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Riccardo Ridi - Università Ca’ Foscari , Venezia 31. ADLUG annual meeting Firenze - 21 Settembre 2012. THE (DIGITAL) LIBRARY AS HYPERTEXT. abstract.

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  1. Riccardo Ridi - Università Ca’ Foscari, Venezia 31. ADLUG annual meeting Firenze - 21 Settembre 2012 THE (DIGITAL) LIBRARY AS HYPERTEXT

  2. abstract 1) hypertext = document 2) library = hypertext 3) 5lawsof the hypertextuallibrary 4) 25 thesesabout (hypertextual) libraries

  3. the 5 components of hypertextuality 1) multilinearity 2) granularity 3) integrability 4) interactivity 5) multimediality

  4. 1: multilinearity

  5. 2: granularity • granularity is the characteristic of the documents that can be decomposed in smaller parts, which still have a sense and which can be used independently

  6. 3: integrability • integrability is the characteristic according to which, following the links of a hypertext, one can arrive anywhere, proceeding to the infinite

  7. 4: interactivity • interactivity is the possibility, for the reader, of intervening creatively in the document, adding material (that is nodes) or drawing new paths (that is links)

  8. 5: multimediality • multimediality can be a characteristic only of nodes (texts, images, sounds…) or also of the structure of the links (schemes, diagrams…) • in this second case, some prefer to use the term "hypermediality”

  9. notonlytexts can behypertexts • internal cross-references in encyclopaedias • citations and bibliographic references in academic papers • indexes and tables of contents in printed books • catalogues and bibliographies

  10. libraries deal with... • selecting • acquiring • organizing • indexing • managing • preserving • valorising • making enjoying…….. documents

  11. librariesare… • big and articulatedcollectionsofdocuments • enrichedwithservices • mega/meta/macro-documents

  12. 1: libraries are granular… …because they contain different typologies of autonomous documents: books, journals, databases, CDs and DVDs, bibliographies, catalogues, directories…

  13. 2: libraries are multilinear… …because it is possible to move among these documents following a plurality of paths, some of which are recommended by bibliographers and librarians and others are created autonomously by users

  14. 3a: libraries are multimedia… …because their documents belong to different media

  15. 3b: libraries are hypermedia… …because a part of the tools for browsing, orientation and finding used in libraries is based on spatiality and on iconic interfaces

  16. 4: libraries are integrable… …because they are involved in a process of continuous expansion and replacement, both on the document and the users front

  17. 5: libraries are interactive… …because their tools for browsing, orientation and finding (and the retrieved documents themselves) are customizable

  18. libraries are hypertextualbecausetheyare… 1) granular 2) multilinear 3a) multimedia 3b) hypermedia 4) integrable 5) interactive

  19. digitallibraries are more hypertextualbecause… • primary digital documents are often more hypertextual than traditional ones • digital directories and indexes are almost always more hypertextual than traditional ones

  20. libraries are hypertexts… • from the descriptivepointofview • from the normativepointofview

  21. libraryas network whose… • nodes= documents and people (users, staff, suppliers, stakeholders) • links = services

  22. Ranganathan’s5laws (1931): • Books are for use • Every reader his book • Every book its reader • Save the time of the reader • Library is a growing organism S. R. Ranganathan, The fivelawsoflibrarysciences, Madras LibraryAssociation, 1931

  23. The 5lawsof the hypertextuallibrary (2007): • Nodes are forreading, passingthrough and writing • Everyuserhis/herpath • Everypathitsuser • Create more directlinks • The libraryis a growinghypertext Riccardo Ridi, La biblioteca come ipertesto, Editrice Bibliografica, 2007

  24. 1) Nodes are forreading, passingthrough and writing • Everydocumentthatactsas a node in a hypertext - as a document - isbornwith the aimofbeingusedby at leastonepersonwhodecodesitscontent. • Moreover, as a nodeof a hypertext, itisalso the placewhere the reader can choose a pathtowardsothernodes. • In completelyhypertextualnetworks the user'sfreedomisnotlimitedto the choiceofpath and the possibilitytoread or not, but the readerbecomes a writer in the complete sense, modifyingnotonly the pathsbutalso the nodes.

  25. 2) Everyuserhis/herpath • Freedomofchoiceofpaths • Full accessibilityof the single nodes • Pluralityoflinks • Appropriateness and efficiencyof the systemsoforientation, navigation, and retrieval • Sagacityof the user • Referenceservicesofferedby the library

  26. 3) Everypathitsuser The librarianmustnotactivateall the links and the logicallypossiblepaths, butonlythoseforwhichit can beassumedthatitwillexist at leastoneuserwhowill include itsensibly in anindividualpathofhis/herown

  27. 4) Create more directlinks In the creationoflinks and in the management ofsystemsoforientation, navigation, and retrieval, the librarianwillmake the more rational, economic, and usefulchoicesforusers

  28. 5) The libraryis a growinghypertext Everylibraryofferstoitsusers a hypertextual network ofaccess and circulationamongdocumentspossessed or accessible, and ofconnectedserviceswhich can do nothingbuttendtoexpandindefinitely - alsocooperatingwithotherlibraries and agencies

  29. 25 thesesabout (hypertextual) libraries Riccardo Ridi, HypertextualLibrary Manifesto - Version 1.0, "Libraryphilosophy and practice", XI (2008), n. 1 <http://unllib.unl.edu/LPP/ridi.htm>. 1. Libraries are hypertexts 2. Librariesmanagecollectionsofdocuments 3. Libraries' collections are selectivebuthospitable 4. Librariesprovidedocument and information servicestousers 5. Librariesexisttoallowuserstodetermine the existenceofrelevantdocuments and usetheircontents 6. Libraries are a means, notan end 7. Integrally-analoglibraries, integrally-digitallibraries, and hybridlibraries are alllibraries 8. Librariessupportinteroperability and standards 9. Libraries cooperate

  30. 25 thesesabout (hypertextual) libraries 10. Librariesadopt the Net as a model, bothorganizational and technological 11. Librariesrespect the rightsofbothproducers and usersofdocuments 12. Individuallibrarieshavedifferentiatedcommunitiesofreferenceusers 13. Librariespersonalizetheirservices 14. Libraries are accessible 15. Librariesmakethemselvesknown 16. Librariesevaluate, assess, and improvetheircollections and services 17. Libraries are expensive, buttheyalsohave positive economiceffects 18. Librariesfollowflexiblemodels

  31. 25 thesesabout (hypertextual) libraries 19. Librarycollections and services can beheterogeneous, butthey are integrated and madehomogeneousby the samelibraries 20. Furtherlevelsofintegration and homogenization can bedeveloped at a territorial, disciplinary, or institutionallevel 21. Librariesneedlibrarians 22. The universe and the docuverse coincide, butonly in onefacet 23. Every text is a hypertext 24. Digitallibrarieswill put themselves at the centreof a scientificdocumenttriangleconsistingof open archives, e-journals, and digitalbibliographies 25. Iftherewereenoughresources, librariescoulddeliverservicesrelatednotonlytoreadingbutalsotowriting

  32. Riccardo Ridi - The (digital) libraryashypertext Firenze - 21 Settembre 2012 THANK YOU ridi@unive.it http://lettere2.unive.it/ridi http://www.burioni.it/forum/ridi

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