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Online Coordinator Training

Online Coordinator Training. The Online Learning Platform June 2, 2010. About Being an Online Coordinator About Preparing Students for Taking Online Classes About Online Academics Frequently Asked Questions Campus Vue Online Enrollment System eCollege CCi Administrator Profiles

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Online Coordinator Training

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  1. Online Coordinator Training The Online Learning Platform June 2, 2010

  2. About Being an Online Coordinator About Preparing Students for Taking Online Classes About Online Academics Frequently Asked Questions Campus Vue Online Enrollment System eCollege CCi Administrator Profiles Integrated Academic Dashboard Error Reports Using eCollege to Research Student Issues What should I know?

  3. Online Coordinator Orientation What should you do to understand your role better? • Review the Student Handbook in the Admin Notes Nuggets • Review the Online Coordinator Training materials in the Admin Notes Nuggets • Review your Orientation course in the Everest Hybrid Orientation term • Review the Sample Courses in the Special Courses term • Review all documents in the Administrator, Instructor, and Student Nuggets • Review the Campus Vue (Project Unify) training materials related to Online available on the Intranet • Be sure that you know who to contact for different types of student issues • Review the Course Catalog and ensure that you understand all Online policies and processes

  4. Student Orientation How can you prepare your students for online learning? • Review the Online Student Handbook presentation with your students • Walk your students through your Orientation course in the Everest Hybrid Orientation term • Review the Sample Courses in the Special Courses term with your students • Review all documents in the Student Nuggets with your students • Make sure your students are aware of the Online Resources available to them • Make sure your students know who to contact with different types of issues

  5. An Academic Support Team Directory is provided in this presentation, but it is also updated regularly in eCollege in the Online Support nugget, where you will find additional instructions regarding who to contact for specific issues. The Academics Summary information provided in this presentation will keep you updated each term on curriculum, faculty, and student support initiatives. The Academics Program Offerings slide offers a glimpse at the programs offered online. As part of the ongoing Curriculum project, we currently have 11 courses in the Phase I (12-week) format. All other courses are set up in the 6-unit format. As part of online Student Support initiatives, you will find information about Online Library Resources, courses supported by the Online Writing Center, courses supported by the Online Tutoring Center, and courses supported by Smarthinking. Demo Profiles have been set up so that Online Campus Coordinators can give students a guided tour of the Student Nuggets, the Sample 12-week course, the Sample 6-unit course, and Sample Orientation course prior to registration. About Academics What should you know about the Online Academics team?

  6. Online Academic Support Team Jon Persavich, Ph.D. Provost Jeni RichardsExecutive Assistant Anne HayburnDirectorOnline Instruction Kimberly HoytDirectorOnline Technologies Nancy Vokins, Ph.D. DirectorAcademic Support • Instruction – Curriculum and Faculty Management • Technologies – Systems Management • Academic Support – Faculty Recruiting and Student Support

  7. Online Technical Support Team Kimberly Hoyt Director Online Technology Rita Clark Attendance, Registration eCollege/CampusVue/SAS Technical Support Coordinator Diane Injerd Faculty Payroll eCollege/OES, Grade Changes Technical Support Coordinator It is vital for quick resolution of student issues that you read carefully all emails sent to you by the online support team. We provide a lot of information that requires immediate resolution. Please follow the instructions provided to resolve current issues and prevent future ones.

  8. Academic Support Team Directory A current directory can be obtained through the Online Support Nugget in eCollege.

  9. Be sure that students contact their instructors regarding the issues that they have brought to you. Check the What’s New feature in the student’s course and User Activity in the Gradebook to see if students or instructors were present or absent during a given period. Check the Gradebook to see if students are enrolled in a team; a team discussion board will not appear in the Gradebook otherwise. Review the syllabus and textbook list to see if the student has the correct textbook and software requirements. Make sure that the students are familiar with the student expectations, instructor expectations, plagiarism, netiquette, and flaming policies located in Course Home. Check the Instructor Office in the Course Home area to see if student questions are being answered there. An internal email feature has become a part of each online course so that all communications between students and instructors can be monitored, especially to ensure that students are indeed emailing their instructors and instructors are responding within 24 hours. Review the Gradebook to ensure that the instructors have submitted final grades within 72 hours of the close of a week or unit. Review the syllabus and class and team discussion postings for a student to see that they are meeting the course requirements. Before Contacting Academics

  10. Contact the Program Associate Dean: If an instructor is not responding to student emails within 24 hours If an instructor is not posting weekly announcements or there is a problem with an existing announcement If the Gradebook has not been updated within 72 hours of the week or unit close or there are questions about instructor comments in the Gradebook If an instructor is not answering questions in the Instructor Office or appears to be absent from the class If you notice a problem with the textbook in the online course If you notice a problem with a course assignment that does not reflect what is on the syllabus or is confusing to the student Contact Online Support at onlinesupport@cci.edu: If your students cannot see their courses in eCollege Contact the Help Desk at 1-888-579-0191: If your students are having problems logging into their courses If your students are having issues accessing items in the course Who to Contact with Student Issues

  11. Academics: Summary This Academics Summary will be updated each term in this presentation.

  12. Academics: Program Offerings • 5 Programs + General Education • 327 Courses • Business (90 Courses) • Accounting (AS and BS) • Applied Management (BS) • Business (AS, BS, and MBA) • Business Administration • International Business • Management • Marketing • Human Resources Management • Wyotech • Computer Science (48 Courses – AS and BS) • Programming - Web Design - Network Administration • Criminal Justice (79 Courses – AS, BS, and MS) • Criminal Justice - Criminal Investigation - Homeland Security • Medical Insurance Billing and Coding (21 Courses) • Paralegal (43 Courses) • General Education (46 Courses)

  13. Phase I Course Offerings: 12 Week Format These courses are currently set up in the 12 Week format, but the list will continue to grow each term. * Also in 6-week format for Mini-term ** 6-week Course *** Not offered during the Mini-term

  14. Guide to Online Resources

  15. Student Support These courses are currently supported by special projects designed to assist students with tutoring needs, but these lists will likely grow each year. Courses Supported by SmarThinking ENG 0099 – Fundamental English ENC 1101 – Comp I ENC 1102 – Comp II ENC 3211 – Report Writing AML 2000 – American Lit MAT 0099 – Fundamental Math MAT 1033 – College Algebra OST 2335 – Business Communications Courses Supported by the Writing and Tutoring Centers SLS 1105 Strategies for Success MAN 1030 Introduction to Business Enterprise MAN 2021 Principles of Management MAN 2031 Let’s Talk Business MAN 2300 Introduction to Human Resources MAR 1011 Introduction to Marketing

  16. Writing and Tutoring Centers The Course Home area will have links to the Writing and Tutoring Center or SmarThinking if the course is supported by these resources.

  17. Online Writing Center If your students are taking one of the Student Support courses, they will be able to access the writing center staffed by our online instructors.

  18. Online Tutoring Center If your students are taking one of the Student Support courses, they will be able to access the tutoring center staffed by our online instructors.

  19. SmarThinking If your students are taking one of the Student Support courses, they will be able to access the SmarThinking for tutoring assistance.

  20. Introducing Students to Online Learning • Five Demo Student Profiles have been created to be used for orientation purposes so that you can show students around in eCollege. • If you are asked to change the password when login, please do so, but immediately reset the password to onlinecci.

  21. Everest Hybrid Orientation Each Online Coordinator should be enrolled as CCi Professor in a section of the Everest Hybrid Orientation term. Each of the five Demo Student profiles is enrolled in this course as CCi Student so that you can have your students login as a Demo Student and experience the online orientation course for themselves. The online orientation courses are set up as 12 week courses with plenty of videos that guide students through many aspects of taking online courses. If you do not have an orientation section, please contact Online Support at onlinesupport@cci.edu to ensure that you do.

  22. Special Courses term  Sample Courses The Special Courses term has some useful courses for students to tour when they are taking their first online courses. All CCi Student and CCi Professor profiles are automatically enrolled into these courses when their profile is created. The Everest 2010 Sample Orientation Course is the Everest University online orientation currently used. A sample course has been provided so that students are able to see both the 6 Unit and 12 Week formats of our courses. Students do not have the ability make any class or team discussion posts in these courses.

  23. Sample 12 Week Course This Sample course is provided to familiarize students with our 12 week courses.

  24. Sample 6 Unit Course This Sample course is provided to familiarize students with our 6 Unit courses.

  25. SampleOnline Orientation This Sample course is provided so that students can review the Orientation materials once they have their own eCollege profile.

  26. APA Special Course This Special course is provided so that students have a handy resource for APA guidelines and expectations that they will need throughout their online learning experience.

  27. Frequently Asked Questions • What is a nugget in eCollege? • How do I know what courses are offered at my campus? • How do I get programs approved for online delivery? • What do I do if a course that my campus is approved for is not linked in CampusVue? • How do I get a copy of the textbook list for each term? • When will I receive campus registration information for each term? • When will I receive course closure and cancellation information? • How does Add/Drop work for online? • What should I know about Online holidays? • How do I know if there has been a course number change? When do course code and name changes occur? • What is the schedule for student surveys in eCollege? • How can I obtain the most current faculty and student survey results? • What is a node in eCollege? • What do I do if I cannot see my student in eCollege and the system seems to indicate that the student profile already exists?

  28. Frequently Asked Questions • What information should I include when sending emails to the Online Support team? • Where can I find a Student Issue Form? • What is the process for submitting SIF forms to Academic Support? • How do I request a grade change for students who believe that their grades need to be updated? • How do instructors report grade changes? When will I receive this report? • Does Online block students from their online sections under any circumstances? • When will Social Security Numbers no longer be used as the login ID for eCollege? • How do I set up an International Student for Online, since there is not a Social Security Number to use for the eCollege login ID? • Why is there a redirect page that asks for student contact information?

  29. Finding Information in eCollege What is a nugget in eCollege? When you login to www.onlinecci.com, you will find important documents on the OnlineCCi tab in the left navigation area, which we refer to as nuggets. In the Admin Notes nugget, you will find regularly updated forms and documents, including the online Attendance Policy, the most current Academic Calendar, the Master Course Offering List, Faculty and Student Surveys, and this presentation. Other nuggets provide information regarding grade change forms and processes, academic policies shared with instructors, and other online support information. Since viewing specific nuggets is limited by profile, there is some redundancy in documents. This way students and instructors are able to see information that is relevant to them.

  30. Course Offering List How do I know what courses are offered at my campus? Approximately 3-4 weeks prior to a full-term start, a course offerings list and textbook list email is sent to campuses with reminders to review the special notes and the campus approvals on the spreadsheets included in the email. Course ID and Name changes, if any, will be reflected in both the course offerings list and textbook spreadsheets.CampusVue and all other systems will reflect ID and name changes as you begin registering for the new term. Please check the school catalogs and addenda for the codes used by your school.

  31. Program and Course Approvals How do I get programs approved for online delivery? What do I do if a course that my campus is approved for is not linked in CampusVue? If you need a course or program approved, please fill out the SAS/SMS Request & Data Change form located in Admin Notes. It will need to be completed by your Campus President and submitted to the CCi IT Support Desk. All program approvals occur first through the Accreditation and Licensing department and then are processed in IT. If your campus has already been approved to offer specific courses, but you do not see them in CampusVue, contact Rita Clark at rclark@cci.edu to link these approved courses. Rita Clark will not be able to link your courses until the process has been completed by IT.

  32. Textbook List How do I get a copy of the textbook list for each term? Approximately 3-4 weeks prior to a full-term start, a course offerings list and textbook list email is sent to campuses with reminders to review the special notes and the campus approvals on the spreadsheets included in the email. Course ID and Name changes, if any, will be reflected in both the course offerings list and textbook spreadsheets.Once a new textbook list is available, it is uploaded into the Textbook Center nugget in eCollege so that instructors can use the Textbook Request Form and Publisher Contact Information to order new materials. This nugget is not visible to students. Online syllabi and content are updated in eCollege each term to reflect any textbook changes.

  33. Campus Registrations When will I receive campus registration information for each term? Once OES is set up, approximately 3 weeks prior to term start, campus registration information will begin being sent. If registration errors have not been removed from the Campus Vue Tibco error report, they will not be included in the campus registration numbers. Student enrollments will typically appear in eCollege the Wednesday prior to term start. OES holds student enrollments until all course have been copied into eCollege. Campuses will receive OES and eCollege error reports from the Wednesday prior to term start until the end of Add/Drop.

  34. Course Cancellations and Closures When will I receive course closure and cancellation information? Approximately 1-2 weeks prior to term start, the first potential course cancellations and closures lists will be sent to campuses. Campus numbers for students impacted by cancellations will be included so that you can determine whether one of your graduating students is on the cancellation list. Please notify onlinesupport@cci.edu immediately if a course needs to remain open for a graduating student or if you know that your campus will be registering enough students to meet the minimum 5 students required to run. Courses on the closure list are reviewed carefully before being placed on this list. The Online Academics Support team has created a second faculty recruiting team in order to avoid closing courses. We currently hire about 100 instructors each term; with the new team, we will be hiring approximately 200 per term. Once a course reaches the maximum students available for any course on the closure list, online support will begin contacting campuses to unregister students. Do not attempt to override the maximum student registrations available for any course. The Final Cancellation and Closure List will be emailed on the first day of the term. You can track updates to cancellations and closures in eCollege on the CCi Administrator Message Board.

  35. Add/Drop Period and Policies How does Add/Drop work for online? Throughout the Add/Drop period, campuses will receive daily error reports, campus registration information, and course closure updates. All students on the final cancellation list on the first day of the term must be unregistered from Campus Vue immediately. Students will be dropped from OES and eCollege immediately; however, Campus Vue cannot be closed to registrations until all students have been unregistered by you. Course Closure lists are monitored daily, and courses are closed when courses reaches maximum capacity. The Add/Drop date in Campus Vue follows the current Academic Calendar. No new student registrations should occur after the Add/Drop deadline has passed. All systems are closed to registrations at that time. We cannot override the Add/Drop deadline.Students who enter during the Add/Drop period are not considered Late to class. Students should contact instructors immediately upon being enrolled into their courses during the Add/Drop period to arrange to complete any work the rest of the class may already have completed, such as class and team discussions.

  36. Online Holidays What should I know about Online holidays? All Online Attendance is posted to Saturday; consequently, there are no Saturday holidays for Online, even if the Saturday is part of official holiday weekends. On occasion, there are more than 12 Saturdays during a term. If this occurs, the online team will determine which Saturday will be a non-reporting Saturday and set Campus Vue accordingly. This will technically not be a holiday. Saturday holidays are set by the Campus Vue team if there are any exceptions.

  37. Course Number Changes How do I know if there has been a course number change?When do course code and name changes occur? Generally, number changes are effective August 1st of each year. New course codes and names will typically be effective with the Summer Mini term. Once course codes are changed, they become effective immediately upon the change by the IT team. New course codes and name changes will be highlighted on an updated Course Offering List and textbook list email for any code changes for courses that run during the mini term.

  38. Faculty and Student Surveys What is the schedule for student surveys in eCollege? How can I obtain the most current faculty and student survey results? Student surveys run for one week during week 5 of six week and mini term courses and week 11 of full term courses. You can find the final survey results for both faculty and student surveys in the Admin notes approximately 3 weeks after the term is over and results are available. All term survey results are included on the same end of term summary report, Instructors cannot view their student survey results until after grades are submitted approximately 72 hours after the term ends.

  39. eCollege Campus (Node) Changes What is a node in eCollege? What do I do if I cannot see my student in eCollege and the system seems to indicate that the student profile already exists? A node is a campus identifier in eCollege. You will only be able to search for students in your node with your CCi Administrator profile. If you search for your student using the student login (SSN) and the eCollege indicates that the user is not unique but you are not able to see your student, then your student is probably enrolled through another campus. It is important that you notify onlinesupport@cci.edu when you see that your student is enrolled in more than one node. Be sure to indicate which is the correct node. Node errors can lead to attendance an grade upload errors in Campus Vue.

  40. Sending Emails to Online Support What information should I include when sending emails to the Online Support team? Student Enrollment Issue:In the Subject Line of your email, please include the Student Name, Course Code- Section, Term, and Campus #. Attach a completed Student Issue form. Send to onlinesupport@cci.edu Student Node Issue: In the Subject Line of your email, please include the Student Name, Term, and Campus Name that the student belongs. Attach a completed Student Issue form. Send to onlinesupport@cci.edu Course Linking Issue: In the Subject Line of your email, please include the Term, Campus Name, Course Code. Provide any required approvals and details in the body of the email.

  41. Submitting Student Issue Forms Where can I find a Student Issue Form? What is the process for submitting SIF forms to Academic Support? Download the Student Issue Form from the Online Support nugget in eCollege. Fill out the form completely, providing the Date, Student Name, Term information, Course Code and Section, the instructor’s name, your campus information, the issue, and the action you are requesting. Read the Instructions for Reporting Student issues in the Online Support nugget in eCollege to determine where to send the completed form. Be sure to research the details of the issue in eCollege prior to sending the Student Issue Form to the Online Academic Support Team.

  42. Requesting Grade Changes How do I request a grade change for students who believe that their grades need to be updated? Download the Student Issue Form from the Online Support nugget in eCollege. Fill out the Student Issue Form completely, providing the Date, Student Name, Term information, Course Code and Section, the instructor’s name, your campus information, the issue, and the action you are requesting. Read the Instructions for Reporting Student issues in the Online Support nugget in eCollege to determine where to send the completed form. Be sure to research the details of the issue in eCollege prior to sending the Student Issue Form to the Online Academic Support Team.

  43. Grade Change Processes How do instructors report grade changes? When will I receive this report? The Grade Change Form and the Grade Change Instructions for faculty is located in the Attendance and Grade Change Policies nugget in eCollege. Currently, this process is evolving. Instructors send completed Grade Change forms to onlinesupport@cci.edu, and we review and send these forms to their respective campuses. This process is growing increasingly time-consuming, especially when incomplete forms must be returned to instructors for updates. For example, missing instructor signatures and campus information make it difficult to process many of these forms within the required 14 days. Ultimately, we are working toward automating this process. However, beginning in the Summer 2010 term, additional members of the Online Academic Support team to review these forms and send them onto the campuses. Please check the Attendance and Grade Change Policies nugget for updates.

  44. Blocking Students from Online Sections Does Online block students from their online sections under any circumstances? No. Online Support does not block students from their courses for any reason. If you are having difficulty contacting students, you may use the Messaging tool in eCollege to make a web post that students will see when they first login to class. Students who are legitimately registered in courses must have access to their courses when they login.

  45. Social Security Numbers When will Social Security Numbers no longer be used as the login ID for eCollege?Once all campuses have migrated to Campus Vue, we will work with eCollege to change the current login for a new one, probably the Campus Vue ID. Students and Campuses will be informed when the change is going to occur. How do I set up an International Student for Online, since there is not a Social Security Number to use for the eCollege login ID? International students should have a the Campus Vue SSN field filled in with a number that fits the 000-00-0000 format. If you have any questions, please contact onlinesupport@cci.edu.

  46. Updating Student Contact Information Why is there a redirect page that asks for student contact information? When students login to onlinecci.com, their screens may flash briefly on a contact information page before they are redirected to eCollege. At present this is a temporary redirect page, thus the brief flash, but it is intended to become a permanent site once all campuses are on Campus Vue. This contact information page will periodically be a live request for information. Once all campuses are on Campus Vue, this page will be used to update Campus Vue contact information for online students.

  47. Campus Vue to eCollege Online Enrollment System Campus Vue eCollege • Student records created: First Name, Last Name, Email Address, SSN mandatory for enrollment in eCollege • Student Email Address must be formatted correctly for enrollment to process correctly • Student SSN us used as login ID and must be formatted ***-**-**** for enrollment to process correctly • Specific Term information needed to create enrollment – Must use the CT to register students for classes. • Course, Program, and Term Information linked to Campuses • Creates error reports when there are issues with student information • Creates files using Student, Course, and Term Information • Either enrolls or drops students from eCollege sections • Holds enrollments until term is ready in eCollege • Stops enrollments once Add/Drop ends • Enrolls students in late start and campus buckets to separate specific student populations • Creates error reports when there are issues with information received from Campus Vue • SSN is the student login ID, although there are efforts underway to change this once all campuses are on Campus Vue • Student enrollments begin about one week before term starts • Student enrollments continue until Add/Drop ends • Students will not see courses until the term start date • Process files sent from OES • Creates error reports when student enrollments do not process in eCollege. Error Reports are sent to campuses if any of their students are impacted by errors.

  48. The online support team will send notifications daily if any of your students are on one of these reports. Instructions will be provided to assist you in resolving the issue. Tibco (CampusVue) Invalid email address, empty fields, and SSN issues are most common issues OES (Online Enrollment System- Transmitting System) Term, Course, and other errors identified with explanation of resolution needed eCollege Errors Invalid email address Attendance Upload Errors Student Attendance needing manual input into CampusVue due to campus related mismatches and related issues SAS (Phasing out as campuses migrate to CampusVue) Term, Course, Campus, and other errors identified with explanation of resolution needed Error Reports

  49. Campus Vue TibCo Exceptions Students registrations will not be transmitted to OES or eCollege until these errors are corrected in Campus Vue.

  50. Campus Vue Training The online support team can answer many of your Campus Vue questions, and we can arrange additional Campus Vue training for personnel not familiar with registering online students. Please contact onlinesupport@cci.edu for assistance.

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