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Long-Term Plan Update

Long-Term Plan Update. Source Control Projects Carlos Adorisio. Bc71 NSID Basin. Project Manager: Vince Peluso/Carlos Adorisio Project Description:

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Long-Term Plan Update

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  1. Long-Term Plan Update Source Control Projects Carlos Adorisio

  2. Bc71NSID Basin Project Manager: Vince Peluso/Carlos Adorisio Project Description: • Perform a hydraulic evaluation of storm events in the NSID basin to determine if there will be negative impacts from redirecting water currently discharged to WCA 2A to the Hillsboro Canal as well as evaluation of the potential for connecting adjacent mining pits to the NSID water management system for additional surface water storage.

  3. Bc71NSID Basin Project status • Work completed to date • Developed base hydraulic model for NSID • Developed alternative hydraulic model for NSID basin which includes additional surface water storage area

  4. Bc71NSID Basin Project status • Work planned for remainder of FY04 • Development of base and alternative hydraulic models of Hillsboro Canal to determine impact of redirecting additional stormwater (May 2004)

  5. Source ControlsNSID Basin • SFWMD has entered into a $50,000 agreement with NSID to monitor and improve water quality • NSID has implemented operational BMPs that have reduced discharges into EPA • NSID requires renewal of permits for surface water management system every 5 years • NSID will implement inter-basin transfers of stormwater and will install a telemetry system to further reduce discharges into EPA • Agricultural areas being converted to residential and commercial uses will include additional storage and water quality treatment • District staff has met with representatives of Coral Springs and Parkland to pursue public outreach and pollution prevention activities • Public outreach initiatives for NSID will be developed as part of the ESP POP

  6. Bc72NNRC Basin Project Manager: Carlos Adorisio Project Description: • A flood impact analysis will be performed to ensure that the basin’s current level of flood protection is maintained if the use of structure G-123 is discontinued

  7. Bc72NNRC Basin Project status • Work completed to date • Prepared draft SOW for flood impact analysis • Work planned for remainder of FY04 • Perform flood impact analysis (June thru September 2004)

  8. Source Controls NNRC Basin

  9. Source ControlsNNRC Basin • SFWMD has entered into agreements totaling $100,000 with drainage districts and/or cities to monitor upstream structures and implement appropriate BMPs • All drainage districts require renewal of permits for surface water management systems every 5 years • BDD’s Landscape contractor follows BMPs for Turf and Landscape • PAID will install automated systems at all pump stations • PAID will improve road side swales • OPWCD will install remote sensing systems that will allow reduced discharges into EPA • Public outreach initiatives for the drainage districts and cities within NNRC Basin will be developed as part of the ESP POP

  10. Bc73C-11 W Basin Project Manager: Carlos Adorisio Project Description: • Assist local communities in developing, evaluating and implementing source controls. • Perform feasibility analysis and conceptual design of water quality improvement measures for consideration in the Western C-11 Impoundment PIR. Analysis to include evaluation of potential connection between the Western C-11 Impoundment and the WCA-3A/3B Levee Seepage Management CERP projects.

  11. Bc73C-11 W Basin Project status • Work completed to date • Developed Draft Public Outreach Plan (POP) • Developed enhanced Know-The-Flow course • Established in conjunction with FDACS Nursery and Equine working groups to develop BMPs

  12. Bc73C-11 W Basin Project status • Work completed to date (cont’d) • Awarded contract to perform preliminary evaluation of treatment potential of Western C-11 Impoundment • Initiated preliminary evaluation of potential connection of 3-A Seepage Management Area (Buffer Area) to Western C-11 Impoundment (work done in-house)

  13. Bc73C-11 W Basin Project status • Work planned for remainder of FY04 • Develop in coordination with Broward County a countywide Turf and Landscape BMP manual (September 2004) • Develop Nursery and Equine BMP manuals (September 2004) • Establish a Broward County Pollution Prevention Task Force (May 2004) • Finalize POP (September 2004)

  14. Bc73C-11 W Basin Project status • Work planned for remainder of FY04 (cont’d) • Complete preliminary evaluation of treatment potential of Western C-11 Impoundment (March 2004) • Prepare report with findings of preliminary evaluation of potential connection of Buffer Area to Western C-11 Impoundment (April 2004)

  15. Source ControlsC-11 W Basin

  16. Source ControlsC-11 W Basin SFWMD has entered into agreements totaling $115,000 with drainage districts to monitor upstream structures, establish public involvement activities and implement appropriate BMPs SFWMD requires (when needed) additional pretreatment facilities/features for new development A Turf and Landscape BMP Manual was developed for the C-11 West Basin SFWMD and CBWCD have posted pollution prevention message signs along the C-11 Canal and CBWCD’s secondary canals CBWCD staff does water quality presentations at local elementary schools All drainage districts require renewal of permits for surface water management systems every 5 years and CBWCD’s engineering requirements include addition of special or more stringent requirements Landscape contractors for ITDD follow BMPs for Turf and Landscape

  17. Source ControlsC-11 W Basin SBDD will install control structures at all discharge points that will provide additional storage and water quality treatment (SFWMD’s CERP division is to contribute $1M) SBDD will modify operation of S-8 pump station to provide additional storage and water quality treatment SFWMD will investigate if ITDD pumping system could provide additional storage and water quality treatment CBWCD is planning to install control structures at all discharge points that will provide additional storage and water quality treatment (SFWMD is requesting a legislative appropriation for $1M in FY05 ) SFWMD will implement a Nursery BMP Grant Program Additional public outreach initiatives for the C-11 West Basin will be developed as part of the ESP POP

  18. Bc75Acme Basin B Project Manager: Damon Meiers Project Description: • Assist Village of Wellington in developing, evaluating and implementing source controls. • CERP directly addresses Acme Basin B as an Other Project Element (OPE)

  19. Bc75Acme Basin B Project status • Work completed to date • LTP funding for source controls scheduled to begin in FY05 • CERP project is in PIR phase with alternatives analysis concentrating on discharging Basin B to STA1-E • Work planned for remainder of FY04 • SFWMD, Wellington and USACE are pursuing schedule for completion of CERP project by the end of 2006

  20. Source ControlsAcme Basin B Cooperative agreement to improve water quality monitoring program throughout Wellington, including autosamplers w/ telemetry at pump stations Cooperative agreement to implement BMPs that led to an ordinance regulating livestock waste storage and hauling and application of low P fertilizer only. Village has dedicated compliance staff for BMP ordinance. Purchase of 374 acres within Section 24 ($4.1 mil) for future use in CERP project as a WQ improvement and environmental feature Enhanced requirements for WQ treatment in ERP applications for Basin B Dedicated SFWMD staff members to oversee increased compliance and enforcement activities in Basin B Cooperative agreement to provide $50,000 for implementation of BMPs Village has implemented WQ and BMP education campaign A canal maintenance program has been revised to include removal of excess vegetation and practices to keep sediments away from canal banks

  21. Long-Term Plan Update Source Control Projects Carmela Bedregal

  22. Bc74Feeder Canal Basin Project Manager: Carmela Bedregal Project Description: • Develop and implement a voluntary BMP program in the West Feeder Canal Sub-basin Wingate Mill Canal

  23. Bc74 Feeder Canal Basin Project status • Work completed to date • Developed a BMP Grant Program for all Western Basins, including L-28 (NRCS partner). Milestone: $200K reimbursed for completed projects • Held second Western Basins Interagency Working Group meeting to discuss source control WQ improvement strategies • Work planned for remainder of FY04 • Continue monitoring progress of grant projects and sub-basin water quality • Evaluate additional BMP Grant Program proposals • Offer BMP workshops

  24. Bc74 Feeder Canal Basin • Concurrent Basin Efforts • Review SW permits compliance • Update new or modified SW permits conditions to incorporate applicable BMPs • Working with North Feeder landowners to implement water management BMPs • Evaluating alternative WQ improvement projects (e.g., diversion of a portion of L-28 flows) • Optimization of District structures (PC17A sediment traps)

  25. Bc81(2) C-139 Basin Project Manager: Carmela Bedregal Project Description: • Identify discharges that are candidates for implementation of cost effective source controls • Characterize management practices on lands or processes tributary to those discharges • Implement these source controls in concert with landowners or municipalities

  26. Bc81(2)C-139 Basin Project status • Work completed to date • Initiated inspections to verify implementation of rule mandated Level I BMPs • Developed BMP Grant Program for voluntary implementation of BMPs (partnership with NRCS & FDACS) • Work planned for remainder of FY04 • Monitor progress of the grant funded BMP projects • Develop and initiate an evaluation for potential regional BMPs • Offer BMP workshops • Concurrent Efforts • Review Surface Water Permit compliance and update conditions as necessary for new or modified permits

  27. Bc81(1)EAA Basins Project Manager: Carmela Bedregal Project Description: • Identify discharges that are candidates for cost effective implementation of source controls • Characterize management practices on lands or processes tributary to those discharges • Implement cost effective source controls in concert with landowners or municipalities

  28. Bc81(1)EAA Basins Project status • Work completed to date • Initiated farm data analysis to identify areas of opportunity • On-going BMP Regulatory Program with inspections and reporting requirements • NRCS funded nutrient and drainage management BMPs • Work planned for remainder of FY04 • Continued analysis of farm level data • Establish a technical advisory working group with landowners • Offer BMP workshops

  29. Long-Term Plan Update Public Comment

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