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Plan NOW to Save Time in Spring 2014

SY2013-2014 PIMS/Educator Effectiveness/PVAAS Teacher Specific Reporting IU1 LEA Administrators October 24 , 2013. Plan NOW to Save Time in Spring 2014. Staff Time – Teachers and Administrators

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Plan NOW to Save Time in Spring 2014

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  1. SY2013-2014 PIMS/Educator Effectiveness/PVAAS Teacher Specific ReportingIU1 LEA AdministratorsOctober 24, 2013

  2. Plan NOW to Save Time in Spring 2014 Staff Time – Teachers and Administrators Accurate and complete data into PIMS WILL save time for your teachers who are eligible for a PVAAS score Accurate and complete data into PIMS WILL save time for your principals and district admin who will support the teachers who are eligible for a PVAAS score Approximately 30-40% of your teaching staff will be eligible for a PVAAS teacher specific score

  3. What is PVAAS teacher-specific reporting? Estimates the effect of a teacher’s performance on the academic growth of a group of students. Taking into account both their endpoint and their entering achievement level. By concentrating on growth, PVAAS puts the emphasis on what educators can influence.

  4. Which Teachers? Face to Face Online Instruction A PA certified educator with full or partial responsibilityfor content specific instructionof theassessed eligible contentas measured by a PA state assessment

  5. PVAAS Teacher Reporting: Teachers in Which Tested Grades/Subjects/Courses? Approximately 30-40% of your teaching staff will be eligible for a PVAAS teacher specific score • PSSA: With/Without Accommodations (Not PASA) • Grades 4-8: Reading and Math • Grades 4 & 8: Science • Grades 5 & 8: Writing • Future: Transition into ELA Assessment • Courses Culminating in Keystone Exams: With/Without Accommodations • Algebra I • Literature • Biology

  6. What is content-specific instruction? • Responsibilityto plan the instructionof the assessed eligible content, provide the instructionof the assessed eligible content, and use the assessment information to evaluate the effectiveness of the instruction of the assessed eligible content on a PA state assessment. • Defined on the Framework for Teaching by both Domains 1 and 3: • Content specific instruction is a determination made locally by the LEA.

  7. Are special education teachers, intervention specialists, reading/math specialists, ESL teachers, and gifted teachers eligible for a PVAAS score? • Yes, if the teacher is responsible for Domains 1 & 3. • There may be more than one teacher planning, instructing, and assessing the students (i.e., co-teaching, team teaching).

  8. Are instructional coaches eligible for a PVAAS score? • If the role of the instructional coach is only to provide support and consultation to PA certified educator(s)/adults this does not meet the criteria for PVAAS teacher-specific reporting. • PVAAS teacher-specific reporting is provided to those who provide content specific instruction to the students. (Framework for Teaching, Domains 1 and 3)

  9. Ensuring Accurate Information: PVAAS Roster Verification Provide PVAAS teacher specific reporting based on an accurate representation of a teacher’s responsibility and influence on the academic growth of students.

  10. Essential Linkages in PIMS Teacher Student Proportion of Instructional Responsibility Course & Grade/Subject • Make sure the right teachersare linked to the right students for the right proportion of instructional responsibilityfor the right tested grade/subject/courseto yield PVAAS Teacher Reporting.

  11. What is this process all about? Teachers, school administrators and district administrators verifying data that is used to yield PVAAS teacher specific reporting– data that will ultimately be used as part of a teacher’s evaluation. The PVAAS rosters are prepopulated from the PIMS Course/HQT submitted by LEAs to PIMS (Student, Staff, Course Templates)

  12. When is SY13-14 PVAAS Roster Verification? Hard Deadlines • April 28 – June 6

  13. New Terms: % Instructional Responsibility % Instructional Responsibility % Student + Teacher Enrollment Full or Partial % of Instruction This % is your total Instructional Responsibility for a student. This % reflects how much the student will be weighted in the PVAAS analyses. The % Instructional Responsibility is calculated by multiplying the (% Student + Teacher Enrollment) by (Full or Partial % of Instruction).

  14. 3 New Terms

  15. % Student + Teacher Enrollment • IS … • The % of a grade/subject/course that a student and teacher are concurrently enrolled • Total Days Possible: Day 1 through last school day before LEA’s state testing window opens for that grade/subject/course • IS NOT… • Attendance % Student + Teacher Enrollment See PVAAS Pilot FAQ 6.4 for additional details on calculation

  16. Calculating:% Student + Teacher Enrollment % Student + Teacher Enrollment Day 140 Last Day Before Testing Window Day 1 Grade/Subject/Course Student Enrolled Teacher Enrolled What proportion of the grade/subject/course are the student and teacher concurrently enrolled? % Student + Teacher Enrollment = Concurrent Enrollment See PVAAS Pilot FAQ 6.4 for additional details on calculation

  17. Calculating: Full or Partial % of Instruction Full or Partial % of Instruction Are you the only PA certified educator responsible for the content-specific instruction (Domains 1 and 3) of the assessed eligible content in the grade/subject/course? YES NO Partial % of Instruction = <100% Proportion of responsibility for the content-specific instruction of the assessed eligible content in the grade/subject/course (Domains 1 and 3) Full % of Instruction = 100%

  18. From your LEA into PIMS

  19. Data: PIMS and PVAAS Roster System • Data in PVAAS roster system reflects data submitted into PIMS from your LEA. • SY13-14 Roster Verification: • VERIFICATION PROCESS for teachers and administrators as info will come from PIMS • Should NOT be major editing, adding, removing if PIMS data is complete and accurate

  20. Session Focus

  21. Quality PIMS Data • Expanded Use of PIMS Data • PIMS Course/HQT data are used for: • Federal Reporting/Accountability • State Reporting/Accountability • Educator Effectiveness

  22. Quality PIMS Data • PIMS Course/HQT data are used to support • Educator Effectiveness (PVAAS) • School Performance Profiles • Federal reports • The PIMS Course/HQT collection has become high stakes. It is critical that PIMS data are accurate and timely. • All core-content courses must be submitted • All teachers and students enrolled in each course section must be accounted • Courses must be mapped accurately to State course codes

  23. New for 2013-2014 School Year Collection Cycle • Collection Window • LEA must submit data • List of LEAs that fail to submit sent to PDE executive offices • Correction Window • No overrides necessary • No overrides will be granted after Correction window closes • LEAs that fail to submit data by end of this window will be non-compliant with State and Federal requirements

  24. Impact in PIMS and Local SIS • PIMS Course/HQT (Student-Staff-Course) • NEW: All teachers linked to a student for a grade/subject/course • Teacher data differ from HQT ( HQT is a different PIMS need) • Report teachers REALLY having responsibility for planning the instruction, delivering the instruction, and assessing the effectiveness of the instruction( Domains 1 AND 3) • Could include, at times, LTS (Long-term Substitutes) • NEW: % of Instructional Responsibility (factors) • NEW: Keystone Related Course Codes/Coursesthat “trigger” a Keystone exam • NEW: Departmentalized Elementary Courses

  25. Impact in PIMS and Local SIS • PIMS Course/HQT (Student-Staff-Courses) • NEW: Substitutes are now to be submitted in limited cases • NEW: Staff Emails (teachers and admin) • NEW: PVAAS Account Roles • NEW: Submission of non-core content courses is NO longer required. • New Use of PIMS data – School Performance Profile

  26. New Student/Staff/Course Template Emailed to PIMS Administrators on July 18, 2013

  27. Policy and Implementation Implications Requiring Leadership • PIMS Changes – Start Planning Now • SIS Alignment to PIMS SY13-14 • Managing a new process • New concept of “% Instructional Responsibility” • % Student + Teacher Enrollment • % Instruction • Co-teaching, team teaching, etc. • Teachers in various roles: • Regular Ed, Special Ed Teachers • Reading/Math Specialists • ELL Teachers • Gifted Teachers • Intervention Specialists • Others

  28. Policy and Implementation Implications Requiring Leadership • Communications to LEA Staff • Professional Development and Support • Who? • When? • District and School Admin Accounts • Who “signs off” on rosters?

  29. Sum it up! • Complete and accurate data in PIMS this year will save your teachers and admin time • Plan now for your teachers eligible for PVAAS Score • Communications • Professional Development • Access resources and support • pdepvaas@iu13.org

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