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Sleep Abbrev. S.C. - superior colliculus LC - locus coeruleus LC  - LC sub

Sleep Abbrev. S.C. - superior colliculus LC - locus coeruleus LC  - LC sub NRMC - n. reticularis magnocellularis (overlaps Moruzzi’s n. reticularis pontis oralis) FTG - gigantocellular tegmental field (peribrachial area) = lat. tegmental n. + pedunculopontine tegmental n.

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Sleep Abbrev. S.C. - superior colliculus LC - locus coeruleus LC  - LC sub

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Sleep Abbrev. S.C. - superior colliculus LC - locus coeruleus LC - LC sub NRMC - n. reticularis magnocellularis (overlaps Moruzzi’s n. reticularis pontis oralis) FTG - gigantocellular tegmental field (peribrachial area) = lat. tegmental n. + pedunculopontine tegmental n.

  2. SLEEP MECHANISMS REM : 1) Atonia : LC alpha--< NRMC--| spinal motor neurons 2) PGO ( pontine-geniculate-occipital ) spikes : Raphe (5HT) --| Area X (Ach) --< cortex 3) EEG desynchrony : beta, theta waves NRMC ---< -------< cortex (Ach) Raphe ----| FTG ---<superior colliculus (Ach) LC ----| --< excitatory SWS : ---| inhibitory delta-peptide preoptic/ anterior hypothalamus

  3. Sleep Inhibitory synapse Excitatory synapse MidbrainPons S.C. , REM’s NE L.C. Ach- PGO 2 LC Area ‘X’ Ach ß&Ø 3 To spinal motor neurons 1 Raphé n. 5-HT “Atonia” NRMC Preoptic / Ant. Hypoth. SWS  - peptide

  4. REM - Depression • SSRI : 5-HT REM 5-HT Depression REM Depression MAO-inhib: NE REM NE Depression REM Depression

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