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Chapter 8: Active Aerobics and Recreation

Chapter 8: Active Aerobics and Recreation. Lesson 8.1: Active Aerobics Self-Assessment 8: FITNESSGRAM 3— Cardiovascular Fitness, Flexibility, and Strength. Lesson 8.1: Active Aerobics. Lesson Objectives: Explain the difference between lifestyle physical activity and active aerobics.

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Chapter 8: Active Aerobics and Recreation

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  1. Chapter 8: Active Aerobics and Recreation Lesson 8.1: Active Aerobics Self-Assessment 8: FITNESSGRAM 3—Cardiovascular Fitness, Flexibility, and Strength

  2. Lesson 8.1: Active Aerobics Lesson Objectives: • Explain the difference between lifestyle physical activity and active aerobics. • Describe some of the benefits and risks of active aerobic activities. • Describe several types of active aerobic activity.

  3. Lesson 8.1: Active Aerobics Question What is meant by the term active aerobics?

  4. Lesson 8.1: Active Aerobics Answer • Active aerobics refers to aerobic activities that are of enough intensity to elevate the heart rate into the target zone. • This will help build cardiovascular fitness.

  5. Lesson 8.1: Active Aerobics Question What distinguishes active aerobic activity from lifestyle activities?

  6. Lesson 8.1: Active Aerobics Answer • Active aerobic activities are higher in intensity. • Activities at this level are more vigorous than lifestyle activities (Level 1). • They are especially good for building cardiovascular fitness and providing health benefits.

  7. Lesson 8.1: Active Aerobics Question What are some reasons for the popularity of active aerobics?

  8. Lesson 8.1: Active Aerobics Answer • Active aerobic exercise includes jogging/running, aerobic dance, cycling, and swimming. • Reasons for the popularity: • They often do not require high levels of skill. • They frequently are not competitive. • They often can be done at home or near home. • They often do not require a partner or a group.

  9. Lesson 8.1: Active Aerobics Question What activities might lead to injuries if you do too much?

  10. Lesson 8.1: Active Aerobics Answer • Jogging/running is one of the top five activities in terms of injuries to participants. • High-impact and step aerobics also have many injuries if they are done too often.

  11. Lesson 8.1: Active Aerobics Question What are examples of overuse injuries?

  12. Lesson 8.1: Active Aerobics Answer Overuse injuries include • heel bruises, • sore shins, • stress fractures, and • knee or back injuries.

  13. Lesson 8.1: Active Aerobics Question How many forms of aerobic dance can you name?

  14. Lesson 8.1: Active Aerobics Answer • Low impact • High impact • Step aerobics

  15. Lesson 8.1: Active Aerobics Question What are the characteristics of each type of dance?

  16. Lesson 8.1: Active Aerobics Answer • Low impact is typically done with one foot on the ground at all times. • This form is best for beginners. • It results in fewer overuse injuries than other forms.

  17. Lesson 8.1: Active aerobics Answer (continued) • High impact is typically more vigorous and involves jumping. • Step aerobics involves dance steps done on a step or box. • Some types of aerobic dance use light weights, rubber bands, and other types of exercise equipment.

  18. Lesson 8.1: Active Aerobics Question What are some advantages of aerobic exercise machines (such as treadmills and ski machines)?

  19. Lesson 8.1: Active Aerobics Answer Advantages: Aerobic machines are • easy to use, • placed in a comfortable environment (fitness center), and • can be easily programmed for different types of workouts.

  20. Lesson 8.1: Active Aerobics Question What are some disadvantages of aerobic exercise machines?

  21. Lesson 8.1: Active Aerobics Answer Disadvantages: • The exercise experience is much more limited (you are not outdoors, being challenged on different types of terrain, in different weather conditions). • They are expensive. • You may not have room for them in your house.

  22. Lesson 8.1: Active Aerobics Question What are the features of circuit training?

  23. Lesson 8.1: Active Aerobics Answer • Performing various exercises at specific exercise stations. • Exercise for 30-60 seconds at a time, before moving to the next exercise. • A total of 6-12 exercises may make up one circuit. • The circuit can be repeated 2-3 times.

  24. Lesson 8.1: Active Aerobics Question What are the benefits of rope jumping?

  25. Lesson 8.1: Active Aerobics Answer • It is a great cardiovascular workout. • Jump ropes cost very little. • It is an easy activity to perform.

  26. Lesson 8.1: Active Aerobics Question • What is the benefit of combining martial arts activities with aerobics? • What is the name of a popular form of this activity?

  27. Lesson 8.1: Active Aerobics Answer • This workout provides muscle endurance, strengthening, and aerobic work. • Tae-Bo is the name of one popular form of this exercise.

  28. Lesson 8.1: Active Aerobics Question Who would benefit from water aerobics, and what are advantages of water aerobics?

  29. Lesson 8.1: Active Aerobics Answer • People who are unfit or overweight would benefit from water aerobics. • There is little stress placed on the joints in the water. • Water aerobics is also a good social activity.

  30. Self-Assessment 8: FITNESSGRAM 3— Cardiovascular Fitness, Flexibility, and Strength Question What does the trunk lift assess?

  31. Self-Assessment 8: FITNESSGRAM 3— Cardiovascular Fitness, Flexibility, and Strength Answer The flexibility of the lower back

  32. Self-Assessment 8: FITNESSGRAM 3— Cardiovascular Fitness, Flexibility, and Strength Question What does the PACER test assess?

  33. Self-Assessment 8: FITNESSGRAM 3— Cardiovascular Fitness, Flexibility, and Strength Answer Your aerobic fitness

  34. Self-Assessment 8: FITNESSGRAM 3— Cardiovascular Fitness, Flexibility, and Strength Question What does PACER stand for and what is the objective of this test?

  35. Self-Assessment 8: FITNESSGRAM 3— Cardiovascular Fitness, Flexibility, and Strength Answer • PACER stands for Progressive Aerobic Cardiovascular Endurance Run. • To complete the PACER test, you run back and forth across a 20-meter distance as many times as you can. • This will estimate your aerobic fitness.

  36. Self-Assessment 8: FITNESSGRAM 3— Cardiovascular Fitness, Flexibility, and Strength Question What equipment is needed for the PACER test?

  37. Self-Assessment 8: FITNESSGRAM 3— Cardiovascular Fitness, Flexibility, and Strength Answer You will need a tape recorder and a special audiotape to perform the test.

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