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Welcome to Second Grade Curriculum Night 2011-2012. A Successful School Year. Spelling Math Health Science Social Studies Technology. School-Wide Expectations Daily Schedule Homework Success Reading Writing Handwriting. Behavior Expectations. School-Wide
A Successful School Year • Spelling • Math • Health • Science • Social Studies • Technology • School-Wide Expectations • Daily Schedule • Homework Success • Reading • Writing • Handwriting
Behavior Expectations School-Wide At Mirada we are leaders with many strengths. We are responsible. We are respectful. We are safe. Classroom We are polite, respectful, And helpful. We are good listeners. We do our best work. We work quietly. We keep our classroom neat.
A Typical Day in Second Grade 7:45-8:00 Welcome/Pledge/Moment of Silence 8:00-8:30 Individualized Focus Groups: Language Arts 8:30-9:50 Uninterrupted Language Arts Block (grammar, vocabulary, reading, decodable books, spelling, phonics) 10:00-10:50 Writing/ Science/Social Studies 10:50-11:30 Recess/Lunch 11:40-12:40Uninterrupted Math Block/Math Routines 12:40-1:10Individualized Focus Groups: Math 1:10-1:40 Job Cards 1:40-2:25 Specials 2:30 Dismissal
Homework success • A weekly homework page will be sent home every Friday and will be due back the following Friday. • Assignments may include Spelling, Phonics, Reading Comprehension, Writing, and Math. • The purpose of homework is to provide additional practice on previously introduced skills or to enrich classroom experiences. • To promote healthy homework habits we suggest students use their time wisely throughout the week, so their homework will always be turned in on time. • Homework will require parent review and signature to ensure it is complete and done correctly. • Homework in the second grade is a team effort between parents and their children. The support that you give your child during this time is directly correlated to their attitude and success about school work.
Reading at Home • Your child should be reading at least 15-30 minutes per night. This time should be recorded on your child’s weekly homework. • Decodable books will be sent home weekly. Your child will read these books to you. • Although second graders are capable of reading independently, it is important to continue to read aloud to him/her as well. Reading aloud enhances comprehension, reading fluency, and vocabulary. Your child can never read too much!
Reading Program • The Kyrene adopted reading program for grades K-5 is Harcourt Trophies. This program is based on scientific research and has shown direct correlation to student success. • Harcourt Trophies is based on the “Big Five”. • Vocabulary • Phonemic Awareness • Phonics • Reading Comprehension • Fluency
Reading in the 2nd Grade • Whole group reading • Reading groups • Paired and independent reading • Modeled reading • Readers’ Theatre
Language Arts First Semester Types of Sentences Punctuation (period, question mark, exclamation point) Capital letters (beginning of sentence and names) Synonyms and Antonyms Alphabetical Order Nouns Adjectives Elements of Literature Prewriting Second Semester Contractions Capital Letters (Proper nouns) Verbs Plurals Compound words Alphabetical order (second and third letter) Dictionary Skills (guide words) Elements of Literature Editing and Writing reports Personal Narrative Letters
The Writing Process in 2nd Grade • Prewriting • Generate ideas through prewriting activities. (e.g. webbing, mapping, drawing, group discussion) • Drafting • Write a draft using a beginning, middle, and end using supporting details. • Revising • Add additional details for clarity with the help of teacher, peers, checklist, or rubric. • 4. Editing • Review and edit the draft for errors in conventions using simple resources. (e.g. word walls, dictionaries) • Final Draft/Publishing • Rewrite/type and illustrate selected pieces of writing for sharing with the intended audience.
Six Traits of Writing • Ideas and Content Sticks to the main idea Uses important supporting details • Organization Has a clear introductory sentence Reports the events in order Has a concluding sentence • Voice Keeps audience and purpose in mind Writing is interesting • Word Choice Uses describing words Uses meaningful and interesting words • Sentence Fluency Sentence Variation Readability • Conventions Uses Capital letters appropriately Punctuates correctly Uses age appropriate spelling
Spelling • The spelling words correlate with the Harcourt Trophies reading series. • Spelling will also include second grade high frequency words. • Challenge words will be available each week. These words are derived from our weekly vocabulary words. • Spelling tests will be given every Friday.
Math The KSD adopted math resources combine two stand-alone programs. The two adopted resources are Investigations in Number, Data and Space and Scott Foresman Addison Wesley (SFAW). By using these resources, we will be able to meet the needs of students and deepen their knowledge of mathematical content. Your child will constantly be encouraged to reason mathematically, develop flexible problem solving strategies and represent their thinking through models, diagrams, graphs and written communication. Investigations in Data, Number and Space is an application based math resource. It encourages students to think creatively, develop critical thinking skills and acquire a deeper understanding of the mathematical content. SFAW is a traditional textbook approach to the teaching of mathematical content. It encourages problem solving, practice and spiral review. Your child will be encouraged to practice and review through many different types of experiences in a lesson-by-lesson format.
Mathematical Thinking in the 2nd Grade This year in second grade, we focus on the following objectives: Operations & Algebraic Thinking Number & Operations in Base Ten Measurement & Data Problem Solving Geometry Mathematical Practices • Make sense of problems and persevere in solving them. • Reason abstractly and quantitatively. • Construct viable arguments and critique the reasoning of others. • Model with mathematics. • Use appropriate tools strategically. • Attend to precision. • Look for and make use of structure. • Look for and express regularity in repeated reasoning.
Investigations New Approach Consider own reasoning and the reasoning of others Communicate about math orally, written, and by using pictures, diagrams, and models Use more than one strategy to check work Use of manipulatives and other materials
Explore with Science • Kyrene School District has a Science Resource Lab that provides classrooms with hands-on, interactive kits that allow students to explore the wonders of science.
Social Studies • Timelines/Past/ Present/Future • Technological Changes • Individual’s impact on Am. History • (e.g. Christopher Columbus, Benjamin Franklin, Harriet Tubman, Martin Luther King Jr.) • Communities • Compare/contrast past/present • National symbols • Interaction/ Interdependence • Citizenship • Government leaders/branches • Voting • U.S. Constitution • Map/Globe skills • Landforms • Legends and directions` • Environmental impact on daily life • Recycling • Careers/Work Places • Goods and services • Comparing the use of barter and money in exchange for goods and services. • Scarcity affects on daily lives • Producers and consumers • Recognize how archaeological research adds to our understanding of the past • Recognize the origins and contributions of early civilizations
Health • Students will comprehend concepts related to health promotion and disease prevention (e.g. sleep, diet, fitness, and personal hygiene). • Students will demonstrate the ability to access accurate health information (e.g. School meal program, school nurse, and after school activities). • Students will demonstrate the ability to practice health- enhancing behaviors and reduce health risks (e.g. Tooth brushing, exercise, sleep, and nutrition). • Students will demonstrate the ability to use goal-setting and decision-making to enhance health.
Technology • Second grade is a member of KTTP (Kyrene Teaches with Technology). This is a curriculum based project that focuses on the utilization of technology tools to support teaching and learning in the classroom. • Each classroom has been equipped with five laptops, a projector, document camera, and a Smart Board that will be used for language arts, math practice and research. • Some of the programs your child will be exposed to include Pixie 2, Kidspiration, Word, PowerPoint, and Type to Learn. • The internet may be used for research in science and social studies.
P.S. • School begins at 7:45. Please make every effort to have your child here on time. • If your child’s form of transportation home changes please send a note to school with him/her. This is imperative to keeping your child safe. • We value parent participation and encourage all forms of volunteerism throughout the school year. • Sign up for e-subscribe on the Kyrene web page. • Please send me an email jhodges@kyrene.org.
Don’t miss exploring our new, yet to be named, science room. It is open tonight for you to see! Room F4