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Legal Technology Curriculum: Current Trends & Future Directions

Explore the impact of informatization on the legal curriculum in China, from online legislative reviews to AI in legal practice. Discover the changes in legal education programs and academic courses at Fudan University.

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Legal Technology Curriculum: Current Trends & Future Directions

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  1. Legal Technology Curriculum: Current Trends & Future Directions AlexZHANG Washington&LeeUniversityLawSchool JoanLIU InstituteofHumanitiesandSocialScienceData FudanUniversityLibrary CAFLL6thBiennialConference American University, School of Law July10,2019

  2. OUTLINE • InformatizationinRealityandCurriculuminClassroominChina • IsHicks’“Teaching LegalBibliography” Method Still Relevant?  • Hicks’MethodandBeyond

  3. I.InformatizationinRealityandCurriculuminClassroom • The State of CouncilissuedtheNoticefor“NationalInformatizationPlan”for2016-2020,withtasksas: • Optimization of current internet infrastructureinlegalinstitutions; • Enhancementofthe official websites byaddingmoresubstantial contents to provide information services; • Automation of the communication system and enhancedtransparency; • Digitalizationofdocuments and files tofast-movingcaseloadsand enhance the efficiency.

  4. I.InformatizationinRealityandCurriculuminClassroom • Legislature • Online release legislative drafts for public review,andonline submission of legislative suggestionstoenhancetransparency forlegislative process; • Construct more laws and other content-based databases; • Usesocial media, such as Wechat, Blog, Weiboviamobile devicesto bridge the congress to the citizens;

  5. I.InformatizationinRealityandCurriculuminClassroom • Judiciary–“smartcourt”: • Improve information construction standards and infrastructure: all courts are networked and the court facilities are automated; • Comprehensive coverage, archival, and system integration for judicial informationaccessnation-wide; • Explore the means of big data to improve the quality of case handling and serve judicial reform.Usesuchbig data for trial enforcement, judicial management,andjudicial services.

  6. I.InformatizationinRealityandCurriculuminClassroom • Lawyers:professionally guided by Chinese lawyers associations • KnowledgeManagement:automation of firmsofficemanagementsystemanddigitalizing inhousecase materials; • ApplyingAIapplicationtoanalyzecases; • Buildingupelectronicresourcescollectionforeffectiveresearch; • Traininglawyers to access online sources(byyoungassociates);

  7. I.InformatizationinRealityandCurriculuminClassroom • The status ofavailablelegalsources • Primary sources available through officialoropen access portals; • Newlawsandlegalupdatespublishedandavailableviavariousmeans; • Courtdecisionslargelyavailableviacourts’websitesandopensources; • Freelegalinformationonlineservicesstartdeveloping(无讼,Openlaw.cn,Findlaw.cn); • The scholarship in full-texts mainly through commercial publications or databases,index or table of contents available via publishers’ websites.

  8. I.InformatizationinRealityandCurriculuminClassroom • Legaleducationinstitutionshavereactedtothedemandfrompracticeanddevelopedrathercomprehensiveacademicprograms; • Institutesorcentersunderlawschoolsoninformationtechnologyhavedrawnmoreinterest; • Competencyandskill-setsontechnologyandresearchwhichlegal research coursescouldofferhavereceivedmoreattention,althoughthe lawschoolcurriculumsgenerallycoverlegaldoctrines.

  9. LegalEducationPrograms

  10. Legal Research Related CoursesatFudanU. • Legal Info Retrieval and Academic Writing • Law school course • JM student • 1 or 2 credit; elective JM; core International JM • MLIS advisor with U Library • Academic Standards and Writing • University general elective • All level of graduate student uni-wide • 1 credit • Subject Librarians with U Library • Electronic Resources Retrieval • University general elective • Graduate students from Humanities, Social Sciences, and Arts • 2 credit • Doc Retrieval Teaching Team with U Library • Legal Literature, Analysis, and Access (part of Methodology of Jurisprudence) • Law school course • LLM • 3 credit, core • MLIS advisor with U Library • Embedded Bibliographic Instructions • Law school course • All level of students • Law Subject Librarian with U Library • Information Literacy and Scientific Discovery • University general elective • All undergraduates university-wide • 2 credit • Doc Retrieval Teaching Team with U Library

  11. II.Is Hicks’“Teaching LegalBibliography” Method Still Relevant? • Hicks “Teaching legal bibliography” has atleastthreedifferent divisions (1918): • “Legal bibliographyproperwhichdealswiththerepositoriesofthelaw”; • “Methods of finding this law”; 3.“brief-making”,“orderly presentation of arguments based on authorities,andinconformitywiththerulesofthecourttowhichtheyareaddrest.” Frederick C. Hicks, The Teaching of Legal Bibliography, 11 LAW LIBR. J. 1 (1918).

  12. II.IsHicks’“Teaching LegalBibliography” Method Still Relevant? • China’sdilemma(100yearafterHicks’claim) • Asinthebeginningof20thcenturyinUS,overwhelming advancement of legal publishing resulted in an urgent need for legal information specialists or law librarians; • On the other side, theaccelerationofinformation technologydeludeus.Wethoughtthatwecouldskipthetraditionalmanualprocesstoexcel.

  13. II.IsHicks’“Teaching LegalBibliography” Method Still Relevant? • An unprecedented increase of legislations: • National law,2000 • Administrative regulations,7000 • Ministerial level,200,000 • More for provincial laws, regulations, rules, etc.; • An unprecedented increase of courtdecisions: Supreme People’s Court: court decisions, interpretation, guidelines, and guiding cases, ca 70,000 (Openlaw.cnstores70millionsofdecisionsforalllevelsofcourts)

  14. The unprecedented increase of publications of legal scholarship • Totalpublicationtitlesforlawrelatedsubject: • 1995,ca2000titles • 2006,ca10,900titles–10yearincrease500% • 2016,ca19,000titles–10yearincrease100% • 2017,ca13,000 titles–decrease8%from2016 Coursebooks; Legal treatises; Law journals(academicjournals,180); Referencebooks; Others…

  15. II.IsHicks’“Teaching Legal Bibliography” Method Still Relevant? • Thecomplexityofthelaws • Interpretation of unclearly drafted provisionsin national laws, regulations, and rules, etc. ; • Inconsistencieswithinthescheme ofthelawson specific subjects; • Ambiguousstatusofjudicialsourcesbythe SPC.

  16. II.Is Hicks’“Teaching LegalBibliography” Method Still Relevant? • Thecoursestructureandthecoverageofthejurisdictions(18class) • Chineselegalmaterialsandretrieval,10 • Introofforeignlegalmaterials,3 • Intro.ofinternationallawandinternationalorganizations,3 • Academicwriting:standardsandcitations,2

  17. III.Hicks’MethodandBeyond • Learningthe strategies of retrieval • FromOPAC(localtoWorldcat)toLibGuides&researchguides; • Defineandconstruct search termswithvariousthesaurus forms&Booleanlogics; • Comparesearching algorism with different databases; • Knowledge of index &abstracts; • Identify the relevance and authenticity of the search results by sorting&filtering; • Languages(i.e.ChineseandEnglish)correspondingtoeachotheronkeywords; • Citationformatsandmanuals.

  18. III.Hicks’MethodandBeyond • Takehomeexamasanevaluationandsurvey • Research topics freelychosen; • Utilizeall the sources/producers in both print and digital formats; • Explainthe path of retrievalprocess(500words); • Identify the significant sources; • Usevisual effect application curve of the changes on the researchtopic; • Identifyandevaluatemost significant sourcesonthetopic; • Usesoftware tools to form citations and references.

  19. III.Hicks’MethodandBeyond • Classroomsetting • Electronic laboratory classroom with high speed internet; • Hand-on practices or pop-quizzesassigned immediately after the segments of the lecture; • Teaching with online sourceslifedemomakingstudentsmoreattentive

  20. III.Hicks’MethodandBeyond • “E-Learning”platformat FudanU.withmultiples capabilities • Postteaching materials, readings,andannouncements; • Carryovercommunications between professor and students; • Monitorthe levelofattentivenessof the students to the class. • Mobilecommunicationto continue teaching and learning out of classroom:Wechatgroupforeachclass

  21. III.Hicks’MethodandBeyond • Furthertechnologytoolsworthtoaddtothecourse: • Findingaidforspecialcollectionandarchival; • Documentmanagementsoftware,suchasEndNote, NoteExpresscombiningreferences, citations, and publishingwhenwritingscholarlywork; • Dataandresourcesmanagement,Excel,SPSS.

  22. III.Hicks’MethodandBeyond • Furtherskills… • Legal documents drafting,editing,andpublishing; • EffectivePowerPoint presentation; • Visualeffectapplications (Chinalawinfo’snewvisualizationfeatureoncasestatisticalreport).

  23. ThankYou! 谢 谢!

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