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Islamic Studies Courses In De Anza, Chabot, Mission and Ohlone Colleges Designed and Taught By

Islamic Studies Courses In De Anza, Chabot, Mission and Ohlone Colleges Designed and Taught By Hafiz M. K. Siddiqi, Ph.D. Islamic Guidelines for Physical, Intellectual And Spiritual Training of your Children. From the Holy Qur’an: O you who believe!

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Islamic Studies Courses In De Anza, Chabot, Mission and Ohlone Colleges Designed and Taught By

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  1. Islamic Studies Courses In De Anza, Chabot, Mission and Ohlone Colleges Designed and Taught By Hafiz M. K. Siddiqi, Ph.D. Islamic Guidelines for Physical, Intellectual And Spiritual Training of your Children

  2. From the Holy Qur’an: O you who believe! Save yourselves and your families from a fire whose fuel is men and stones…………. 66/6 And admonish your nearest kinsmen. 26/214 Enjoin prayer on your family and be constant Therein. We do not ask you to provide Sustenance, We provide it for you. But the (fruits of) the hereafter is for righteousness. 20/132. The story of Noah pbuh and his son.11/36-49

  3. O you who believe! Do not take for protectors your fathers and your brothers if they love infidelity above faith, if any of you do so, they do wrong. Say: if it be that your fathers, your sons, your brothers, your wives, or your Kindred, the wealth that you have gained, the commerce in which you fear a decline, or the dwellings in which you delight, are dearer to you than Allah, or His messenger, or the striving in His cause, then wait until Allah brings about His decision, and Allah does not guide the rebellious. 9/23-24

  4. The training of children begins at conception. The three major training periods according to Prophet Muhammad pbuh: • Laa’ibhum sab’an: Play with them from birth to age seven. B. Addibhum Sab’an: Discipline them from age Eight to fourteen. C. Sadiqhum Sab’an: Become their friends from age fifteen to twenty one.

  5. Prophet Muhammad pbuh said: Guard your Children closely and provide them with the best education and training. (Hadith) Each one of you is responsible and each one of you is accountable about your Responsibilities………. (Hadith) Children are trust (of Allah) with their parents. Parents and teachers will be rewarded or punished according to their roles with their Children and students.

  6. Children are born with God given faculties which can be given a right or wrong direction, So, give them the right direction and teach them that the best of the humankind are those Who are the most beneficial of them. Equal treatment of boys and girls: Seeking Knowledge is compulsory on every male and female Muslim. (Hadith) “Whoever has a daughter whom he did not bury alive, did not insult and did not Prefer his son over her, Allah will grant him entry to the paradise. Abu Daud

  7. Allah swt has taught us a prayer through the holy Qur’an “O my Lord! Advance me in Knowledge” 20/114 And do not pursue that of which you have no Knowledge, for every act of hearing, or of Seeing or of feeling in the heart will be Enquired into (on the day of reckoning). 17/36 Our Lord! Grant to us wives and offspring who will be the comfort of our eyes and give us (the Grace) to lead the righteous. 25/74

  8. The purpose of raising children physically is to have strong bodied children who can meet the challenges of life, because a strong and ha stamina to fight illnesses, face difficulties which might slow them down in the struggle of this life. That is why, our Prophet has said: The strong believer is better than weak believer although there is good in both of them. It is a known fact that a sound mind is in a healthy body.

  9. The means to achieve this goal is to habituate our Children by training them in: 1. Food/diet code: (The first and foremost is parents responsibility to earn their living from lawful sources and provide only what is lawful). A. Do not encourage them to over eat. B. Wash hands before and after eating C. Say your Grace before and after eating D. Follow etiquettes of eating individually and in group. E. Eating wholesome and pure food F. Do not waste. 7/31

  10. “It is no fault in the blind nor in one born lame, Nor in one afflicted wit illness, nor in yourselves, that you should eat in your own Houses, or those of your fathers, or your mothers, or your brothers, or your sisters, or your father’s brothers or your father’s sisters, or your mother’s brothers, or your mother’s Sisters, or in houses of which the keys are in your possession.

  11. Or in the house of a sincere friend of yours: there is no blame on you whether you eat in Company or separately. But if you enter Houses, salute each other, a greeting of Blessing and purity as from Allah. Thus Allah makes clear the signs to you, that you may Understand”. 24/61 No son of Adam has ever filled a container worst than his stomach, a little food is quite Sufficient to keep him standing, if you have to fill it, then 1/3rd for food, 1/3rd for drink and 1/3rd for breathing. Tirmidhi

  12. 2. Teach them the rules of hygiene: A. Wudu and Ghusl, personal cleansing B. Keeping your Room clean and tidy C. Do not neglect the Sickness of your children D. Follow the rule of “prevention is better than cure” 3. Physical exercise: A. Running B. Swimming C. Horse back riding or any other sport 4. Parents must provide a role model in all Aspects, especially an environment which free from bad habits of smoking, drinking etc.

  13. The purpose of intellectual training of children Is to teach them thinking process to turn them in to thinkers. The means of achieving this goal are: A. Reading B. Writing C. Math D. Thinking E. Timely completion of all assignments F. Education: 1. Home 2. School 3. Masjid, G. Curriculum, books, teachers, H. Parents, Teachers, children. I. Selection of friends: • Who are they B. Are they coming from a functional family? C. Planned vacation D. No Slumber parties without parents supervision.

  14. The purpose of spiritual training is to prepare The children for the deeds of righteousness and piety, inculcate in them love of Allah and love of doing good, and keep them away from Evils of all kinds: The means of achieving this purpose are: A. The parents must be the role models B. To explain the need and importance of high ethical and moral values, their positive impact on them, their families, and on the society at large, i.e. Truthfulness of Abdul Qadir Jilani

  15. C. To explain the damage of bad manners and their bad impact on individuals and societies. D. Teaching them the five pillars of Islam by Practice. E. Teaching them to be modest and humble F. To be soft, kind, loving, fair etc. G. Teach them the deep connection between ethical and religious values. H. Take them to the gatherings of scholars I. Tell them stories Of: 1. Prophets and messengers 2. righteous people 3. Companions and disciples of prophets and messengers to shape their Characters.

  16. References from the Holy Qur’an: 66/6, 26/214 20/132, 11/36-49, 9 23-24, 31/12-19, 49/1-18, 17/11-39, 53, 70, 100, 33/21, 70, 71, 6/118, 6/119, 121, 104/1-9, 103/1-3, 107/1-7

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