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Information Management Systems

Information Management Systems MGT2338 Professor H. R. Smith Bb Site Tour = Announcements - check twice weekly, at least = Syllabus - get texts ASAP - ‘Evaluation’ - note %’s for assignments - note requirement to pass exam portion of course - 1.5 hours per week is minimum

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Information Management Systems

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Information Management Systems MGT2338 Professor H. R. Smith

  2. Bb Site Tour = Announcements - check twice weekly, at least = Syllabus - get texts ASAP - ‘Evaluation’ - note %’s for assignments - note requirement to pass exam portion of course - 1.5 hours per week is minimum - plus 5% bonus marks – come to class to earn! - Schedule – more detail in... = Weekly Planner - bookmark this in browser – access weekly - interactive – clickable links (do not print)

  3. Bb Site Tour = Policies - read carefully, and avoid problems! Note especially: - plagiarism policy - cell phone use policy - consequences of off-task use of computers - late assignment penalties - “a word to the wise is sufficient” = Staff Info - plan to use me as a resource, outside of class! - no appointment needed for office hours visits - note requirements for E-mail contact

  4. Bb Site Tour – cont’d = Assignments - R1 – R14 – review quizzes - A1 – A4 – assignment submission links - pointed to from Weekly Planner - when complete, you’ll have a start on an on-line portfolio! = Discussion Board - for questions – use forum shared by all sections - access from 06W_MGT2338_314_315_316_317_318 Information Management - for Case Studies (D1 – D4) – use forum in your section site - pointed to in Weekly Planner

  5. OnLine Learning = Why? - work at your own pace where/when you choose - prepare for learning on the job = Need: - computer and high speed access to Net - IE (6.0 or later) - MS Access 2003 - viewers for PDF, PPT, DOC files - to do assigned homework (on schedule!)

  6. Resources available = Bb, and Weekly Planner = Texts – do the readings before class - will gain bonus marks (pop quizzes at start of class) = Lectures - for challenging parts of content (get it twice) - for additional content from prof’s experience - note taking easier if you print slides - select “handouts”, and “3 slides per page” = Consulting help - consult early and often - use DB, FTF, E-Mail as appropriate = SAM - self register (JOIN SECTION) if interested in using SAM for practice (use ID from last year)

  7. Have fun!

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