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The Rise of Conservatism in America: From Reagan to Bush

This article explores the evolution of conservatism in America, from its roots in religious, financial, and cultural ideologies to its rise in political power under President Ronald Reagan and his economic policies. It also touches on key events such as the Iran-Contra Affair and the Reagan administration's stance on communism.

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The Rise of Conservatism in America: From Reagan to Bush

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  1. Unit 11 The Rise of Conservatism11.1-11.4 1/2

  2. What is “Conservatism”? • Religious Conservatism – Societies or governments guided by religion; Theocracies

  3. Financial Conservatism • “laissez-faire”, government leaves the people and economy alone, low taxes, no assistance for the poor

  4. Cultural Conservatism • resistant to changes in traditional values or norms, have typically been anti-suffrage, anti-civil rights anti-change

  5. Roots of Modern ConservativesHighlights and Lowlights • 1934 – American Liberty League formed to oppose FDR and the New Deal. The Socialist Programs of the New Deal were the “downfall of democracy”. Members were accused of a plot to overthrow the American government in a military coup • Most members were conservative DEMOCRATS • Notable Member: Prescott Bush VS.

  6. 1937 – Court Packing Fiasco – Public outcry against FDR’s attempt to load the Supreme Court with judges friendly to the New Deal. • 1950’s and 1960’s - The Civil Rights Movement, the Women’s Rights Movement, The Anti-War Movement, and the drug culture all concerned conservatives Filthy hippies

  7. 1952 – Ike elected, 1st Republican President in 20 years • 1964 – Barry Goldwater loses to LBJ in a landslide • 1973 – Roe vs. Wade angers many conservatives

  8. By the late 1960’s, the Republican party had found it’s new rising star… https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2pbp0hur9RU 1980 Election RED = Reagan Blue = Carter

  9. 1980 – Ronald Reagan wins the election of 1980, bringing conservatives to the White House • Ronald Reagan’s election marks the convergence of Religious, Financial, and Cultural Conservatism within the Republican party

  10. Reaganomics • Supply Side economics – Give money to producers to stimulate the economy • https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cDWKEHbBh4g&nohtml5=False

  11. Alternately called Reaganomics, Supply Side Economics, Trickledown Economics and even “Voodoo Economics” (George H. W. Bush) • This is the EXACT opposite from New Deal and Great Society stimulus

  12. Tax cuts for the wealthy (from 70% to 30%) – designed to stimulate investments • Cuts in Government Agencies (EPA and Great Society Programs)

  13. Military Spending Increases – we spent the Soviet Union into the ground. They attempted to keep up with our military budget and bankrupted themselves in the process. • This creates a HUGE budget deficit, and the National Debt

  14. Deregulation – removed restrictions on banks (this process started under Jimmy Carter, and continued under Reagan). Allowed them to make riskier loans. • Led to the S&L Scandal – Collapse of the Savings and Loan, and the loss of 160 Billion Dollars in savings and investments. The US government (i.e. taxpayers) bailed out the S&L’s.

  15. Unequal Distribution of wealth in the 1980’s was higher than any period since WWII • The economy slowed further under Reagan in the early 1980’s, but rebounded very strongly by the end of the decade

  16. Strategic Defense Initiative • A space based satellite system DREAMED up by Reagan to protect us from Russian missiles. • Commonly known as “Star Wars” http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sMfmVzHZvkc

  17. 1984 Election Red = Reagan Blue = Mondale

  18. Iran Contra Affair • President Reagan (and many others) wanted to undermine the Marxist government of Nicaragua, known as the “Sandinistas” • CIA begins to train and arm “Contras”, who are anti-Sandinista rebels in Nicaragua. This was in violation of US laws forbidding intervening in the affairs of sovereign nations

  19. Congress becomes aware of the CIA’s activities, and cuts off funding. Many in the government still believe we should support the Contras. • Government officials had been selling cheap arms to moderate, anti-Ayatollah Khomeni Iranians through Israel in return for the release of US hostages held by Hezbollah in Lebanon.

  20. Members of the Reagan administration began redirecting money from the Iranians to the Contra’s. • This scheme is discovered, and members accused of conducting the activities are tried by the Senate (Even Reagan is called in). Oliver North becomes the “fall guy” • http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mfnRI5JTcXk

  21. Reagan denies all knowledge, and has never been associated directly to the sales to the Iranians or funding the Contras

  22. Reagan and Communism • Staunch Anti-communist • Became very good friends with Mikhail Gorbachev http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=M0NXs_uWPgg

  23. Gorbechev’s Reforms • Perestroika – Reform of the Soviet political and economic reform • Glasnost – Openness and transparency by the Soviet Government

  24. INF Treaty (Intermediate-Range Nuclear Forces Treaty) – major reduction of nukes in Europe

  25. The AIDS epidemic Unsure politically and medically, there is no immediate funding for research.

  26. George H W Bush (aka Bush 41) • Is a moderate Republican • Wants to boost the Clean Air Act • Wants to balance the budget

  27. Harsh attacks on Michael Dukakis, and vice versa…

  28. Greatest accomplishments is supervising the fall of the Soviet Union

  29. Fall of the Berlin Wall https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=snsdDb7KDkg RIP! 1961-1989

  30. Tiananmen Square China https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0lGyZpbA_tY

  31. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2f2k6iDFCL4&nohtml5=False

  32. Creates a global coalition and liberates Kuwait from Iraqi control

  33. 41 inherits the S&L scandal from Reagan • 41 inherits a huge budget deficit and a skyrocketing nation debt

  34. Read my lips: No New Taxes!

  35. In order to balance the budget, he is forced to break his election promise • His budget works, and the budget deficit is reduced, • Plan carries over thru the Clinton Administration, and up to 60% of Clintons budget surplus came from Bush’s Budget plan!

  36. Betrayal (aka the Election of 1992) • Bush raised taxes and supported some “Liberal” agencies, which angered the “Far Right”. Many saw him as having betrayed the Reagan Revolution.

  37. The “Far Right” attacks Bush as being too liberal. He is attacked by Republican Leadership (Newt Gingrich), and has Conservatives run against him (Pat Robertson), and a third party candidate promising low taxes and control of the national debt (Ross Perot)

  38. The Election of 1992 goes to Bill Clinton • Clinton 43% • Bush 37% • Perot 19% https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ta_SFvgbrlY

  39. Bush’s budget compromise and Clinton’s election push the Republican party further to the right, and liberal or moderate Republicans become a rarity, as do conservative Democrats

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