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Jason Amada – Mentor Others in their Journey

Jason Amada is a successful medical sales representative. He always wants to guide others in their journey as a medical sales representative. His focus is to guide people in their journey, which is why he stays available to mentor them. By any means, he wants to help people to find their way of encouraging personal growth, even after working hours.

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Jason Amada – Mentor Others in their Journey

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  1. JasonAmada A Successful Medical SalesRepresentative

  2. JasonAmada Based out of New York City, Jason Amada is a Sales Representative serving in the field of medicine. He started his career in the domain of finance, which he switched to medicine in the year 2019. He considers this shift of field the best decision he had taken in his life. It is because he is now able to maximize his skill set. In the past year, he has worked with physicians to come up with CGX/ Cancer screening tests. He has played a critical role in promoting EMG, MRI, and NCV diagnostics to physicians for the smooth running of the business. He also shares his experiences related to being a medical sales representative. He does this to provide a medium for the beginners in this field to thrive in theirprofession.

  3. A Successful Career Switch by JasonAmada There are times when anyone can feel stuck in his life, but the people who are not afraid of making hard decisions survive this period easily. After all, success comes by working hard day by day. A similar situation happened with Jason Amada. Even after investing a lot of time in his career, he felt stuck. However, how things worked right for him is a story of success. After switching his career to medical sales, he spent the maximum of his time practicing as a medical sales representative. He discovered the hardships related to this career. He always knew how important it is to have a good mentor that provides the required guidance. Amada always admires and respects the mentors who were there to provide him with theanswers.

  4. Jason Amada And The Biggest Step In HisCareer Jason Amadawantedtosharehisexperienceswithotherssothatitcanbehelpfulfortheotherrepresentativeofthe same field. To serve this purpose he created a website where he posts his experiences and thoughts in the form of blogs and articles. With this website he wants to solve the queries and build a community of professionals where they feel confident about sharing their views and ideas. Currently, he is working with KOOVA Management where he is coordinating with physicians who are offering CGX or cancer screening tests. Also, he is involved in other scans like NCV, MRI, and EMG. He maintains healthy relationships withthe doctorsacrossNewYorkCitythatisleadingtotheincreasinggrowthofthecompany.JasonAmadaswitched hiscareerwhenhefeltnumbwithhisfinancialone.Todayheisachievinggreatheightsinthefieldofmedical sales. He is always curious to find new ways to grow his business. He sets a perfect example for others who feelstuckintheircareersandworktoincreasetheirskills.

  5. Jason Amada: Embracing Change and GuidingOthers Everything happens for a good cause, even if it is the feeling of dissatisfaction with a job after spendingdecadesinit.Let’shaveaglimpseofthestoryofJasonAmadatounderstandthisbetter. Hisfocusistoguidepeopleintheirjourney,whichiswhyhestaysavailabletomentorthem.Byany means, he wants to help people to find their way of encouraging personal growth, even after working hours. Jason Amada also holds the credit of increasing 17% of sales of his company inthe initialperiodonly.ItwasaresultoftherelationshipsthathehadbuiltwithdoctorsacrossNewYork City. His journey is a great example of how every change must be embraced as an opportunity to thrive.

  6. ContactUs JasonAmada-ASuccessfulMedicalSalesRepresentative ReferralLinks Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/in/jason-amada-a5390777 / Facebook:https://www.facebook.com/public/Jason-Amada/ Twitter: https://twitter.com/jasonamada?lang=en/ Muckrack https://muckrack.com/jason-amada / Pinterest:https://www.pinterest.com/jasonamada/

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