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Payment cards

Payment cards. Simona Popelková. Payment card. Since 50s credit , debit and other payment cards as well as the other forms has changed the method of payment Payment with cards is the fastest , the best and the most cost - effective method of payment in whole world. History.

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Payment cards

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  1. Paymentcards

    Simona Popelková
  2. Paymentcard Since 50s credit, debitandotherpaymentcards as well as theotherforms has changedthemethodofpayment Paymentwithcardsisthefastest, thebestandthe most cost-effectivemethodofpayment in wholeworld
  3. History 1948 - Thefirstcreditcard has becamethecardofAirTravelCard Thefirstcardsweremade ​​ofcardboardorsheet metal In theendofthe 20th century start to emergecreditcardswhichweknowtoday, such as VISA Card, American Express andothers.
  4. Typespaymantcard Creditcardisthe most commonpaymentcards. Withthiscreditcardwecanpay in shopsandwecanpayservices. A debitcard it exactlylooks like a credit card, but in thefunctions are a different. Allpayments are paid by debitcardattheendofeachmonth. A chargecardmeansobtaining. Thatisveryshort term (usuallyaround 1 month) loanfor a purchase.Itissimilar as a creditcardexceptyouhave to paymonthlyfees. A gift cards are used as a non-monetary gift. Gift cards issued by merchants. On this card is some amount of money and the owner of the card can spend in shops.
  5. Entities Cardholder - Itis a terminalclient, individualororganization. This entity ownscard. Issuer -cardissueris a bank orotherfinancialinstitutionthatgivesthecardholder, based on thecontract. Organizer market- Oftheconditionsofissuingpaymentcardsorganizesandpromotes Merchant - acceptingpaymentcards, oneor more ofthecardassociations.
  6. PIN Pin ispassword, whichisincludedwitheachcard. PIN isthefour-digitpassword when cash withdrawal from ATM orcreditcardpayment in theshops - I have to enter a this PIN.
  7. Advantagesanddisadvantagesofpaymentcards ADVANTAGES : Simple -whenbuyinggoodsandservices, ifyou do not have cash, wideacceptance network in the country, andglobaly, Safety - iflostor stolen cards, youcaneasilyandquicklypreventfurther abuse. Just callthe bank andblockthecardforfutureusing. Money isalwaysavailable - with a creditcardyoucanpayanywhere
  8. Advantagesanddisadvantagesofpaymentcards DISADVANTAGES Fees - carddisadvantagecouldbechargingfortheirissueorblockingandother, Misusage - whenusing PIN isanimportantsecurity
  9. CARD PAYMENTS NEWS Noncontact payment cards Thiscardwill speed paymentwithcard Needspecialnoncontactterminal Paying with a card in the 500 Kč without entering PIN In this way it is possible to pay only three times
  10. TOPICS What do you think of noncontact payment cards? Is 500CZK a lot or a little? Isthis method of payment the safe?
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