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Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences Agricultural

Novosibirsk Region Government. Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences Agricultural. Siberia Expo. ITE “Siberian Fair”. Congress “EVRAZES AGRO 2012” October, 30 and 31 “Novosibirsk Expocentre ” Novosibirsk http:// evrazesagro.com.

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Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences Agricultural

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  1. Novosibirsk Region Government Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences Agricultural Siberia Expo ITE “Siberian Fair” Congress “EVRAZES AGRO 2012” October, 30 and 31 “Novosibirsk Expocentre” Novosibirsk http://evrazesagro.com

  2. We invite you to become participants and partners of congress “EVRAZES AGRO 2012”, that will be held in “Novosibirsk Expocentre”, the largest exhibition complex beyond the Urals, from October, 30 and 31, 2012. “EVRAZES AGRO 2012” goals and objectives: The event was timed to celebrate the Novosibirsk Region 75th anniversary and will be held as a part of "Harvest Days 2012." Congress is aimed to create the conditions for mutually beneficial cooperation between producers and suppliers of agricultural products with the participation of scientific community on EurAsEC market. At the same time with the Congress international exhibitions “Harvest Days 2012“, “AgroExpoSiberia” and “AgroSib” will be held, specialized in crop production, cattle breeding, agricultural chemistry, veterinary medicine, agricultural machinery and equipment for agricultural sectors, technologies of storage and processing of agricultural products. We invite you to become participants and partners of “EVRAZES AGRO 2012”! Contacts: Tatyana Simutina, tel: +007 383 204 98 98;m.t: +007 983 000 20 63, е-mail: evrazesagro@gmail.comwebsite: http://evrazesagro.com

  3. The main themes of Congress “EVRAZES AGRO 2012”: • Agriculture and crop production • Cattle breeding and veterinary. Fish breeding • Engineering of agricultural complex • Storage and processing of agricultural products • Problems of food security. WTO We invite you to become participants and partners of “EVRAZES AGRO 2012”! Contacts: Tatyana Simutina, tel: +007 383 204 98 98;m.t: +007 983 000 20 63, е-mail: evrazesagro@gmail.comwebsite: http://evrazesagro.com

  4. Agriculture and crop production • Ways of cultivation and processing of land resources for sustainable harvest. • A moderator on the harmonization of. • RT*: “Efficient land reclamation. Improvement issues of soil fertility. Soil ecology conservation”; • - The company AIK LTD (person and subject to approval) • RT: “New efficient grain varieties. Modern methods to increase quality and yield of crops”; • - «Syngenta» company (person and subject to approval) • - LLC «Agrosemcentr» (the person and subject to approval) • PD**: “Agricultural chemistry in contexts of risky agriculture. Efficient fertilizers. Safety and rational use”; • Company «PhosAgro» (the person and subject to approval)- CJSC «Firm «August» (the person and subject to approval) • PD: “Efficient food reserve.Modern technologies of feeds production”. • JSC «Luzinskiy mixed fodder plant» (the person and subject to approval)- The company «Bioenergy» (the person and subject to approval)- The group of companies «Miratorg» (the person and subject to approval) • Lyudmila Lutsk, Director of the JSC "Sorbent " To": "Enhancing the efficiency of feed the introduction of mineral additives B.S."- EvgenyShatskikh, head of the Department of feeding and breeding of agricultural animals, Professor, Dr.Sci.: "Adsorption drug B.S . in feeding of chickens-broilers“ • The experts, invited to participate as well: Research scientists of RAAS, SB RAAS, Scientific Research Institute of Uzbekistan, Ukraine, Belarus, Kazakhstan Scientific Research Institute of agriculture and crop production, Ministry of Agriculture of Russian Federation; The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations; Dr. Birgit Schmidt-Puckhaber (Germany); the Grain Unions of the Eurasian Economic Community, Agro-industrial club “Dialogue”, Representatives of “Agro Expert Group”, “August”, “SchelkovoAgroChem”, “PhosAgro”, “Dupont”, “Syngenta”, ‘Russian Sprout”, “Siberian Agricultural Holding”, “EurAsEC Gardeners Unions”; National Movement for Conservation Agriculture etc. • _______ • * - round table; ** - panel discussion We invite you to become participants and partners of “EVRAZES AGRO 2012”! Contacts: Tatyana Simutina, tel: +007 383 204 98 98;m.t: +007 983 000 20 63, е-mail: evrazesagro@gmail.comwebsite: http://evrazesagro.com

  5. Cattle breeding and veterinary. Fish breeding • Preservation of healthy livestock and increase the productivity of the livestock of the EurAsEC. Prospects of fisheries and aquaculture of the EurAsEC. Problems and ways of their solution. • A moderator on the harmonization of. • RT: “Adaptation problems of importing cattle”; • The group of companies «VIC» (the person and the subject shall be agreed)- LLC «Diapharm» (the person and the subject shall be agreed)- NPF "Research center« (the person and the subject shall be agreed) • RT: “Modern drugs for veterinary attendance in cattle breeding”; • - LLC «Scientific Production Enterprise «Aquaculture» the Institute of Fundamental Problems of Biology (person shall be agreed): «Preparations for the artificial reproduction of fish» • RT: “Modern methods of selective breeding of farm animals”; • - The group of companies «Продконтракт» (the person and the subject shall be agreed) • PD:“Aquaculture – present day and prospective branch of cattle breeding.Fish breeding”. • - YuriyMarchenko, head of the Department of natural resources and environmental protection of the Novosibirsk region: «On the development of commodity fish breeding»- VasilyKrasnoborodko, the President of the company «Aqua-agro» (Riga): «Peculiarities of fish farming in Latvia. European fish farming»- Alexander Abramov, head of ri «Verkhneobribvod» (the theme is coordinated) • The experts, invited to participate as well: Research scientists of RAAS, SB RAAS, Scientific Research Institute of Uzbekistan, Mongolia, Ukraine, Ministry of Agriculture of Russian Federation, The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations; Federal Ministry of Germany, “EurAsECStockbreedeers Unions”, “EurAsEC Meat Unions, “EurAsEC Poultry Breeders Unions”; “EurAsEC Fish Breeders Union”, “NovSvin”, “Agrotech” (Ukraine), etc. We invite you to become participants and partners of “EVRAZES AGRO 2012”! Contacts: Tatyana Simutina, tel: +007 383 204 98 98;m.t: +007 983 000 20 63, е-mail: evrazesagro@gmail.comwebsite: http://evrazesagro.com

  6. Engineering of agricultural complex • New types of technical maintenance for the increase of productivity, the productivity and efficiency of agriculture of the EurAsEC. • A moderator on the harmonization of. • RT: “Comprehensive mechanization issues of crop production. specified requirement  for modern machinery”; • - Natalia Partasova, Chairman of the Board of Directors of OJSC «Agromashholding» (the theme is coordinated) • RT: “Efficiency improvement of EurAsEc agricultural complex using special equipment. Navigation systems for agriculture”; • PD: “State support programmes for modernization of agricultural machinery. Effective leasing schemes”. • - CJSC «Eurotechnica» (for approval)- OJSC «Rosselkhozbank» (for approval)- OAO «Rosagroleasing» (for approval) • The experts, invited to participate as well: Research scientists of RAAS, SB RAAS, Scientific Research Institute of Uzbekistan, Ministry of Agriculture of Russian Federation; The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations; German Agrarian Community (DLG)  (Dr. Grandtke); Representatives of JSC “Russian Agricultural Bank”, JSC “Kurganmashzavod”, LLC MCC “Concern” Tractor plants”, CJSC “Eurotechnique”, JSC “Agromashholding”; JSC “Agro-Union-Khmelnitsky” (Ukraine), etc. We invite you to become participants and partners of “EVRAZES AGRO 2012”! Contacts: Tatyana Simutina, tel: +007 383 204 98 98;m.t: +007 983 000 20 63, е-mail: evrazesagro@gmail.comwebsite: http://evrazesagro.com

  7. Storage and processing of agricultural products • The most efficient storage and processing of agricultural products. Methods, ways and technologies. • A moderator on the harmonization of. • RT: “Development in the area of efficiency improvement of milk use”; • - Scientific research Institute of cheese-making of the Altai territory (the person and the subject shall be agreed) • RT: “Deep processing of grain. Implementation of new technologies and methods”; • RT: “Modern methods of meat and fish products processing. Innovative methods of long-term storage”. • - The group of companies «Prodcontract» (the person and the subject shall be agreed)- The group of companies «Miratorg» (the person and the subject shall be agreed) • The experts, invited to participate as well: Research scientists of RAAS, SB RAAS, Scientific Research Institute of Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, Ministry of Agriculture of Russian Federation, The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations; “EurAsEC Milk Unions”, LLC “Valio, “Unimilk” Company, LLC “Agroprodukt Asia” (Kazakhstan), LLC “Sarzhaylau Corporation” (Kazakhstan), PJSC “Hercules” (Ukraine), CJSC “Agrocompany by name of Dovzhenko”, JSC “Ukrainian dairy company”, “EurAsEC Grain Unions”, TM “Krolytinka” (Ukraine), “Maer-Agro” (Kazakhstan), “Kanzhar” (Kazakhstan), “Dymov Meat Processing company”; CJSC “Orsk meat”; company “Parnas-M”, etc. We invite you to become participants and partners of “EVRAZES AGRO 2012”! Contacts: Tatyana Simutina, tel: +007 383 204 98 98;m.t: +007 983 000 20 63, е-mail: evrazesagro@gmail.comwebsite: http://evrazesagro.com

  8. Problems of food security. WTO • How to stop global hunger? Where to draw the new energy? What is the effect on AgrocomplexEurAsEC Russia's accession to the WTO? • A moderator on the harmonization of. • PD: Reduction of logistics costs in the trading of grain and other agricultural products"; • PD: “Biofuel or grain growing. Application problems of plowed fieldsin contexts of global threat of famine”; • - Irina Ermakova, international expert on food and environmental security: «GMO - salvation, or threat?» • PD:“Logistics costs reduction in the process of the transportation of grain and other products of agricultural complex” • PD: "The impact Russia’s joining the WTO on EurAsEC agricultural complex development”. • - NurkenSharbiev, Deputy Director of the Department of agro-industrial policy of the Eurasian Economic Committee: «the Impact of Russia's accession to the WTO on the development of States-members of the Customs Union and Single Economic Space»; • Natalia Partasova, Chairman of the Board of Directors of OJSC «Agromashholding»: «Russian manufacturer and the WTO» (for approval) • The experts, invited to participate as well: Research scientists of RAAS, SB RAAS, Scientific Research Institute of Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, Ministry of Agriculture of Russian Federation, The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, Federal Ministry of Germany, etc. We invite you to become participants and partners of “EVRAZES AGRO 2012”! Contacts: Tatyana Simutina, tel: +007 383 204 98 98;m.t: +007 983 000 20 63, е-mail: evrazesagro@gmail.comwebsite: http://evrazesagro.com

  9. Novosibirsk Region Government The event is supported by : Organizers : The President of the Russian Federation Rosagroleasing Ministry of Agriculture of Russian Federation EurAsEC Russian Agricultural Bank Belarus KazakhstanKyrgyzstan RussiaTadzhikistanUzbekistan ArmeniaMoldovaUkraine Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences Agricultural   Siberia Expo ITE “Siberian Fair” We invite you to become participants and partners of “EVRAZES AGRO 2012”! Contacts: Tatyana Simutina, tel: +007 383 204 98 98;m.t: +007 983 000 20 63, е-mail: evrazesagro@gmail.comwebsite: http://evrazesagro.com http://vk.com/evrazes_agrohttps://twitter.com/EVRAZESAGRO

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