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Musings about information literacy in school settings. Old and new questions

Musings about information literacy in school settings. Old and new questions. Tibor Koltay Department of Information and Library Studies, Szent István University, Jászberény & Department of Library and Information Science, University of West Hungary Szombathely Hungary

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Musings about information literacy in school settings. Old and new questions

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  1. Musings about information literacy in school settings. Old and new questions

  2. Tibor Koltay Department of Information and Library Studies, Szent István University, Jászberény & Department of Library and Information Science, University of West Hungary Szombathely Hungary koltay.tibor@abk.szie.hu Tibor KOLTAY

  3. A basic idea • Is responsibility for information literacy education in the Web 2.0 era solely up to public librarians? (Godwin, 2008). • It is integral part of all librarians’ role; • There are differences. Tibor KOLTAY

  4. Strong enough? Information literacy • especially the lack of information literacy • is of more importance to information professionals, • than to other players of the information and education arena (Bawden and Robinson, 2009). Tibor KOLTAY

  5. The Digital Renewal Action Plan (2010) • Uses both information literacy and digital literacy. • Both restricted to the efficient use of ICT • insufficient understanding (Badke, 2010) Tibor KOLTAY

  6. LIS education • Szent István University • University of West Hungary A minimal framework • Definitions of IL; • The different literacies (incl. digital literacy); • Literacy, functional literacy; Tibor KOLTAY

  7. The importance of information literacy for information professionals in context of the changing role of library and lifelong learning • University of Pécs • specialization in information literacy pedagogy Tibor KOLTAY

  8. Old questions • Does the present educational practice prepare schoolchildren for approaching information critically? • Is it fit for lifelong learning? Tibor KOLTAY

  9. Still valid • Furnishing schools with new electronic equipment • Education for the skills to use it Does it contribute to equal opportunity among schoolchildren?(Dömsödy, 2005) Tibor KOLTAY

  10. Different cultures • Librarians and teachers of computing have difficulty to understand each other and to cooperate • In the Bologna system there is no possibility to acquire a degree as a teacher librarian. • Teachers of computing are educated in big masses. Tibor KOLTAY

  11. Computing teachers • The requirements for the entry and graduation, as well as curricula are not adequate to teach the whole spectrum of IL. • It is restricted to computing (Dömsödy, 2011). Tibor KOLTAY

  12. Are digital natives information literate? • False mythology. • „Today’s highly technological students continue to fail miserably at most aspects of sophisticated information handling (Badke, 2010). Tibor KOLTAY

  13. Digital natives • This generation is far from being homogeneous (Selwyn, 2009). Exaggerated claims: both positive or negative Tibor KOLTAY

  14. Multitasking • Students need to learn when is it necessary to focus their attention (Rheingold, 2010) Tibor KOLTAY

  15. Good practice from Hungary The Digital fortress game • Part of the eMapps project for motivating active Participation of primary schoolchildren in digital online technologies for creative opportunities through multimedia. • Players apply traditional and digital resources in challenging and competitive situations (Ördögné 2008) Tibor KOLTAY

  16. References • Badke, W.(2010). Why Information Literacy is Invisible. Communications in Information Literacy, Vol.4, No. 2, 129-141. http://www.comminfolit.org/index.php/cil/article/view/Vol4-2010PER3/119 • Bawden, D. & Robinson, L. (2009). The dark side of information: overload, anxiety and other paradoxes and pathologies. Journal of Information Science, Vol. 35, No. 2, 180-191. • Dömsödy, A. (2011). Az információs műveltségről alkotott nézetek. Könyvtári Figyelő, Vol. 57, No. 1, http://ki.oszk.hu/kf/2011/04/az-informacios-muveltsegrol-alkotott-nezetek/ • Dömsödy A. (2005). Információs társadalom, informatika és könyvtár-pedagógia. Iskolakultúra, Vol. 15, No. 12, 12-20. • Godwin, P. (2008). Introduction: making the connections, in Godwin, P. & Parker, J.(Ed.) Information literacy meets Library 2.0, Facet, London, 3-18. • Ördögné Kovács, M. (2008) Lost in the sea of information. Introducing the Digital Fortress game. (English abstract)Játékok és mobil technológia a tanulásban. Szombathely: Savaria University Press. • Rheingold, H. (2010). Attention, and Other 21st-Century Social Media Literacies. EDUCAUSE Review, Vol. 45, No. 5, , 14-24. • Selwyn, N. (2009). The digital native – myth and reality. AslibProceedings, Vol. 61, No. 4, 364-379. Tibor KOLTAY

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