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Unraveling the Battle of Marathon: A Historical Investigation

Dive into the causes and significance of the Battle of Marathon in 490 BC, examining the attack on Athens. Follow along the progress report with key questions and sources for this intriguing historical inquiry.

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Unraveling the Battle of Marathon: A Historical Investigation

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  2. HISTORICAL QUESTION Outline the causes for the Battle of Marathon. Evaluate the historical significance for the attack on Athens at Marathon in 490BC.

  3. PROGRESS REPORT QUESTIONS • Issues Faced When Deciding Question • Background Information • Why did I choose this as a Historical Investigation? • What Areas Will It Deal With? • Main Focus for Historical Investigation • Essay Plan • ConclusioN

  4. King Darius I

  5. Modern drawing of a phalanx. The hoplites, with the exception of the Spartans, were not actually as uniformly equipped as depicted because each soldier would buy his own arms and decorate them at his discretion.

  6. A reconstruction of beached Persian ships at Marathon prior to the battle.

  7. Greek Hoplite

  8. The initial positions of the troops before the clash. The Greeks (blue) have pulled up their wings to bolster the corners of their significantly smaller centre in a ]] shape. The Persian fleet (red) waits some way off to the east. This great distance to the ships played a crucial role in the later stages of the battle.

  9. SOURCES • http://boards.historychannel.com/thread.jspa?threadID=100009096&messageID=300418309 • http://raf.heavengames.com/history/civilization/greek/page4 • http://www.bbc.co.uk/dna/h2g2/A10083395 • http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Battle_of_Marathon#Conclusion • http://www.eyewitnesstohistory.com/marathon.htm • http://www.thenagain.info/Classes/Sources/Herodotus-Marathon.html • http://www.essortment.com/all/thebattleofma_rwnl.htm • http://joseph_berrigan.tripod.com/ancientbabylon/id27.html • http://www.historynet.com/battle-of-marathon-greeks-versus-the-persians.htm/2#high_4

  10. SOURCES • http://www.britannica.com/EBchecked/topic/244231/ancient-Greece/26497/The-Battle-of-Marathon#tab=active~checked%2Citems~checked&title=ancient%20Greek%20civilization%20%3A%3A%20The%20Battle%20of%20Marathon%20–%20Britannica%20Online%20Encyclopedia • http://www.libertarian.co.uk/lapubs/histn/histn021.pdf • http://www.heritage-history.com/www/heritage.php?Dir=eras&FileName=greece_4.php • http://unitedcats.wordpress.com/2007/07/21/the-battle-of-marathon/ • http://www.cais-soas.com/CAIS/History/hakhamaneshian/marathon.htm

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