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Art in Revolution: Soviet Graphics from the Avant-Garde to Socialist Realism

Art in Revolution: Soviet Graphics from the Avant-Garde to Socialist Realism February 9-June 4, 2007

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Art in Revolution: Soviet Graphics from the Avant-Garde to Socialist Realism

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  1. Art in Revolution: Soviet Graphics from the Avant-Garde to Socialist Realism February 9-June 4, 2007 This selection of graphic works from The Wolfsonian Library’s rich holdings of Russian and Soviet materials is presented in conjunction with the New World Symphony’s celebration of the centennial of the birth of Dmitri Shostakovich, a giant of twentieth-century music and one of its most controversial figures.

  2. Following the Russian Revolution of 1917 and the ensuing civil war, artists in the Soviet Union faced the challenge of creating a revolutionary culture to replace the heritage of Tsarist Russia. Among the most significant movements to emerge in post-revolutionary Russia was Constructivism, which enlisted artists in the project of building a new classless society. Central to the work of Constructivists was applying key principles of the artistic avant-garde—abstraction, and the machine aesthetic, for example —to the practical design of living and working environments and everyday objects. Already in the 1920s, some artists and Communist ideologues issued strong criticisms of the Constructivists and other exponents of artistic experimentation, and proposed that the proper art for a socialist society should build upon the legacy of nineteenth-century Realism. These criticisms were taken up by Joseph Stalin, who by the early 1930s had established himself as a dictator. From 1932 on, Socialist Realism—which mandated idealized representations of workers, peasants, and the building of socialism, executed in a realistic style—became enshrined as the only appropriate art for the Soviet state. The post-revolutionary period of experimentation was over, and Constructivists faced the choice of conforming, emigrating, or ceasing to work.



  5. 83.2.678 XC1991.309 85.19.224 Book, Russkii revoliutsionnyi plakat [Russian revolutionary posters], 1922 Written by Viacheslav Polonskii (Russian, 1886-1932) Published by Gosudarstvenoe izdatel'stvo, Moscow Printed by 1-aia Obraztsovaia tipografiia M.S.N.Kh., Moscow XC1991.309 Catalog,Erste Russische Kunstausstellung, Berlin, [The First Russian Art Exhibition, Berlin],1922, Cover design attributed to El Lissitzky (Russian, 1890-1941) Published by Internationale Arbeiterhilfe, Berlin 85.19.224 Book,Russian Placards, 1917-1922, [c1923] Published by Petersburg Branch of the News of the All-Russia Central Executive Committee ("Isvestia CVIK"), Petrograd 83.2.678 Book, Dlia golosa [For Reading Aloud], 1923 Book designed and illustrated by El Lissitzky (Russian, 1890-1941) Written by Vladimir Maiakovski (Russian, 1893-1930) Published by R.S.F.S.R. Gosudarstvennoe izdatel'stvo Printed by Tipografiia Lutze & Vogt, Berlin TD1989.284.1 TD1989.284.1

  6. TD1989.116.15 Book, Pamiatnik III Internatsionala [Monument to the Third International], 1920 Illustration by Vladimir Evgrafovich Tatlin (Russian, 1885-1953) Written by Nikolai Nikolaevich Punin (Russian, Dates unknown) Published by Izd. Otdela izobrazitel'nykh iskusstv N. K. P., Petrograd Printed by 17-ia Gosudarstvennaia tipografiia, Petrograd TD1989.116.15 Book, General'nyi plan rekonstruktsii goroda Moskvy [General Plan for the Reconstruction of the City of Moscow], 1936 Cover designed by Solomon Benediktovich Telingater (Russian,1903-1969) Edited by Ia.S. Tsvankin (Russian, dates unknown) Published by "Moskovskii rabochii" Printed by 1-ia Obraztsovaia tipografiia Ogiza RSFSR tresta "Poligrafkniga", Moscow XC1994.433 Portfolio, U.R.S.S. [Soviet Pavilion] from Exposition 1937: sections étrangères, 1937 Boris Mikhailovich Iofan (Russian,1891-1976), architect Vera Ignat’evna Mukhina (Russian. 1889-1953), sculptor Published by Éditions Art et Architecture, Paris XC1991.748 XC1991.748

  7. 84.2.53 XC1997.35.6 XB2006.06.1.9 Periodical, USSR im Bau [USSR in Construction], March 1934 Published by Staatlicher Kunstverlag, Moscow Printed by Gosnak, Moscow XB2006.06.1.9 Brochure,Soviet Ukraine, c. 1930 Published by State Publisher for Foreign Trade, Moscow Printed by Intourist, USSR Travel Co. Gift of Audrey Feldman XC1997.35.6 Plate 14, Trubka Stalina [Stalin’s Pipe] from Plakat na sluzhbe Oktiabria [Posters in the service October], c. 1934 Illustration by Viktor Nikolaevich Deni (Russian, 1893-1946) Published by Ogiz-Izogiz, [Moscow] 84.2.53 Book, Fine arts in the U.S.S.R., 1939 Written by Alexander Mikhailovich Gerasimov (Russian, 1881-1963) Published by Foreign Languages Publishing House, Moscow 83.2.714.4

  8. Periodical, Tvorchestvo: zhurnal Soiuzov sovetskikh khudozhnikov i skul'ptorov [Creativity: Journal of the Union of Soviet Artists and Sculptors], 1937 Left Busygin stavit novye rekordy [Busygin Sets New Records] Iurii Ivanovich Pimenov (Russian, 1903-1977) Right Zhizn’ kolkhoza [Life in the Kolkhoz], 1937 Pavel Varfolomeevich Kuznetsov (Russian, 1878-1968) Published by Iskusstvo, Moscow Printed by 21 tipografiia tresta "Poligrafkniga" im. Iv. Fedorova, Leningrad 84.3.8 Periodical, USSR im Bau [USSR in Construction], April 1938 Published by Staatlicher Kunstverlag, Moscow Printed by Gosnak, Moscow

  9. Catalog, [Vase with portrait of Stalin], from Khudozhestvennyi farfor [Artististic porcelain], 1938 Portrait by A.A. Skvortsov (Russian, dates unknown) Reproduction of painting by Isaak Izraelevich Brodski (Russian, 1884-1939) Printed by 21 tip. OGIZa RSFSR tresta "Poligrafkniga" im. Iv. Fedorova, Leningrad XC1999.30.10 Periodical,[Statue of Stalin at the All-Union Agricultural Exhibition] from USSR in Construction, September 1939 Sergei Dmitrievich Merkurov (Russian, 1881-1952), sculptor Published by State Art Publishing House “Iskusstvo”, Moscow-Leningrad Printed by Iskra Revolutsii Printshop Cover printed by Goznak, Moscow


  11. XB1990.389 XB1990.2178 Plates, Ekstsentrychnyi tanok [Eccentric danse], [in]Anatol' Petryts'kyi: teatral'ni stroï, [Anatol’ Petryts’kyi: theater costume], 1929 Illustrated by Anatolii Halaktionovych Petryts'kyi, (Ukrainian, 1895-1964) Written by V. Khmuryi (Ukrainian, dates unknown) Published by Derzhavne vydavnytstvo Ukrainy Printed by Lito-drukarni Derzhavnogo vydavnytstva Ukrainy im. H.I. Petrovs'koho Ukraine XB1990.389 Book, Das entfesselte Theater : Aufzeichnungen eines Regisseurs [The Unshackled Theater: Notes of a Director], 1927 Cover designed by El Lissitzky (Russian, 1890-1941) Written by Aleksandr Iakovlevich Tairov (Russian, 1885-1950) Published by Gustav Kiepenheuer Verlag, Potsdam Printed by Gebr. Feyl, Berlin XB1990.1341 Frontispiece, Most (Sevr) [Bridge (Sèvres)] from Aleksandra Ekster: kak zhivopisets i khudozhnik stseny [Aleksandra Ekster: As Painter and Set Designer], 1922 Illustration by Alexandra Exter (Russian, 1884-1949) Written by Iakov Aleksandrovich Tugendkhol'd (Russian, 1872-1928) Published by "Zaria", Berlin Printed by Preuss-Institut Graphik, Berlin XB1990.2357 XB1990.1341 XB1990.2357

  12. 83.2.704 Sheet 17, Teatral’nyi kostium [Theater costume], from Iskusstvo v bytu [Art in everyday life], 1925 Illustration by V. Akhmet’ev (Russian, dates unknown) Published by Izd. "Izvestii TSIK SSSR i VTSIK", Moscow Printed by 1-aia Obraztsovaia tipo-lit Gosizdata, Moscow XB1990.2178 Book, Printsessa Turandot: teatral'no-tragicheskaia kitaiskaia skazka v 5 aktakh [Princess Turandot: A Tragicomic Tale of China for the Theatre in Five Acts], [1923] Illustrated by Ignatii Ignat'evich Nivinskii (Russian, 1880-1933) Written by Carlo Gozzi (Italian, 1720-1806) Published by Gosudarstvennoe izdatel'stvo, Moscow, Petrograd Printed by 1-ia Obraztsovaia tipografiia "Mospoligraf", Moscow 83.2.704 Book, K desiatoi godovshchine Oktiabria: kak ukrashchat’ gorod [For the Tenth Anniversary of October: How to Decorate a Town], c1927 Edited by K. Mal’tsev (Russian, dates unknown) Published by Izd-vo AKhRR, Moscow Printed by 1-ia Obraztsovaia tipo-litografiia Gosizdata, Moscow XB1990.1885 Book, K desiatoi godovshchine Oktiabria: kak ukrashchat’ gorod [For the Tenth Anniversary of October: How to Decorate a Town], c1927 Edited by K. Mal’tsev (Russian, dates unknown) Published by Izd-vo AKhRR, Moscow Printed by 1-ia Obraztsovaia tipo-litografiia Gosizdata, Moscow XC1997.16.10 XB1990.1885 XC1997.16.10

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