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Exploration Mining in Diabetic Patients Databases: Findings and Conclusions

This seminar explores the findings and conclusions from the exploration and mining of diabetic patients' databases. It discusses the motivation, objectives, related works, semi-automatic data cleaning, exploratory mining of diabetic data, conclusions, and personal opinions.

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Exploration Mining in Diabetic Patients Databases: Findings and Conclusions

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  1. Exploration Mining in Diabetic Patients Databases:Findings and Conclusions Advisor: Dr. Hsu Graduate:Min-Hong Lin IDSL seminar

  2. Outline • Motivation • Objective • Related Works • Semi-Automatic Data Cleaning • Exploratory Mining of Diabetic Data • Conclusions • Personal Opinion IDSL

  3. Motivation • In Singapore, about 10% of the population is diabetic. • A regular screening program for the diabetic patients has gathered a wealth of information. • The application of data mining techniques to health sector was few. IDSL

  4. Objective • Find rules that can be used by the medical doctors to improve their daily tasks. • To overcome the problem of noisy data, we have developed a semi-automatic cleaning system. • Apply a user-oriented approach in order to better understand the discovered patterns. IDSL

  5. Related Works • Past research in dealing with the problem of association rules can be describe with: • Discover all rules • Use constraints • Find unexpected rules • All the previous work in medical domain focus on the rule generation phase. • Lack of the pre-processing stage and the post-processing stage. IDSL

  6. The Diabetic Patient Database • It contains about 200,000 screening records captured from 1992-1996. • Each record has 60 fields. • ID, race, sex, birthday, … , and eye examination. • A few observations were made in the cleaning process: • 4 different kinds of database file formats • Inconsistencies: “dd/mm/yy” vs “mm/dd/yy” • Abbreviations: “ONE” vs “1” • A large number of missing values in the database IDSL

  7. Semi-Automatic Data Cleaning • This system allows a user to define • mappings between attributes in different formats • the encoding schemes used • whether the attributes are to be kept • Each of the database files are transformed accordingly into the standardized format schema. IDSL

  8. Sorted Neighborhood Method(SNM) • SNM is proposed to remove duplicate records • Step 1. Choose one or more fields that uniquely identify each record in the database. • Step 2. Sort the database according to the chosen fields. • Step 3. Compare the chosen fields of the records within a sliding window. Possible duplicates are output to a file. • Step 4. User verifies the duplicates detected and true duplicates are removed from the database. IDSL

  9. Comparison With a Sliding Window • The key we choose consists of the patient’s identification number(NRIC) and the date of screening(DOS). • Pair wise comparison of nearby records is carried out. • There are three types of duplicate records: • true duplicates • false duplicates • duplicates that require further investigation IDSL

  10. same True Duplicates IDSL

  11. different False Duplicates • An exceptional case IDSL

  12. same Duplicates that require investigation • Clarification from the expert is needed IDSL

  13. Exploratory Mining of Diabetic Data • A state-of-art data mining tool that integrates classification with association rule mining(CBA) is used. • Approximately 700 rules are generated(support of 1%, confidence of 50%) • Some kind of post-processing is needed to help the doctors understand these rules. IDSL

  14. The First Stage • Basic demographic information about the patients will be presented to the doctors. • The goal is to allow the doctors to have some basic idea about the impact of various attributes. • The information is presented in histogram graphs for easy digestion. • The absolute proportion • The relative proportion IDSL

  15. The First Stage(cont’d) IDSL

  16. The Second Stage • The doctors are interested in knowing which set of symptoms often occur together (ex:eye disease). • Such correlations can be found using association rule mining. • An association rule is an implication of the form X  Y, where X  I, Y  I, and X  Y = . • The rule X  Y holds in D with confidence c% and support s% in D, if • c% of data cases in D that support X also support Y • s% of the data case in D contains X  Y IDSL

  17. The Second Stage(cont’d) • These rules only indicate that there exist statistical relationships between the attributes • the existence of A and B implies the existence of C. • they do not specify whether the presence of A and B causes C • Further analysis is needed to determine the potential factors of diabetic eye disease. IDSL

  18. The Third Stage • How causal structures can be determined from association rules? • A LCD algorithm is proposed for this purpose • Which is a polynomial time, constraint-based algorithm • It uses tests of variable dependence, independence, and conditional independence to restrict the possible causal relationships between variables. • Underlying this technique is the Markov condition. IDSL

  19. Storm BusTourGroup Lightning Campfire Thunder ForestFire Definition 1: Markov Condition • Let A be a node in a causal Bayesian network, and let B be any node that is not a descendant of A in the causal network. Then the Markov condition holds if A and B are independent, conditioned on the parents of A. S,B S,-B -S,B -S,-B C 0.4 0.1 0.8 0.2 -C 0.6 0.9 0.2 0.8 Campfire IDSL

  20. The Modified LCD Algorithm IDSL

  21. The Definitions of Conditional Independence • Dependence test • 1. the value of support(S) exceeds s; • 2. the X2 value for the set of items S exceeds the X2 value at confidence level c • Independence test • 1. the value of support(S) exceeds s; • 2. the X2 value for the set of items S does not exceed the X2 value at confidence level c • Conditional independence test • Variable A and B are independent conditioned on C if p(AB|C) = p(A|C)p(B|C) • If X2(AB|C=0) + X2(AB|C=1) is greater than the threshold value X2, then A and B are dependent given condition C. IDSL

  22. Results of Multiple Factors Analysis IDSL

  23. The Exception Rule Mining Program • The exception rule mining program takes as input the pruned tree generated by C4.5 and performs the following check: • Chi-square test for each node of the tree IDSL

  24. Conclusions • Preprocessing and postprocessing are critical to the success of any real-life application. • Our doctors confirm that many of rules discovered conform the the trends. • They are surprised by the exception rules and express interest in investigating them further. IDSL

  25. Personal Opinion • Step-by-step exploration of the data. • Exception rules are helpful in some cases. IDSL

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