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Mikhail asiatici 29/08/2014

Development of a SiPM readout circuit and a trigger system for microfluidic scintillation detectors. Mikhail asiatici 29/08/2014. Overview. Introduction Project context System overview LabVIEW interface Features Post processing algorithms Performances PCBs Overview SiPM breakout

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Mikhail asiatici 29/08/2014

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  1. Development of a SiPM readout circuit and a trigger system for microfluidic scintillation detectors Mikhail asiatici 29/08/2014

  2. Overview • Introduction • Project context • System overview • LabVIEW interface • Features • Post processing algorithms • Performances • PCBs • Overview • SiPM breakout • Amplifiers • Power supply

  3. Overview • Measurements • SiPM pulses • Scintillation light • Thick plastic scintillator (tile) • Microchannels with liquid scintillator • SiPM characterization • Conclusions

  4. Project context - Target system • Microfluidicscintillator detector • Multiple photodetectors to allowreconstructionof particletracks with high resolution (60 μm channelpitch) • Verylow light level (1.65 photoelectrons per MIP, in average) A. Mapelli et al. - Scintillation particledetectionbased on microfluidics 1/32

  5. System overview XY table Power supply USB +5 V 65 to 70 V SiPM Trigger(s)/signal(s) A SiPM PC B USB digital oscilloscope C LabVIEW D PMT ext 2/35

  6. project context – sipm vs pmt PMT SiPM A. Mapelli et al. - Scintillation particledetectionbased on microfluidics N. Otte - Silicon Photomultipliers a new device for frontier detectors in HEP, astroparticle physics, nuclear medical and industrial applications 3/32

  7. Project context – xy table Stepper motorscontroller 2 x motorizedlinear stages in XY configuration 4/32

  8. portability + QDC + PC via Ethernet connection? (+ router) + PC via USB 5/32

  9. Labview interface: overview 6/32

  10. Labview interface: features (1) • Eachchannelcanbeindependently • Set as signal source, trigger, temperature or disabled • Connected to any pulse source (PMT, SiPM) • Trigger modes • Self trigger (on any signal channel) • Single external trigger • A functiongeneratorcanemulate a periodic/random trigger • Coincidence trigger with programmable coincidencewindow • Online pulse integralcalculation and histogramgeneration • Several post-processing options available 7/32

  11. Labview interface: features (2) • Waveformscircularbuffer • Online monitoring of the capture • Temperature acquisition • Temperaturesensorwith voltage output • XY table interfacement • Automatic scan of an array of points • Simplifieddefinition of matrices of points • Import/export from/to XML file • Manual control of the XY table 8/32

  12. Labview interface: features (3) • File logging • Events in ROOT format • Settings and scan points in XML format • Automaticallycreatedtogetherwith the ROOT file • Can beread back in LabVIEW to loadscan points and/or capture settings • Performances • Successful capture of up to 37 000 000 events • Event rate up to 9 kHz 9/32

  13. Labview interface: post processing algorithms • Baseline compensation • Pile up rejection • Pile up main cause of eventsbetweensharppeakswithSiPM • Edge-adaptedintegration 10/32

  14. Pcb: overview SiPM (SMD package) PicoScope Low voltage stabilized power supply (4.75 V – 6 V) Optionally -5 V MCX SMD connector USB port LV LV + data Amplifiers 50Ω coaxial cable Step-up switching converter HV LEMO connector 11/35

  15. SMD SiPM adapter board (dimensions in mm) Connector Holes for mechanical support SiPM (Hamamatsu S12571-050P) 12/32

  16. Amplifiers simulations • For SiPM: equivalent model by F. Corsi et al.1 • Parametersfrom one of the devicespresented in the paper (SiPM IRST), with Q = e*M ≈ 200 fC (M ≈ 1.25 x 106 for the devicesreceived) • Amplifier 1: transconductance amplifier + voltage amplifier (single stage from C. Piemonte et al.)2withwide-band voltage-feedback op amp (ADA4817) ≈ 10 mV/pe single stage ≈ 20 mV/pe double stage (slightlyslower) Tsettle5% ≈ 50 – 150 ns (trade gain for speed) Verylow noise (EIN = 4.4 nV/sqrt(Hz)) 1 F. Corsi et al. – Modelling a silicon photomultiplier (SiPM) as a signal source for optimum front-end design 2 C. Piemonte et al. – Development of an automatic procedure for the characterization of silicon photomultipliers 13/32

  17. Amplifiers • Dual supply (+/- 5 V): short J13, J11. • Single supply (+ 5 V): short J12, J10 (like in picture). External 5 V: short J9 (like in picture) • Obtain 5 V fromlinearregulator MCP1700: short J8, and connect at least 6 V on the + 5 V input. • External 5 V: short J9 • Second amplification chainremoved (impossible to stabilize, probablysomepositive feedback effectbetween the two amplification chains) J9 Vbias J8 + 5 V J10 - 5 V (optional) J11 J12 GND J13 14/32

  18. Single stage amplifier on evaluationboard PD Vbias Connected to GND (useful to short –IN to GND with a jumper) GND + 5 V 15/32

  19. Power supply board • Step-up switching voltage regulator, to avoid the need of an high-voltage supplyjust for SiPMbiasing • Output voltage tuning • Integrated DAC with serial interface • Digital pins available for a possible future integrationwithe.g. a microcontroller • Potentiometer (here not shown) • Input voltage range: 4.75 V – 6 V • Output voltage range: 65 V – 70 V, 2 mA max • Vop of the availableSiPM: 66.6 V ± 1.3 V • Recommended Vop range: 2.1 V • Same architecture used for SiPMbiasing in the Schwarzschild-Couder CTA Telescope K. Meagher (Georgia Tech) – SiPM Electronics for the Schwarzschild-Couder Telescope (presentation) 16/32

  20. Vbias power supply 4.75 V to 6 V • Short J4: voltage isregulatedwith R4. • Short J3: voltage isregulated by MAX1932 DAC. Default at power up: lowestVbias (around 65.35 V). Use this if youwant to use the USB to SPI bridge (next slide). • J2 is the SPI interface. From top to bottom, pins are nCS, SCLK, MOSI, GND. GND Vbias 17/32

  21. USB to SPI bridge • Withthese connections, the power supplyboardispowered via USB. • Command-line interface • Set Vbiasbetween 65.3 V and 70.3 V with ≈ 20 mV resolution (8 bit) • Turn off voltage conversion (Vbias ≈ 4.5 V) + 5 V from USB GND from USB 18/32

  22. Sipm pulses 5 p.e. Dual stage board ≈ 20 mVpk/p.e. ≈ 800 mV*ns/p.e. (R ≈ 4 kΩ) tr = 12 ns (amplifier limited) tf = 45 ns (mostlySiPMlimited) 4 p.e. 1 p.e. 2 p.e. 3 p.e. 3 p.e. 4 p.e. 5 p.e. 2 p.e. 1 p.e. + afterpulses INFN board ≈ 7 mVpk/p.e. ≈ 100 mV*ns/p.e. (R ≈ 500 Ω) tr ≈ 1 ns (oscilloscope limited) tf= 38 ns (SiPMlimited) 1 p.e. (tr and tf are 10-90% and 90-10% rise and fall time, consideringabsolute value of V) SiPMbiased at 66.7 V 10 mV/div, 20 ns/div 19/32

  23. Measures – sipmcharacterization Self trigger histogram, in darkness 1 p.e. -> primarydark count 2+ p.e. -> primarydark count + crosstalk • Fit with Borel distribution -> • Gain • Crosstalkprobability gain 20/32

  24. Measures – sipmcharacterization Self trigger histogram, in darkness P(crosstalk) proportional to ∆V2 Gain proportional to ∆V V = 68.0 V -> ∆V = 3.5 V V = 66.0 V -> ∆V = 1.5 V V = 66.5 V -> ∆V = 2.0 V V = 65.5 V -> ∆V = 1.0 V V = 67.0 V -> ∆V = 2.5 V V = 67.5 V -> ∆V = 3.0 V 21/32

  25. Measures – sipmcharacterization Slope: Cd+Cq (for SiPM SPICE model) VBD 22/32

  26. Measures – sipmcharacterization 23/32

  27. Measures – sipm temporal characterization Characterization VI inspired by C.Piemonte et al.- Development of an automatic procedure for the characterization of silicon photomultipliers 24/32

  28. Measures – sipm temporal characterization Amplitude vs distance frompreceeding pulse 5 p.e. 4 p.e. 3 p.e. 2 p.e. 1 p.e. Delayedcrosstalk? Primarydark count Afterpulses Afterpulses + crosstalk Measureswith INFN board (leadingedge must be as rapid as possible) 25/32

  29. Measures – sipm temporal characterization Primarydark count -> exponential distribution (distorted due to log binning not normalized) Maximum = 1/DCR, withouteffectfromafterpulses Projection along time axis, log-log scale, log binning Oscilloscope bandwidthlimit Afterpulses: Exponential distribution with tau muchshorter ≈ 10 ns (traplifetime) Fit to findafterpulseprobability. Peak is constant, amplitude increases 26/32

  30. Measures – sipm temporal characterization DCR proportional to ∆V Afterpulseprobabilityproportional to ∆V2 27/32

  31. Measures - setup coincidence trigger 2 x PMT for trigger fibers (not shown) Microchannels (or plastic tile) Amplifiersconnected via coaxcable (not shown) SiPM 28/32

  32. Measures – plastic tile 6 p.e. 0 p.e. 21 p.e. 16 p.e. counts (mV s) 29/32

  33. Measures – microchannels 0 p.e. Meannumber of p.e. (sub-mm channels, trigger and SiPMaligned by eye…) Fit withbranching Poisson distribution, to model SiPMcrosstalk 1 p.e. 2 p.e. Pedestal (no channels) … Gain (mV s per p.e.) counts 9 p.e. (mV s) 30/32

  34. Conclusions • Developed an automaticcharacterization and acquisition system for microfluidic scintillation detectors • Events processing and logging to ROOT file • XY table interfacement • Both light yield (PMT and/or SiPM as photodetectors) and spatial characterization • Compact and portable • Tools for SiPMcharacterization • Confirmedliteratureresults, SiPM excellent photodetectors for low light yield 31/32

  35. perspectives • Electronics • Investigate gain vs bandwidthtradeoff on existingamplifiers, test amplifiersbased on current feedback amplifiers • Integration of all the electronics (amplifiers, bias and USB interface) on a single board – beware of switching noise! • Towards multi channel acquisition • On-boarddigitalization (pulse shapers, fastADCs) and processing (FPGA) • EASIROC • SiPM • Considerothermanufacturers • Investigatetemperatureeffects (expect DCR reduction, VBDreduction, afterpulse time constants increase) • Software • AutomaticSiPMcharacterization (gain, DCR and P(AP) vs V, pulse time constants, Corsi model parameters) • Full waveformdigitalizationenablesendlessprocessingpossibilities • Noise reduction • Discretep.e. histogram (pulse fitting, combine pulse peak and integral, …) 32/32

  36. Thank you

  37. backup

  38. Amplifiers simulations • Amplifier 2: transconductance amplifier + non-inverting amplifier withwide band current-feedback op amp (AD8000) from F. Giordano et al. ≈ 10 mV/pe single stage ≈ 80 mV/pe double stage Tsettle5% ≈ 40 – 60 ns (fast) Higher noise (EIN = 520 nV/sqrt(Hz)) F. Giordano et al. – Tests on FBK SiPM sensor for a CTA-INFN ProgettoPREMIALE demonstrator (presentation) 12/32

  39. Amplifiers performances summary • Gain in the order of 10s mV/pe, time constants in the order of 10s-100s ns • Amplifier 1 lessnoisy • Amplifier 2 faster 13/32

  40. Amplifiers pcb requirements • The PCB ismeant as a test boardfromwhichpossiblyderive a definitive configuration, soitis important to ensure the maximum possible flexibility • For both the configurations, the signal canbeextractedafter single or double stage • For all of the 4 signal sources, the output canbeexctractedbefore/after a decouplingcapacitor • Capacitorperforms on-board AC coupling, but mightresults in signal reflections • Optional dual supply +/- 5 V as an additionalway to produce a signal with no DC component (but maybedecouplingcapacitorisenough) • All the feedback resistors are potentiometers, to allow gain tuning • There isalways a certain degree of gain-bandwidthtradeoff • Avoid saturation for eventswith a highernumber of photoelectrons • Bypassable on-boardlinear voltage regulator • Compare noise with on-board/external voltage regulation 14/32

  41. SMD SiPM adapter board (dimensions in mm) Connector Holes for mechanical support SiPM (Hamamatsu S12571-050P) 15/32

  42. Amplifiers board Jumpers for on-board/external voltage regulationchoice SiPMconnectors: LEMO Output connectors: LEMO Jumpers for single/dual voltage supplychoice Power supply (HV, LV, optional -5 V, GND) 16/32

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