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Richieste IFR 2011

Richieste IFR 2011. Roberto Calabrese Università e INFN – Ferrara Marzo 2011. Instrumented Flux Return. The muon an KL detector will be built in the magnet flux return reusing the Babar iron structure with some modification. Modeling and FEA calculation in progress.

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Richieste IFR 2011

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  1. Richieste IFR 2011 Roberto Calabrese Università e INFN – Ferrara Marzo 2011

  2. Instrumented Flux Return The muon an KL detector will be built in the magnet flux return reusing the Babar iron structure with some modification. Modeling and FEA calculation in progress. Keep longitudinal segmentation in front of the stack to retain KL capability • Two readout option are under study: • read one coordinate with the bar position and the other with the arrival time of the signal • “double coordinate layout”: orthogonal scintillator bars.

  3. Detector simulation • A detailed description of hadronic interaction is needed for detector optimization and background studies. • A full GEANT4 simulation has been developed for that purpose. • A selector based on BDT algorithm is used to discriminate muons and pions • PID performance are evaluated for different iron configurations • Machine background rates on the detector are evaluated to study • the impact on detection efficiency and muon ID • the damage on the Silicon Photo-Multipliers • Complete event reconstruction is implemented to evaluate the muon detection performance 92cm iron 82cm iron 62cm iron Pion rejection vsmuon Neutron flux on the forward endcap

  4. The Beam test of the Prototype • A detector prototype has been built to test the technology on large scale and to validate simulation results • Iron: 60x60x92 cm3, 3cm gaps for the active layers The prototype at the Fermilab Beam Test Facility • Up to 9 active layers readout together (about 230 independent electronic channels) • Active modules housed in light tightened boxes (aka Pizza Box) • 4 Time Readout modules • 4 Binary Readout modules • 4 special modules to study • different fibers or SiPM • geometry • First Test in Dec. 2010 at the Fermilab Test Beam Facilitywith muon/pion (4-8GeV) Active Layer (“pizza box”)

  5. First test beam results Detection efficiency • Preliminary results confirm the R&D performances: • detection efficiency >95% • time resolution about 1ns • Data analysis still ongoing • refine reconstruction code • study hadronic showers • evaluate muon ID performance • tune the Monte Carlo simulation • study different detector configurations Threshold (p.e) Time distribution Time (10*ns) New Beam test at Fermilabin July to extend the studies al lower momentum (2-4 GeV/c)

  6. Technical choices for the TDR • SiPM damage and remediation • Reduction of neutron flux • Location of SiPM • Electronics readout • TDC readout: meet the required specs • 8 layers vs 9 layers • Comparison of performances/costs • Decision to add 10 cm iron (external) to the flux return

  7. Attività 2011 Simulazioni Test neutroni Analisi dati test beam, nuovo test beam Scrittura TDR Consolidamento gruppo IFR Inizio attività relative alla costruzione

  8. IFR construction (2011-2015) • Design ofelectronics and mechanicalparts • Procurementof material (scint, fibers, SiPM, electronics, ..) • Infrastructuresfor production and assembling (fiberpolishing, grooving, aluminization, glueing) • Module production (assemblingscintillator, fibers, SiPMbonding, light tightening,..+ electronics) • QC system forall detector (in particularforSiPM and electronics) • Installation (moduleinstallation, routingfibersbetweenlayers, cabling, electronics, test, QC) • Commissioning

  9. Other activities (IFR related) Design, FEA calculation of flux return Disassembly, transportation and assembly of flux return Design and construction of installation tooling Manpower for hall crew (installation)

  10. Costi 2011 relativi all’inizio attività di costruzione produzione SiPM dedicata (produzione fatta con la massima cautela senza problemi di tempo, con qualità eccellente) (25KE PD) prove di bonding automatizzato (adattamento macchina esistente) (5 KE PD) progettazione e produzione di prototipi di piccole parti per la costruzione dei moduli (PCB, accoppiatori fibre/SiPM,..) (10KE PD) test di assemblaggio di moduli di 4 metri: servono  - fibre (15 KE FE)   - nuova trafila x scintillatori 1cm (30KE PD)   - materiale vario (5 KE FE) sviluppo ed acquisti per la costruzione di macchine per la costruzione dei moduli (10KE FE) (5KE Inv) sviluppo e attrezzatura per caratterizzazione SiPM e QC (moduli di elettronica, cavi, connettori, pc) (10KE FE) (5KE Inv)

  11. Elettronica: costi 2011 scheda TDC (ACAM + LAL_Orsay): 22.5KE crate VME: 8KE (Inv) prototipo di SiPM bias generator rad-tolerant con interfaccia ECS: 20KE Totale 28 KE FE Nota: nelle richieste di settembre vi era lo sviluppo di SiPM front end ASIC (25KE). Visto lo sviluppo di un chip simile in gruppo V (INFN Bari+Genova) si ritiene conveniente rimandare questa richiesta (verrà verificata se questa soluzione può essere utile ai nostri scopi).

  12. Missioni 2011 (specifiche IFR) M.I. convener IFR 3 KE FE M.E.    24 KE FE + 19 KE PD :             -convener IFR 5 KE FE -beam test a Fnal 19 KE FE + 19 KE PD (ottenuti s.j. 9KE FE + 9 KE PD)  nuove richieste 10 KE FE + 10 KE PD + sblocco s.j.

  13. Riepilogo generale IFR nuove richieste 2011 FE PD M.I. 3 KE M.E. 15 KE 10 KE Consumo 30 KE 45 KE Inv. 18 KE Totale 66 KE 55 KE

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