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TRENDS IN OSH STRATEGIES trends in the NLI’strategy for 2009-2013

TRENDS IN OSH STRATEGIES trends in the NLI’strategy for 2009-2013. Michal Wyszkowski 20th November 2012. Factors i nfluencing the NLI’s strategy. social and economic changes , economic transition change of labour market’s structure European OSH strategy

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TRENDS IN OSH STRATEGIES trends in the NLI’strategy for 2009-2013

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  1. TRENDS IN OSH STRATEGIEStrends in the NLI’strategy for 2009-2013 Michal Wyszkowski 20th November 2012

  2. Factorsinfluencing the NLI’sstrategy • social and economicchanges, economictransition • change of labourmarket’sstructure • European OSH strategy • Europeaninstitutions: SLIC, OSHA • national OSH strategy • stateinstitutions • employers’ organizations • trade unions • experience from everydayactivities: the scale of irregularitiesconcerningparticularissues, the number of complaints

  3. Influence of social and economicchanges • The state of labourprotection was influenced by socio-economicchanges: • Transformation from cenrally-managed to the market economycausedpredominance of employersoveremployees– workersacceptedanyconditions of work in order to have a job. • Increase of totalnumbersupervisedentities, especially small and medium enterprises: 465.000 in 1989, 1.458.000 in 2011 (per one inspector: 589 in 1989, 953 in 2011) • Socio-economicchangeshavecreatednewchallenges for the NLI – theyrequiredinnovativeworkstrategies: • Inspectionactivityfocused on the sectors of economywhichhave the highestlevel of occupationalhazards and accidentrisks.

  4. Influence of social and economicchanges • Monitoring the processes of ownershiptransformation from the point of view of labourprotection. • Inspection of the observance of labour law, particularly OSH issues, in small enterprises (employingup to 20 workers) • Promotions of the OSH management systems, with particularattention to the occupational risk assessment, and assistance in theirimplementation by Polishemployers. • In view of a huge growth in the number of entities and real possibility of covering with inspectiononly a few per cent of enterprises anually, expansion of preventive activitybecame an element of the NLI’s long strategy, particularly in the form of advice, legal and technicalguidance.

  5. EuropeanStrategy 2007-2012 • European OSH Strategy 2007-2012 – generalobjectives: • Continuedreduction of the incidencerate of accidentsatwork and occupationaldiseases • Reduction of the accidentsatworkat the EU levelindicator by 25% • EU Strategy – specificobjectives: • Improvement, simplification and betterimplementation of EU legislation and itsadjustment to changes in workplaces • development of nationalstrategies and programmes • promotion of safety culture • development of methodology for identification of emerging risk factors and occupational risk assessment • development of progress monitoring tools • enhancingcooperationatinternationallevel

  6. EuropeanStrategy2013-2020 • Objectives for the newstrategydeveloped by AdvisoryCommittee on Safety and Health atWork • EU OSH strategy 2013-2020 – generalobjectives: • reduction of the incidencerate of accidentsatwork and occupationaldiseases • basicrules: preventionprior to rehabilitation, rehabilitationprior to exclusion from the labour market • EU strategy – basicdirections: • reductionof musculoskeletalrisks and relatedoccupationaldiseases • prevention of psychosocialrisks and limitation of negativeconsequences of stress atwork • prevention of risksrelated to carcinogenicfactors • Identification and prevention of new and emergingoccupational risk factors (eg. nanomaterials)

  7. Influence of EU strategy, SLIC and OSHA • occupational risk assessment and itssignificance for the improvement of OSH in small enterprises with particularfocus on risksrelated to the use of chemical substances (2009) • prevention of negativeeffects of psychosocialoverload and stress atwork (2009) • occupational risk assessmentrelated to the use of dangerous chemical substances in small and medium-sized enterprises in furnitureproductioncompanies and companies manufacturing products containingpolyester and glassfibre (2010) • safemaintenance and repairs of workequipment in the workplace (2010-2011) • occupational safety and health in works with the use of dangerous chemical substances (2011) • stress and otherpsychosocialfactorsrelated to work (2012)

  8. Nationalstrategy 2009-2012 • national strategy on occupational safety and health 2009-2012 – mainobjectives: • reduction of the incidencerate of accidentsatwork and occupationaldiseases, particularly in mining, industrialprocessing and transportation • eliminationorlimitation of most commonoccupationalrisks, particularlythosecaused by noise, industrialdusts and chemicalsubstances • reduction of the number of workers performing work in harmfuloronerousconditions

  9. Nationalstrategy 2009-2012 • Priorities in the NLI’sactivities in line with the nationalstrategy : • intensifiedinspectionactivities • exercising the right to request the SocialInsuranceInstitution to increase the amount of socialsecuritypremiums for accidentinsurance in case of companiesnotoriouslyviolating OSH provisions • information and advisoryactivities for small and medium-sized enterprises in relation to employers’ compliance with occupational safety and health provisions

  10. Influence of nationalstrategy Sampletasks 2009-2012: • inspections and provision of information to companiesusing metal workingmachines in relation to compliance with minimum requirements on machinery and equipmnet • OSH inspections and provision of information to companies with the highestrates of incidence of occupationalrisks • safety and health in construction, also in road and highway construction and renovation • occupational safety in vehicle and varnishworkshops with particularattentionpaid to the use of dangereous chemical substances • occupational safety and health in health careunitswith particularattentionpaid to harmful chemical and biologicalfactors

  11. Influence of nationalstrategy Sampletasks 2009-2012: • inspectionsfocused on occupational safety management system, in particular: preventive medicalchecks of workers, OSH training, OSH services • inspectionsverifying the correctness of informationprovided to the SocialInsuranceInstitution for calculation of the amount of premium for accidentinsurance • informativeactionsaimedatimprovement of OSH in privatefarming • preventive and informativeprogramme for small enterprises (employingup to 9 workers) related to basicissues of occupational safety and health and legal protection of labour

  12. Influence of nationalgovernmentinstitutions 2012: • functioning of OSH services (Ministry of Labour and Social Policy, Ministry of Justice) • occupational safety and health training(Ministry of Labour and Social Policy, Ministry of Justice) • occupational risk assessment and informingworkers on occupationalrisks (Ministry of Labour and Social Policy, Ministry of Justice,Ministry of Interior) • OSH inspection on vessels (Ministry of Infrastructure) • OSH in constructionworks, particularly in relation to worksatheight (General Proseturor’s Office, General Office of Building Control)

  13. Influence of nationalgovernmentinstitutions 2013: • Inspection of workplaces with the highestaccidentrisks (Ministry of Labour and Social Policy) • functioning of OSH services (Ministry of Labour and Social Policy) • OSH training (Ministry of Labour and Social Policy, Ministry of Agriculture nad Rural Development) • safety and health in construction, particularly in relation to appropriatesupervision of construction works (Ministry of Transport, Construction and MaritimeEconomy) • occupational risk assessment and informingworkers on occupationalrisks (Ministry of Agriculture nad Rural Development) • OSH in branches with the highestincidencerate of fatal and/orcollectiveaccidentsatwork (General Prosecutor’s Office)

  14. Influence of employers’ organizations 2012: • workorganization, workplace stress management and stress prevention (Employers of Poland) • occupational safety and health of persons with disabilities (Employers of Poland) • preventive and informativeprogramme for small enterprises (employingup to 9 workers) related to basicissues of occupational safety and health and legal protection of labour (PolishAssociation of Crafts) • knowledgecontest on occupational safety and health for pupilsemployed in craftentities(PolishAssociation of Crafts) 2013: • functioning of OSH services (Employers of Poland) • preventive and informativeprogramme for small enterprises (employingup to 9 workers) related to basicissues of occupational safety and health and legal protection of labour (PolishAssociation of Crafts)

  15. Influence of trade unions 2012: • provision of safe and healthyworkingconditions to temporaryworkers (NSZZ Solidarność) • preventive and informativeporgramme for entities with high incidencerate of accidentsatwork (OPZZ) • preventive and informativeprogramme on psychosocialfactorsatwork, particularly stress and bullying (OPZZ) • safe and healthyworkingconditions in storingdangeroussubstances (Forum ZZ)

  16. Influence of trade unions 2013: • provision of safe and healthworkingconditions to temporaryworkers (NSZZ Solidarność) • occupational risk assessment and informingworkersaboutoccupationalrisks, particularly in relation to psychosocialrisks (NSZZ Solidarność) • safety and health in construction and demolitionworks (NSZZ Solidarność) • psychosocialrisks in the workplace (OPZZ) • occupational safety and health in chemical industry (OPZZ)

  17. Development of NLI’sstrategy • Team for NLI’s Action Programme – representatives of the ChiefLabourInspectorate and DistrictLabourInspectorates • thematicclassification of proposals: • OSH inspections • inspectionsfocused on legalprotection of labour • preventive and informativeactivity • structure of the strategy • priorities (issuescoordinated by the ChiefLabourInspectorate) – long-term and annualtopics • topicsimplemented in the framework of cooperation of DistrictLabourInspectorates • DistrictLabourInspectorates’ owntasks • routinetopics

  18. Priorities in NLI’sstrategy 2009-2013 2009 • OSH inspections and provision of information to companieswiththehighestrates of incidence of occupationalrisks (intensifiedsupervision) • safety and health in construction, alsoinroad and highwaycontruction and renovation • inspectionsand provision of information to companiesusing metal workingmachines in relation to compliance with minimum requirements on machinery and equipment • occupationalsafety in vehicle and varnishworkshops with particularattentionpaid to the use of dangereous chemical substances • occupational safety and health in healthcareunits with particularattentionpaid to harmful chemical and biologicalfactors

  19. Priorities in NLI’sstrategy 2009-2013 2010 • OSH inspections and provision of information to companieswiththehighestrates of incidence of occupationalrisks (intensifiedsupervision) • safety and health in construction, also in road and highwaycontruction and rennovation • Informativecampaign: workingtime and roadaccidents in roadtransportation • safety management insmall enterprises with high incidencerate of accidentsatwork • inspection of entities set up in result of restructurization of electro-energeticsector, particularlycompaniesdealing with transport, distribution and supply of electric energy • educative programme „Safety culture” for secondaryschoolpupils

  20. Priorities in NLI’sstrategy 2009-2013 2011 • OSH inspections and provision of information to companieswiththehighestrates of incidence of occupationalrisks (intensifiedsupervision) • safety and health in construction, also in road and highwaycontruction and rennovation • informativecampaign: workingtime and roadaccidents in roadtransportation • safety management in small enterprises with high incidencerate of accidentsatwork • inspection and informativeactionsrelated to compliancewith minimum and essentialrequirements for machinery for plastic working of metals • inspection and informativeactivities in oil industry • corporations (including banks) – stress and otherharmfulpsychosocialfactors in working environment

  21. Priorities in NLI’sstrategy 2009-2013 2012 • OSH inspections and provision of information to companieswiththehighestrates of incidence of occupationalrisks (intensifiedsupervision) • safety and health in construction, also in road and highwaycontruction and rennovation • informativecampaign: workingtime and roadaccidents in roadtransportation • safety management insmall enterprises with high incidencerate of accidentsatwork • inspections and informativeprogramme on compliancewithessential and minimum requirements for plastic processingmachinery • safety and health in newlyestablishedentities • informativeprogramme: stress and otherwork-relatedpsychosocialfactors

  22. Priorities in NLI’sstrategy 2009-2013 2013 • OSH inspections and provision of information to companieswiththehighestrates of incidence of occupationalrisks (intensifiedsupervision) • safety and health in construction, also in road and highwaycontruction and rennovation • analysis of circumstance and causes of accidentsatwork of repetitivenaturewithrelation to occcupational risk asssessment • inspections and informativeprogramme on compliancewithessential and minimum requirements for woodprocessingmachinery • safety and health in newlyestablishedentities • safety management inlarge and medium-sizedcompanieswith high incidencerate of accidentsatwork • chemical safety in companies

  23. Conclusions The most importantissues in theNLI’strategy 2009-2013: • OSH inspections and provision of information to companieswiththehighestrates of incidence of occupationalrisks (intensifiedsupervision) • safety management (risk assessment and informingworkers on occupationalrisks, OSH training, OSH services) – particularlyinsmall enterprises with high incidencerate of accidentsatwork • safety and health in construction, alsoinroad and highwaycontruction and rennovation • chemical safety incompanies • stress and otherwork-relatedpsychosocialfactors • preventive and informativeprogramme for small enterprises (employingup to 9 workers) related to basicissues of occupational safety and health and legal protection of labour • educative programme „Safety culture” for secondaryschoolpupils

  24. Thank you for attention

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