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Table of Contents<br>Table of Contents .............................................................. 3<br>Introduction........................................................................ 5<br>What Is Quality Content? .................................................. 6<br>Easy Ways to Write Content ............................................. 8<br>Quotes .............................................................................. 8<br>Roundups ......................................................................... 8<br>Interviews ......................................................................... 9<br>Re-Blogging ..................................................................... 10<br>Guest Posts ..................................................................... 10<br>Other Forms of Media ...................................................... 11<br>Slideshows ....................................................................... 11<br>Video Roundups ............................................................... 12<br>Videos With Commentary ................................................. 12<br>Music Roundups ............................................................... 13<br>Infographics ...................................................................... 13<br>Outsourcing Content ......................................................... 14<br>Conclusion......................................................................... 15<br>Resources ......................................................................... 16<br><br>You may ask this:<br># People searched for...<br>1 how buzzfeed mastered content creation<br>2 how does content creation differ from advertising<br>3 how much does content creation cost<br>4 how to automate content creation<br>5 how to automate content creation via xml<br>6 how to do content creation<br>7 how to improve content creation<br>8 how to outsource content creation<br>9 how to start a content creation company<br>10 what do you mean by content creation<br>11 what does a content creation specialist do<br>12 what is brave frontier content creation program<br>13 what is content creation<br>14 what is content creation in marketing<br>15 what is content creation in websites<br>16 what is content creation strategy<br>17 what is digital content creation<br>18 what is multimedia content creation<br>19 what is video content creation<br>20 why is content creation important
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In end of this EBOOK you can see top 44 tools content hacks. Table of Contents Table of Contents .................................................................................................. 3 Introduction ............................................................................................................ 5 What Is Quality Content? ...................................................................................... 6 Easy Ways to Write Content ................................................................................. 8 Quotes ............................................................................................................... 8 Roundups .......................................................................................................... 8 Interviews ........................................................................................................... 9 Re-Blogging ..................................................................................................... 10 Guest Posts ..................................................................................................... 10 Other Forms of Media ......................................................................................... 11 Slideshows ....................................................................................................... 11 Video Roundups .............................................................................................. 12 Videos With Commentary ................................................................................ 12 Music Roundups .............................................................................................. 13 Infographics ..................................................................................................... 13 Outsourcing Content ........................................................................................... 14 Conclusion ........................................................................................................... 15 Resources ........................................................................................................... 16 Content Hacks
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Introduction Content is King. It’s a common saying in the business world, but it’s true. With all the changes Google has made in the last few years, the quality and length of the content you post online is more important than ever. Even if you don’t depend on Google for traffic, the next best source of traffic (actually, it’s probably even more important than Google for most people) is viral traffic, and people don’t share crappy content. If you want to get traffic from social media without paying for it, you must be posting great content. But creating killer content takes a lot of time and effort. Or… it can take a lot of time and effort. Fortunately, there are actually ways to reduce the time it takes to create great content. There are even ways to cut out the need to write content altogether, although you can’t get away with having no written content on your site unless it’s already an authority site or is getting a lot of traffic from social media. Google really needs to see some written content on a site. In this guide, you’re going to learn how to create content without having to write all day every day. You’ll learn about different types of post that lessen the need to write, and different types of media that Google and your visitors will enjoy. So let’s begin. Content Hacks
What Is Quality Content? Alright, before we get started, we need to define what quality content actually is. You might think that quality content simply means being grammatically correct and having accurate information, but there are actually several different elements to creating quality content. Let’s take a look at the elements of quality content: 1.Interesting– Even the most useful content needs to be presented in an interesting way. Content that is boring isn’t going to be read to the end, nor is it going to encourage readers to view any of your other content. 2.Entertaining– Not all content has to be extremely entertaining, but if it’s not useful, it should at least be funny or exciting. 3.Useful– Unless your content is really interesting or entertaining in some way, it needs to be useful. Useful content like tutorials and educational material is quite popular both with readers and with search engines. 4.Well Researched– Your content needs to be well researched, ideally from multiple sources. 5.Factually Accurate– Obviously, your content must be factually accurate. If your site gets the reputation for distributing false information, people won’t come back. 6.Grammatically Correct– Not only should your content be grammatically correct for readers, but also for search engines. Content Hacks
Google can tell if your content is grammatically correct, so it’s more important than ever to ensure your spelling, grammar, and punctuation are all correct. 7.Long– Unfortunately, these days, Google wants long content. This change basically came about to combat all those spammy websites that were putting up 150 to 300-word articles that were very basic and didn’t really offer anything of value other than repeating keywords often for search engine rankings. These days, Google likes to see articles that are at least 1,000 words, and up to 3,000. There’s one way to avoid writing long content, and that leads us to the last element of great content. 8.Mixed Media – Having other media is not only great for your visitors, but Google loves it, too. You do need to have some written content on your site, but having other forms of media is great for Google, great for visitors, and great for you! Now that we have a basic idea of the type of content we should be creating, we’re going to look at some ways to make content creation much easier. Content Hacks
Easy Ways to Write Content Written content is still an important part of the overall content creation process, and there’s really no way to get out of writing it unless you just outsource it or have solely user-generated content on your site, especially if you want to get Google traffic. But there are ways to make the process easier, which we are going to talk about right now. Quotes Collections of quotes on particular topics are one easy way to create content, and you can add some unique content to them by writing your take on the topic. For example, if you create a list of motivational quotes for entrepreneurs, you can let people know your personal favorite quotes and why you like each one, along with your interpretation of each. Roundups Roundups are a very popular type of blog post these days. Readers love them, because they get to discover a lot of information about a single topic in one place, and content creators love them because they don’t really have to write a lot of original content themselves other than descriptions of each item they are linking to. Content Hacks
In case you haven’t seen roundup posts, the basic process of creating one is something like this: 1.Pick a topic. 2.Find several different pieces of content online that fit the topic. It could be articles, videos, audio, or images, but ideally they should all be the same type of media. A good number for most purposes is between 5 and 20 items. 3.Create an article that links to each item, along with a description of each. Your description of each link is the unique content that will attract search engine traffic and make your article interesting to readers. Roundup posts do still require quite a bit of work to create, but they don’t require the same level of in-depth research that articles typically do, because you’re just writing descriptions of other people’s content. This is a great time saver. Interviews Interviews are great content, because you only have to write some questions, and the person you’re interviewing does most of the writing work. You just email the questions to your subject, and they email you their answers back. You can interview pretty much anyone who knows anything about your topic, but ideally you want to interview someone who is fairly well known in your industry and has a following with the hopes that when the interview is posted on your site, they will tell their own followers about it and get you some additional traffic. Content Hacks
Re-Blogging Re-bogging is taking someone else’s blog post or article and publishing it to your own site—with permission, of course. Sometimes people will allow you to post their content in its entirety, but a lot of the time they won’t want to risk the dreaded ?duplicate content? issue, so they may ask you to post only excerpts. But that’s actually a good thing, because you won’t have to worry about duplicate content, either. Guest Posts Guest posts are a great way to get free content written for you, but it’s tricky to find people to do guest posts unless you have a relatively popular website. People generally want to write guest posts when they believe it will get them more traffic. In this case, you’ll have to convince people that a guest post on your site will be beneficial to them in some way. Perhaps it will be because you do have significant traffic or social media followers, or it might be because your site has a high domain authority or page authority. Just make sure they understand there is value in writing for your site. Content Hacks
Other Forms of Media Google loves to see all types of media on websites, because people like to consume content in all different forms. Now that fast internet is available in most areas of the world, content like pictures and videos has become much more popular. Sites like YouTube and Pinterest are regularly among the highest traffic websites, because people love these forms of media—often more so than written content. While you do still need to have written content on your site for SEO purposes, having other types of media also gives you a nice boost. Let’s take a look at some of the different types of media you can add to your website in order to minimize the amount of writing and research you have to do, as well as to attract visitors who love alternate forms of media. Slideshows Slideshows have become incredibly popular these days, with a lot of major sites using them. Because they focus so heavily on images, there is very little writing involved. All you have to do is write a very short blurb of content to go along with each image, or a caption or short description. Content creation doesn’t get much easier than slideshows! Content Hacks
When you create a slideshow, make sure you have a specific format to follow. For example: Top 10 Antioxidant-Rich Foods 15 Places To Visit Before You Die 25 Actors Who Died Too Young Then you just need to write a short paragraph describing each slide. For example, in the ?15 Places To Visit Before You Die? slideshow, you’d describe the location, and tell people exactly why you’ve chosen that location as one of those must-visit places. Video Roundups Like roundups of written content, video roundups will save you a lot of time. All you have to do is find a few videos on YouTube that fit in with a single topic and embed them into a single blog post or web page, and write a commentary on each one. (Don’t just link to the videos, because you want the traffic to stay on your site.) Your commentary could be your own description or thoughts on the content of the videos, or perhaps even an opposing viewpoint to the one presented. Since videos take time to watch, its best to keep video roundups to a maximum of 10 videos per roundup, with 3-5 being the ideal number for most purposes. Videos With Commentary Content Hacks
You can also make use of a single video by offering more in-depth commentary. Because there is a video, you don’t need to write 1,000+ words like you would in text-only articles. You can get by with 300 words or less if a video is included. Music Roundups Music roundups can be great content if you can find a topic that fits with the theme of your site. For example, you could round up mood music that goes along with particular holidays or events, or music that inspires certain moods, like romance, hard work, or exercise. Infographics While infographics aren’t quite as popular as they were when they first became popular, they are still a great way to present information on a topic without a lot of writing, and in a way people can easily digest and understand. They are also great for attracting traffic via Pinterest, because they generally take up a lot of screen real estate and they do draw the eye in a sea of boring images. Content Hacks
Outsourcing Content The easiest way to get content, of course, is outsourcing it. But it can be tricky to find quality writers who won’t just slap up a bunch of boring information and charge a fortune, or write in broken English. That’s why it’s a good idea to use a company that has a rating system for writers that will let you get an overview of a potential writer before you decide to hire them. Forums that have job boards can also be good places to find writers, because sometimes you’ll find feedback about those writers on the forum. Be sure to ask for writing samples before you hire anyone, and have them write one paid article as a test before hiring them to write more. Here are some sites to find quality writers: >> http://www.upwork.com >> http://www.textbroker.com >> http://www.writeraccess.com >> http://www.bloggingpro.com/jobs/ >> http://problogger.com/jobs/ Content Hacks
Conclusion Having great content is crucial, but it’s incredibly time consuming to create content from scratch. Since Google wants longer content, writing a single article can take the better part of a day when you include the time to research the article, write it, and edit it. But using the tips in this guide, you can significantly reduce the amount of time it takes to create content on your site. By using a mix of different types of media, and using a variety of sources for your content, you’ll not only make your own job easier, but you’ll make Google and your visitors happy, too. You’ve learned a variety of methods for creating content faster and easier: Outsourcing Multiple forms of media Roundups Interviews Guest posts And others Remember, it’s not just the quantity of content you post, but also quality. As long as you’re focused on creating content that will appeal to both visitors and Google, you’ll be fine. Best of luck! Content Hacks
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YouTube Rank Tracker - Track Fast & Easy Unlimited Keywords & Videos Ranking - $7 One Time Payment! Top Content Tools Atomic Writer "Atomic AI is a Content Marketing Optimization Platform for content and social media marketers" === Byword Byword is a markdown app for writing in plain text efficiently. Available for Mac, iPhone and iPad. Byword includes complete Markdown support. === Cliche Finder Cliché Finder is a tool that will track, and analyze your writing to see if you overuse clichés. === Contently Contently helps brands do great content marketing at scale—with smart technology, content strategy expertise, and a network of 100000 freelance creatives. Content Hacks
=== CoSchedule CoSchedule is an easy drag-and-drop content marketing calendar that allows you to plan, create, and promote your content all in one place. It saves you time and helps you grow your audience through smart marketing plans and efficient team collaboration. === CoSchedule Headline Analyzer Write Headlines That Drive Traffic, Shares, And Search Results. Get more engagement, shares, and traffic back to your blog posts with SEO driven, emotional headlines. === Divvy HQ DivvyHQ is a content planning and production workflow tool for high-volume content teams. It was built to help marketers and content producers stay organized and successfully execute demanding and complicated content marketing and social media marketing initiatives. === Edit Flow Edit Flow is an editorial calendar for planning blog posts. Especially useful for sites with collaborating authors. === Content Hacks
Editorial Calendar WordPress doesn't make it easy to see when your posts are scheduled. The editorial calendar gives you an overview of your blog and when each post will be published. You can drag and drop to move posts, edit posts right in the calendar, and manage your entire blog. === FAQfox FaqFox is an excellent free tool that will help you explore new product and market ideas. === GatherContent Gather Content helps teams organise, structure, produce, manage and migrate website content. GatherContent integrates with popular CMS'. === Ginger The Ginger Grammar Checker helps you write better English and efficiently corrects texts. Based on the context of complete sentences, Ginger Grammar Checker uses patent-pending technology to correct grammar mistakes, spelling mistakes and misused words, with unmatched accuracy. === Content Hacks
Grammar Check Grammar check your writing, find errors in grammar, spelling and writing style. Instant feedback on problems and suggestions on how to fix them. === Germ.io germ.io is a project planning tool that helps to capture abstract ideas, collaboratively brainstorm and turn them into actionable projects. === Hubspot's Blog Topic Generator Hubspot's Blog Topic Generator is probably the most well- known tool for generating blog post title ideas but there's a reason for that – it's a fantastic free tool. === Kapost Software to realize your B2B marketing strategy. Kapost is the B2B marketing operating system used to power world- class content and drive business success. === KingSumo Headlines Detailed, online reports show you how your titles are performing relative to each other. You'll instantly be able to Content Hacks
tell which title performs better. KingSumo Headlines is like getting free traffic. === Link Bait Content Generator Use this title generator to brainstorm shareable link bait title ideas for your website. === Marketing.AI Marketing.AI is defining a collaborative content management software framework to get customers from strategy through execution with ease. === Newscred NewsCred powers content marketing for the world's best brands. Through our complete solution and repeatable methodology, we deliver measurable business outcomes. === Neuro Grammar NeuroGramma uses its advanced neural-network artificial intelligence algorithms in order to grammar check any English document. === Pro Writing Aid Content Hacks
ProWritingAid is your online writing editor and personal writing coach. This free version runs on the first 500 words of your document. === Reverso This tool enables you to correct the most cumbersome mistakes, with a high degree of accuracy and speed, and to improve your written English. === ScribbleLive ScribbleLive is a content marketing platform used by media, advertising, and marketing professionals. === Slick Write Slick Write is a powerful, free tool that makes it easy to check your writing for grammar errors, potential stylistic mistakes, and other features of interest. Whether you're a blogger, novelist, SEO professional, or student writing an essay for school, Slick Write can help take your writing to the next level. === Title Generator This tool gives you endless catchy topic headlines, title suggestions and creative content ideas. === Content Hacks
UberFlip Uberflip is a Content Experience Platform that lets businesses create remarkable content experiences for every stage of the buyer journey. === White Smoke WhiteSmoke software products for writing and language. WhiteSmoke is a grammar checker, spell checker, style checker and more - in a single package. === WordPress Distraction Free Writing If you find that all the options in the writing screen keep you from focusing on the task at hand, try out Distraction Free Writing. It hides everything that can get in the way of your writing, and helps you stay focused. === Wordsmith Wordsmith is a natural language generation platform that lets you produce human-sounding narratives from data. === Addict-o-Matic Content Hacks
Addictomatic is a discovery platform that aggregates sites on the web for the latest news, blog posts, videos and images. === ClipZine The CLIPZINE is a content curation platform that you can curate and create a stylish reusable sharable content. === ContentGems ContentGems is a content discovery engine. Everyday, it scans hundreds of thousands of articles from the best online sources and presents you a stream of relevant and timely content. === Curata Curata's software help marketers scale a data-driven, content marketing supply chain to grow their leads and revenue. === CurationSoft CurationSoft allows bloggers to focus on creating great posts without all the back-and-forth of copying, pasting, and having a gazillion open tabs.It takes the pain out of creating great mashups that are filled with content your visitors are looking for. It also enables content marketers Content Hacks
to have more time to post more often, giving you more potential search rankings and a more loyal following. === Curation Traffic Curation Traffic a WordPress based content curation platform that includes a stand alone theme, a plugin, and the Curation Mastery Training. === Everpost EverPost was designed to help you keep your company alive, socially. EverPost lets you get on with your day and lets your social channels stay alive and running with the most relevant content for your community. === Flipboard It aggregates content from social media, news feeds, photo sharing sites and other websites, presents it in magazine format, and allows users to "flip" through the articles, images and videos being shared. === Headslinger Headslinger scans your favorite sites' headlines in a matter of seconds. Store your favorite news sources in quick, easy to find folders. Content Hacks
=== Magnify Magnify allows website publishers to create their own video channels, and populate it with videos from other sites (like YouTube, Revver, Yahoo Videos, etc.) that allow embedding. The result is a highly targeted niche video site that integrates very well into existing content websites. === Paper.li Paper.li is a simple way to aggregate online information important to followers without the need to handle it personally. Paper.li is a fantastic tool for delivering relevant content to your community. === Pocket Pocket is an application and service for managing a reading list of articles from the Internet. It is available for OS X, Windows, iOS, Android, Windows Phone, BlackBerry, Kobo eReaders, and web browsers. === Postplanner Use Post Planner to FIND, PLAN, & POST better content to boost your reach & social media engagement today. Content Hacks
=== Scribit Scribit is a content logistics platform that supports online publishers in discovering, organizing and publishing their content. === Zemanta Zemanta is focused on building content and media technology that helps marketers reach their maximum potential audiences. === Work Smarter Not Harder! We all know that using internet marketing tools can help us get big success However, did you know that using best internet marketing tools is THE key element for real success of your business? Content Hacks
Here is why we must use marketing tools: Use tools can help you Earn more money! Save more time! Because For almost every paid tool you can find a free alternative one! Use tools can save you time because when you have the best productivity tools, you add more hours to your day! Need more customers and more leads? You must know the best tools nowadays for you to collect emails fast and easy. Do you want your site to reach higher rankings? You will find in our guide top popular SEO tools for free and also paid ones. Do you feel that you waste a lot of time working on social media marketing? We have gathered in top tools the best top social marketing tools for to automate your social media marketing. Don't know which content to write for your audience? Content Hacks
You can find in this guide top tools that give you top ideas to generate the best texts filled with interesting content. This big list of top internet marketing tools includes almost every tool you’ll ever need to master every aspect of a digital marketing campaign Feel free to share this guide with your friends! They will definitely be thankful! ALL 100 TOP TOOLS CATEGORIES Content Curation Tools Social Media Tools PPC Tools Content Optimization Tools Rank Tracking Tools Tops Keyword Research Tools Content Hacks
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