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Integration Capacity Analysis & Locational Net Benefits Analysis Working Groups

Integration Capacity Analysis & Locational Net Benefits Analysis Working Groups. Kick-off Meeting May 12, 2016. Agenda. 2. Introduction. Purpose of Meeting

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Integration Capacity Analysis & Locational Net Benefits Analysis Working Groups

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  1. Integration Capacity Analysis& Locational Net Benefits Analysis Working Groups Kick-off Meeting May 12, 2016

  2. Agenda 2

  3. Introduction Purpose of Meeting Pursuant to the May 2, 2016, Assigned Commissioner’s Ruling (1) Refining Integration Capacity and Locational Net Benefit Analysis Methodologies and Requirements; and (2) Authorizing Demonstration Projects A and B (ACR), the Joint Utilities are convening of the first meetings of the ICA and LNBA Working Groups as required by the ACR. Roll Call • Governmental/Regulatory • For Profits • Nonprofits • Other 3

  4. Energy Division Role in Working Groups • Oversight to ensure balance and achievement of State objectives • Ensuring adequate stakeholder representation in consensus statements – all voices heard • Keeping WG activities on track with Commission expectations/needs • Demonstration project results review • Quality control on deliverables • Coordination with both related CPUC activities and activities in other agencies (CEC, CAISO) • IDER competitive solicitations Framework WG • Interagency, primarily CAISO and CEC • Interconnection/Rule 21/SIWG • Other proceedings that may impact (or be impacted by) locational value calculation such as AB 350/IRP and LTPP/TPP/RPS • Contact for Energy Division communications • Dave Erickson, je5@cpuc.ca.gov, (415) 703-1226 4

  5. Working Group Facilitation More Than Smart, a California 501(3)c non-profit, has been engaged by the California IOUs to facilitate both the ICA & LBNA working groups. This leverages the previous work of MTS facilitating stakeholder discussions on ICA and LBNA topics. In recognition of the overlap and need to focus on these WGs: • MTS Working Group Meetings will be suspended to avoid overlap • IDPP & Distribution Portfolio Subteams will be no longer meet due to overlapping scope with ICA & LNBA WGs • T-D Operational Interface Subteam will continue to meet to complete work underway Contact for More Than Smart • Deborah Shields, info@morethansmart.org 5

  6. Integration Capacity AnalysisWorking Group

  7. Purpose & Objectives • ICA Working Group is established to monitor and provide consultation to the IOUs on the execution of Demonstration Project A and further refinements to ICA methods. The working group shall be open to the public and informal in nature. Energy Division staff will have oversight responsibility of the working group, but it shall be managed by the utilities and interested stakeholders on an interim basis. • The working group serves two main purposes: • Review Project Plan, Monitor and Support Demonstration Project A • Continue to improve and refine the ICA methodology • The ICA WG activities are organized by: • (I) Short-term work related to the Demonstration Project A and improvements to ICA that could be adopted in a Q1 2017 ICA Decision. Short term work should be addressed by the time of the submittal of the final Demonstration A report. • (II) Longer-term work related to ongoing refinements to ICA methodology beyond that time frame conducted in parallel, but not directly related, to the Demonstration Project A. Longer-term work may be addressed in the final report and may continue beyond the timeframe of Demonstration Project A. 7

  8. ICA WG ScopeRelated to Demonstration Project ICA WG to monitor and provide consultation to the IOUs on the execution of Demonstration Project A: • Review of Demo A project plan • Update schedule for Demo A results. • Recommend methods for evaluation of hosting capacity for the following resource types: • DER bundles or portfolios, responding to CAISO dispatch; • Facilities using smart inverters. • Recommend a format for the ICA maps to be consistent and readable to all California stakeholders across the utilities’ service territories with similar data and visual aspects (color coding, mapping tools etc.). • Evaluate and recommend new methods that may improve the computational efficiency of the ICA tools and process in order to calculate and update ICA values across all circuits in each utility’s service territory in updated ICAs more frequently and accurately. • Evaluate ORA’s recommendation to require establishment of reference circuits and reference use cases for comparative analyses of Demonstration Project A results. • Establish a method for use of Smart Meter and other customer load data to develop more localized load shapes to the extent that is not currently being done. • Establish definite timelines for future achievement of ICA milestones including frequency and process of ICA updates 8

  9. ICA WG ScopeRelated to advancement and improvement of ICA methodology The working group shall consult to the IOUs on continued advancement and improvement of the ICA methodology. CPUC suggested topics: • Expansion of the ICA to single phase feeders; • Ways to make ICA information more user-friendly and easily accessible (data sharing); • Interactive ICA maps; • Market sensitive information (type and timing of the thermal, reactance, or protection limits associated with the hosting capacity on each line); • Method for reflecting the effect of potential load modifying resources on integration capacity; • Development of ICA validation plans, describing how ICA results can be independently verified; • Definition of quality assurance and quality control measures, including revision control for various software and databases, especially for customized or “in-house” software; High-priority topic: ICA methodology, SDG&E proposal compared to commission direction 9

  10. ICA WG Milestone ScheduleBased on CPUC DRP Ruling 10

  11. Questions

  12. Locational Net Benefits AnalysisWorking Group

  13. Purpose & Objectives • LNBA Working Group is established to monitor and provide consultation to the IOUs on the execution of Demonstration Project B and further refinements to LNBA methods. Energy Division staff will have oversight responsibility of the working group, but it shall be managed by the utilities and interested stakeholders on an interim basis. • The working group serves four main purposes: • Review project plan, Monitor and Support Demonstration Project B • Continue to improve and refine the LNBA methodology • Coordinate with IDER system-level valuation activities of the IDER cost effectiveness working group • Coordinate with the IDER solicitation framework working group where objectives may overlap (e.g., the definition and description of grid deficiencies vs. DER performance requirements and contractual terms needed to ensure DERs meet the identified grid deficiencies) • Continue to improve and refine the LNBA methodology • The LNBA WG activities are organized by: • (I) Short-term work related to the Demonstration Project B and improvements to LNBA that could be adopted in a Q1 2017 Decision. Short term work should be addressed by the time of the submittal of the final Demonstration B report. • (II) Longer-term work related to ongoing refinements to LNBA methodology beyond that time frame conducted in parallel, but not directly related, to the Demonstration B. 13

  14. LNBA WG ScopeRelated to Demonstration Project B LNBA WG to monitor and provide consultation to the IOUs on the execution of Demonstration Project B: • Review detailed implementation plan • Recommend a format for the LNBA maps to be consistent and readable to all California stakeholders across the utilities’ service territories with similar data and visual aspects (color coding, mapping tools etc.). • Consult to the IOUs on further definition of grid service, as described in requirement (1)(B)(iv-v) of Section 4.4.1 of the May 2nd ruling, and in coordination with IDER proceeding. 14

  15. LNBA WG ScopeRelated to advancement and improvement of LNBA methodology The working group shall consult to the IOUs on continued advancement and improvement of the LNBA methodology. CPUC required topics: • Methods for evaluating location-specific benefits over a long term horizon that matches with the offer duration of the DER project. This work should explore whether/how probability estimates, based on the utility’s past and current distribution planning experience, could be made that: • An as-yet undetected need for upgrades will be required during the distribution planning period and • Procurement of DERs that have a timescale greater than the distribution planning period will avoid future upgrades subsequent to the distribution planning period. • Methods for valuing location-specific grid services provided by advanced smart inverter capabilities. Examples include the following seven smart inverter functions identified by the Smart Inverter Working Group: • DER Disconnect and Reconnect Command, • Limit Maximum Real Power Mode, • Set Real Power Mode • Frequency-Watt Emergency Mode • Volt-Watt Mode • Dynamic Reactive Current Support Mode • Scheduling power values and modes 15

  16. LNBA WG Scope (cont.)Related to advancement and improvement of LNBA methodology • Consideration, and if feasible, development of, alternatives to the avoided cost method, such as distribution marginal cost or other methods. • The IOUs shall determine a method for evaluating the effect on avoided cost of DER working “in concert” in the same electrical footprint of a substation. Such DER may complement each other operationally using a distributed energy resource management system (DERMS). 16

  17. LNBA WG Milestone ScheduleBased on CPUC DRP Ruling 17

  18. Questions

  19. Formation of Working Groups

  20. ICA & LNBA WG Formation WG Participation • Membership lists for each working group will be developed from DRP & IDER service lists plus additional outreach to encourage broader engagement. • Desire to expand participation to a broad set of stakeholders and augment technical subject expertise • Customer groups & Communities • Energy & DER services firms • Power Engineering & Economic Experts (Universities, National Labs & EPRI) Monthly Meeting Structure • Propose to hold both ICA & LNBA Working Groups’ meetings on same day back-to-back to simplify stakeholder participation. • Conference call/webinar participation will be available • Meeting notices and materials will be published through DRP & IDER service lists • Additionally, meeting notices with agenda, presentations and other WG materials proposed to be posted on dedicated webpages for each WG on the More Than Smart website. 20

  21. Next Steps • ICA working group will convene next Wednesday afternoon to discuss the issue of a methodology difference between what was directed in the ACR, and what is being proposed by SDG&E and SCE • Next Meetings: • Webinar: May 31st (Time TBD) • Fact-to-Face: June 9th (San Francisco) • Meeting invites and confirmation to be sent by end of this week 21

  22. Questions Please contact info@morethansmart.org for additional information

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