An Introduction Pakistan Steel Ex-Employees Association of North America Inc.