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CTAP 295 Teaching with Technology

Stadiums Of America. Osvaldo Martinez. KMS,EC. FINAL PRESENTATION. CTAP 295 Teaching with Technology.

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CTAP 295 Teaching with Technology

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  1. Stadiums Of America Osvaldo Martinez KMS,EC FINAL PRESENTATION CTAP 295 Teaching with Technology

  2. This would be a nice activity to do at the beginning of spring, as the baseball season gets underway. Students will be given two teams to investigate. They will be asked to make a scaled drawing of their teams’ stadium. One drawing should fit on an 8½ x 11  piece of paper and the second drawing should be on a regular size construction paper. The students should come out with the appropriate ratio and be able to explain to the class why their ratio is the correct one.

  3. California's Mathematics Academic StandardsMath: Measurement and Geometry       Seventh Grade 1.0 Students choose appropriate units of measure and use ratios to convert within and between measurement systems to solve problems:      1.2 Construct and read drawings and models made to scale.

  4. Instructional Objectives • Students need to find and write down the playing field dimensions for a pre-assigned baseball stadium. • Students will scale actual field dimensions, so that the scaled dimensions fit in an 8 ½ x 11 piece of paper. • Students will make a scaled drawing of the baseball field on an 8 ½ x 11 piece of paper. • Students will write a rationale on why they chose their specific dimensions.  It should include the math used to convert from the actual dimensions to the scaled dimensions. • Upon request students will define 5 words out of a list of 8 that are components of the lesson.

  5. Student ActivitiesUsing one of the different MLB stadiums, students will need to calculate the correct proportion, so that a stadium's field dimensions can fit inside an 8 ½ x 11 piece of paper. The scaled drawing has to take up as much of the paper as possible.  As a start up activity, students will visit one of two web sites for help. Introductory Activity  Pre Test Model Vehicles                                                                                                                  In groups of four, students will receive a scale model. Using the information that is supplied in the package students will have to come up with the proper dimensions of the given object. They will have to explain to the class the rationale that they used in coming up with the dimensions. Enabling Activity(ies) Students will start of the lesson by practicing analyzing a map.  Their first activity will be to calculate the amount of miles that a baseball team travels on an average road trip. Activity 1 Culminating Activity Students will pick a second baseball stadium to scale down to fit on a ( ) construction paper.  They will need to include their new calculations and their rationale.  As students present their final product to the class, they will need to answer a series of questions about the importance of ratio and proportion.

  6. Scaled drawing Beginning 1 Inaccurate ratios are used.   Drawing too small or too large.  No explanation. Can define 2 words  Developing 2 2 or more ratios are not correct.   Drawing fits the page. Explanation is not clear. Can define three words. Accomplished 3 Proper ratios are used Drawing fits.   Explanation is clear may need examples to clarify. Can define 5 words. Exemplary 4 Accurate ratios are used.  Explanation leaves no doubt. Can define all words. Score

  7. Introductory Activity  Activity 1 Culminating Activity Can't come out with true dimensions.  Class presentation is poor.  Group is not organized Does poorly on the map.  Over 50% of the answers are wrong Inaccurate ratios are used.   Drawing too small or too large.  No explanation Dimensions are o.k. No proper labels given.  Group does not present only an individual. There are more than three wrong answers 2 or more ratios are not correct.   Drawing fits the page. Explanation is not clear. Accurate dimensions are given.  Group presentation is o.k., but can not answer questions. Has one incorrect response Proper ratios are used Drawing fits.   Explanation is clear may need examples to clarify Correct dimensions are properly labeled.  Group shares in the presentation and answer all questions asked. All questions answers correctly Accurate ratios are used.  Explanation leaves no doubt.

  8. INTERNET INTEGRATION Successes: Students were excited over the lesson. It allowed me to present the material in a non traditional format. • Problems: • Main activity could not be done because web resources were no longer there. • Students were not computer literate and that took time off from my lesson/

  9. LESSON PLAN REVISIONS • Add questions • Reserve a day for computer instruction • Add web sources

  10. Lesson Implementation • 3 Day lesson • PreTest-Checked answers on the internet. • Map activity. In the future will correct work from the web page.

  11. Student Performance

  12. Student Performance

  13. Chart 1

  14. Chart 2

  15. What I learned I learned a little about integrating technology in the curriculum. I still need to improve. Through CTAP, I have been able to develop other activities to help my students understand certain concepts. In terms of the web, I have found ways to improve upon it. What I created at the beginning was not what I gave my students.

  16. Summary CTAP was a positive experience for both my students and myself. The students enjoyed the programs that I develop through CTAP. The lesson, although I had some problems turned out o.k. I ended up changing it a bit, but I thought that it was for the better.

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