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EEL 3705 / 3705L Digital Logic Design

EEL 3705 / 3705L Digital Logic Design. Spring 2007 Instructor: Dr. Michael Frank Module #13: Latches and Flip-Flops (Thanks to Dr. Perry for some slides). Topics covered in this Module. Topic 3. Sequential Digital Logic Subtopic 3.1. Basic Sequential Elements: Latches & Flip-Flops.

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EEL 3705 / 3705L Digital Logic Design

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  1. EEL 3705 / 3705LDigital Logic Design Spring 2007Instructor: Dr. Michael FrankModule #13: Latches and Flip-Flops(Thanks to Dr. Perry for some slides)

  2. Topics covered in this Module • Topic 3. Sequential Digital Logic • Subtopic 3.1. Basic Sequential Elements: Latches & Flip-Flops. • 3.2.1. Basic (SR, D, JK) latch/FF implementations using logic gates • 3.2.2. Implementations using CMOS transmission gates. • CIO 7. [LatchFF] Analyze characteristic tables and timing diagram of D latches and D flip-flops.

  3. Outline of Lecture • Fundamental concepts of sequential logic: • Storing bits of state info. using bistable elements • Latches versus flip-flops • Sequential updating of state information • Finite State Machine models • Simple latch designs • Switch-based, transmission-gate based, logic-gate based • Distinction between static vs. dynamic latches • SR latches and D latches • Simple flip-flop designs • Transmission-gate based, logic-gate based • D flip-flops and JK flip-flops

  4. Combinational logic circuits: Contain no feedback loops Circuit outputs never “wrap back around” to feed circuit inputs Have no persistent memory As soon as new inputs are received, new outputs are computed directly from them, and the old outputs are forgotten. Require an amount of hardware that is proportional to the number of operations that must be performed in an algorithm. A given piece of hardware cannot be reused several times during the processing of the same piece of input data. Are usually self-timed Data is allowed to propagate through the circuit as fast as it can, with no external control Sequential logic circuits: Contain feedback loops Can have persistent memory Internal bits of state that are not all necessarily subject to change as soon as new inputs are received. Can execute iterative algorithms with low hardware cost, via sequential reuse Steps of the algorithm may be carried out by reusing the same piece of logic hardware over and over again Are usually regulated by a clock This controls the timing of the sequence of steps of the algorithm being carried out This minimizes the effects of propagation delay variations Combinational vs. Sequential Logic

  5. The Ring Oscillator: The Simplest Sequential Logic Circuit • Consider connecting three inverters to each other in a loop, like this: • What will this circuit do? • Go around and around, constantly flipping its bits, in an infinite loop • Some problems with this circuit: • There are no inputs • Output has limited usefulness • Its precise behavior and timing are uncontrolled 1 0 1 0 1 0 In this lecture,we’ll be exploring design method-ologies for build-ing more useful,well-controlledsequential circuits.

  6. Bistable Elements • To store (remember) a bit of information, you need a bistable element • a physical system that has (at least) two naturally stable states • I.e., a very slow background rate of spontaneous transitions between states • Some familiar examples: • Toggle switch, coin on a table • Of course, we can also build bistable elements electronically! • Charge stored on an isolated capacitor • State of a logic circuit with feedback

  7. Concept for a Simple Capacitor-Based Storage Element Vdd • Connect one terminal of the capacitor to a single-pole, double-throw switch, which can connect to Vdd (logic high voltage), GND (logic low voltage), or to neither. • Connect to Vdd Store a 1 • Connect to GND  Store a 0 • Disconnect  • Capacitor holds stored value, for a time (it gradually decays) GND Since the stored chargechanges dynamically (on its own) over time, this iscalled dynamic storage. This method of infor-mation storage is the basis of DRAM (dynamic random-access memory).

  8. Implementing the Capacitive Storage Concept using Transistors (DRAM cell) ~p • Replace the SPDT switch with: • An externally-controlled data input port in • Externally-controlled complementary pair of signals p, ~p controlling a transmission gate • When “pass” signal p=1 (~p=0), transmission gate is on (conducting) • out = M = in • When p=0 (~p=1), transmission gate is off (nonconducting) • out = M = const. • Value is held capacitively. • C should be substantial • In an actual DRAM cell, the transmission gate is usually replaced by a single nFET transistor. • This is the simplest possible “D latch” (data latch) M in out C p Transmissiongate p,~p 2 M in out DynamicD latch C

  9. What is a Latch? • A latch is a bistable storage element that has (at least) two operating modes: • An unlatched or transparent mode, in which changes to certain inputs are immediately reflected at the output. • An unlatched latch allows data to pass through it unimpeded • Like an unlatched latch on a baby gate allows toddlers to pass through unimpeded • A latched or held mode, in which the output remains stable (at the stored value) regardless of what is happening to the latch inputs. • The information is “latched in place” and is remembered, as long as we are in this mode My Data

  10. A Basic Static Bistable Element – Cross-Coupled Inverters • Clearly, the logic circuit at right has two stable states… • It can thus serve as a bistable storage element. • It is called a “static” storage element, • because the voltage levels will remain stable indefinitely, • as long as power is supplied to the inverters. • Only question: • How do we change its state? 0 1 0 1

  11. A Simple Static D Latch Using Inverters and Transmission Gates • When p=1, the input in directly connects to the storage node M • Just like in the DRAM case. • When p=0, the input is disconnected, and M is instead driven by the bottom inverter • And is thus maintained at the same value, ~~M = M. p,~p out # oftransistors:8 (2 in ea.inverter &ea. T-gate) M in ~M ~p,p Compare to the dynamic D latch of a few slides back

  12. Characteristic Table of D Latch transparent latched abbreviated version output is the sameas a moment before

  13. Set-Reset (SR) Latch Using NAND Gates • Replace inverters in the previous example with NAND gates • Use extra inputs of gates, instead of T-gates, to control the latch. • If ~S (set) and ~R (reset) are never both asserted, • When ~R is asserted (0), ~M = 1, and so M=0  out. • When ~S is asserted (0), M = 1  out, and ~M = 0. • When neither is asserted (both are 1), the NANDs become equivalent to NOTs, and the circuit holds its state like cross-coupled inverters. out ~R ~R ~M M ~M out ~S M ~S the same circuit drawn in two different ways

  14. Characteristic Table of SR Latch “set” (to 1) asserted notlatched “reset” (to 0) asserted latched Output is 1 in this particular circuit,but will be undefined after ~S and ~Rget deasserted. Because of this, this input case is “illegal” (disallowed).

  15. Building a D latch from an SR latch • Incorrect attempt #1: Since R=0 causes out=0, let’s rename ~R to D (data in), and generate ~S from the complement of D, so that when D=1, we’ll get out=1. • Can you see the problem with this design? • It passes data through OK… But, this “latch” is always unlatched! • It’s logically equivalent to a wire that connects D directly to out. • How do we fix this problem? (See next slide.) ~R Clue: There is noinput to controlthe latch mode! D ~M out M ~S

  16. Completed D-latch Design • To turn that fancy wire back into a latch, we need to add a “latched” mode, in which both ~S and ~R are deasserted (1). • Generate ~S and ~R with two NAND gates, which will output 1 whenever the ~L “latch” input is asserted (0). • When ~L = 1 (deasserted), these NANDs act like NOTs, and copy D and its complement over to ~R and ~S, resp. ~D ~R ~M out D M ~S ~L

  17. Characteristic Table of This D Latch Same as the previous D latch example, just using different symbols for the inputs. transparent latched

  18. Sequential Logic with Latches • Given just latches, we can directly implement any desired sequential algorithm as follows: • When a “clock” signal goes high, the upper bank of latches goes transparent • And the right-hand combinational logic receives new inputs and computes new outputs. • Then, when the clock goes low, the upper latches latch, and the lower bank of latches goes transparent. • Then the left-hand combinational logic receives new inputs and computes new outputs • The process repeats each clock cycle, and the data can be transformed iteratively over many sequential steps. clock ~L comb.logic comb.logic ~L Possible hazard (race condition): Both sets of latches may brieflybe transparent, just after a risingedge… “Fast” signals throughcombinational logic may circulateall the way around & corrupt state

  19. Next Topic: Flip-Flops • A flip-flop is similar to a latch, except that: • Its state is only “unlatched” (subject to change) for very brief periods • Usually, during a rising or falling edge of some controlling clock signal • Depending on the particular flip-flop design, the new output may depend on what the controlling input was at a considerably earlier time • I.e., the flip-flop may have some significant built-in internal delay (typically, ½ a clock cycle) between input sampling and output modification

  20. Common Types of Flip-Flops • SR (set-reset) flip-flop: • Controlled by R and S inputs, like an RS latch • But, state changes are edge-triggered instead of level-enabled. • JK flip-flop: • Has inputs named J and K, similar to S and R… • Behavior is very similar to an SR flip-flop • Except that when both J and K are asserted, the flip-flop toggles its state (new state  NOT old state) on the active clock edge. • T (toggle) flip-flop • Like a JK flip-flop, but lacks separate J and K inputs. • Is always toggled on the active edge, or if an optional T input is asserted. • D (data) flip-flop • Controlled by a D (data) input, like a D latch • But, state changes are edge-triggered instead of level-enabled

  21. More slides to come… • Show internal structure of various flip-flops…

  22. Dr. Perry’s Slides Following are some old slides by Dr. Perry on Latches & Flip-Flops, left over from previous semesters…

  23. Memory Devices

  24. Memory Devices • Data Latch (D-latch) • Flip-flops (edge triggered) • D-FF, D Register • JK-FF • T-FF

  25. Latches

  26. D-Latch Block Diagram Symbol 4 inputs: D,E,Pre,Rst One output: Q D = Data Input E = Enable Input Pre = Preset Input Rst = Reset Input

  27. D-Latch Truth Table Symbol Truth Table

  28. D-LatchState Equations Symbol Truth Table Equation (level clock)

  29. SR-LatchState Equations Symbol Truth Table Equation (level clock)

  30. Example T-FF D-FF D-Latch

  31. Simulation

  32. Flip-Flops

  33. D-FF Positive Edge TriggeredBlock Diagram Symbol 4 inputs: D,Clk,Pre,Rst One output: Q D = Data Input Clk = Clock Input Pre = Preset Input Rst = Reset Input

  34. D-FF Truth Table Symbol Truth Table Equation (rising clock)

  35. D-FF Truth Table Symbol Truth Table Equation (rising clock) Pre= Preset Input (active low) Rst = Reset Input (active low) Highest priority

  36. D-FF Truth Table Symbol Truth Table Equation (rising clock) D = Data Input Clk = Clock input Qn = Register Output

  37. D-FF Truth TableQn follows D on Rising Edge of CLK Symbol Truth Table Equation (rising clock) D = Data Input Clk = Clock input Qn = Register Output

  38. T-FF (Toggle)Changes state on every tick of CLK Symbol Equation (rising clock) Truth Table

  39. SR-FFSet =>Qn=1Reset=>Qn=0 Symbol Equation (rising clock) Truth Table

  40. JK-FF Symbol Equation (rising clock) Truth Table

  41. Example: Design a JK-FF usingonly Logic and a D-FF Symbol Truth Table

  42. Example State Table State Diagram Let s0=0 and s1=1

  43. JK-FF Truth Table Logic Equations

  44. Recall Moore FSM State Equations Next State Present State Output Vector Input Vector Clock Feedback Path Reset State Equations

  45. F Logic D-Register JK Example Circuit Schematic ns ps X input H Logic (buffer) Block Diagram

  46. JK Example Circuit Schematic Simulation

  47. Memory

  48. Memory • We will add memory (or registers) to our logic circuits. This will allow us to design sequential circuits.

  49. Registers • We will represent registers with the following block diagram Clock and reset are control signals Ns and ps are data signals

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