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Presentation Transcript

    1. ???a?? ?a? Internet ???/??? St????d?, ?pe?????? ???t??? ???.??.?. (?????f?????? ?a? ???? ?e?????????) ?. F?????a? http://dide.flo.sch.gr/Plinet/plinet.html e-mail : plinet@dide.flo.sch.gr

    2. ? ?p?????sa ??µ??es?a ??a T?µata ???ep??????????, ?????f?????? ?a? Internet

    3. ?????? ?p?t??p? ???ep?????????? ?a? ?a??d??µe??? (?.?.?.?.) ?d?????e µe t??? ?.2246/1994 ?a? ?.2867/2000, «??????s? ?a? ?e?t?????a t?? ??µ?a t?? ???ep??????????», ?? a?µ?d?a ??a t?? ep?pte?a t?? t??ep????????a??? a?????. ? ?.?.?.?. http://www.eett.gr ?????e? ?de?e? ?e?t?????a? se ???????? ???ep????????a??? ?p??es???, st??? ?p????? a?????? ?a? ?? ??????? ?p??es??? ??ad??t???, ?? ???st?? ?a? ?? ?a???e?? ?p??es??? Internet ? ISP’s (Internet Service Providers).

    4. ?????? ?p?t??p? ???stas?a? t?? ?p????t?? t?? ?p?????????? ? ?.2225/1994 a?af??eta? st?? «?d??s? ??????? ?p?t??p?? ???stas?a? t?? ?p????t?? t?? ?p??????????», µe ap?st??? t?? p??stas?a t?? ap????t?? t?? ep?st???? ?a? t?? t??ef?????? ?a? ???e ????? µ??f?? t??ep????????a??? a?tap????s?? ? ep????????a? ?at? t? ????? 19 t?? S??t??µat?? ?a??? ?a? t?? ??e??? t?? t???s?? t?? ???? ??s?? t?? ap????t?? p?? ??ese ? d??ast??? a???.  St? ????? 3 ??????ta? ?? p???p???se?? ??a t?? ??s? t?? ap????t?? ??a ?????? e?????? asf??e?a? ?a? st? ????? 4 ??????ta? ?? p???p???se?? ??a t?? ??s? t?? ap????t?? ??a d?a???ß?s? ?d?a?te?a s?ßa??? e????µ?t??.

    5. ?p???????? ?p?f?se?? ? ?p??????? ?p?fas? µe a???. 88141/1995 ap?te?e? t?? «??d??a ?e??t?????a? ?s??s?? ???ep????????a??? ??ast????t?t??». ? ?p?fas? t?? ?.?.?.?. µe a???. 268/73/2002 ap?te?e? t?? «?a????sµ? ??a?e???s?? ?a? ??????s?? ???µ?t?? ????? (Domain Names) µe ?at????? .gr».

    6. ?pe?e??as?a ?ed?µ???? ???s?p???? ?a?a?t??a ?e t?? ?.2472/1997 «???stas?a t?? ?t?µ?? ap? t?? ?pe?e??as?a ?ed?µ???? ???s?p???? ?a?a?t??a» ??????ta? ?? p???p???se?? ??a t?? epe?e??as?a ded?µ???? p??s?p???? ?a?a?t??a p??? p??stas?a t?? d??a??µ?t?? ?a? t?? ?eµe???d?? e?e??e???? t?? f?s???? p??s?p?? ?a? ?d??? t?? ?d??t???? ????. ?e ta ????a 15–20 t?? ??µ?? a?t?? ????eta? ? s?stas?, ? s?????t?s? ?a? ? t??p?? ?e?t?????a? t?? ????? ???stas?a? ?ed?µ???? ???s?p???? ?a?a?t??a. ? ?.2774/1999 a?af??eta? st?? «???stas?a ?ed?µ???? ???s?p???? ?a?a?t??a st?? ???ep????????a?? ??µ?a».

    7. ?d???a ??a t? ??e?t?????? ?µp???? ?? ??.131/2003 ap?te?e? t?? «?d???a ??a t? ??e?t?????? ?µp????». ?? ????? 6 a?af??eta? st? µ? ??t??e?sa eµp????? ep????????a (spam e-mail) ?a? ta ????a 8 – 10 a?af????ta? st?? ??e?t??????? s?µß?se?? ?a? st??? t??p??? ??e?t??????? pa?a??e??a?. ?a ????a 11 – 14 a?af????ta? st?? e????? t?? µesa???t?? pa????? ?p??es??? (ISP’s) ?ta? d?ap?st????? pa????µe? e????e?e? t?? ???st?? (s??d??µ?t??) t???.

    8. ??e?t??????? ?p???af?? ?? ??.150/2001 a?af??eta? st? ?????t??? p?a?s?? ??a t?? ??e?t??????? ?p???af??. ? ??f?a?? ?p???af? ?a?a?t????eta? ?? «p????µ??? ??e?t?????? ?p???af?» ?a? ep??e? ??s? ?d???e???? ?p???af?? t?s? st? ??s?ast??? ?s? ?a? st? d?????µ??? d??a??. ? ??????? ?p??es??? ??st?p???s?? ????eta? ?? f?s??? ? ??µ??? p??s?p? ? ????? f???a?, p?? e?d?de? p?st?p???t??? (??e?t??????? ßeßa??se?? t?? ta?t?t?ta? e??? at?µ??) ? pa???e? ???e? ?p??es?e?, s??afe?? µe t?? ??e?t??????? ?p???af??.

    9. ??????? ?p??es??? ??st?p???s?? ? ap?fas? t?? ?.?.?.?. µe a???. 248/71/2002 ap?te?e? t?? «?a????sµ? ?a????? ?p??es??? ??st?p???s?? ??e?t??????? ?p???af??». St? ????? 3 a?af??eta? ?t? ? pa???? ?p??es??? p?st?p???s?? ?p??asd?p?te µ??f?? e??a? e?e??e?? ?a? de? ?p??e?ta? se p??????µe?? ?de?a ? ?????s?. St? ????? 9 a?af??eta? ?t? ? ?.?.?.?. as?e? t?? ep?pte?a ?a? t?? ??e??? ???? t?? e??atest?µ???? st?? ????da ??????? ?p??es??? ??st?p???s??.

    10. ???? ??asf???s?? t?? ?p????t?? t?? ?p?????????? ? ???? ??asf???s?? t?? ?p????t?? t?? ?p?????????? (????) http://www.adae.gr ?e?t????e? ap? t? 2003 ?? a?e???t?t? a??? s?µf??a µe t?? d?at??e?? t?? ?.3115/2003. S??p?? t?? ???? e??a? ? p??stas?a t?? ap????t?? t?? ep?st???? ?a? t?? e?e??e??? a?tap????s?? ? ep????????a? µe ?p????d?p?te ???? t??p?. St?? ?????a t?? p??stas?a? t?? ap????t?? t?? ep?????????? pe???aµß??eta? ?a? ? ??e???? t?? t???s?? t?? ???? ?a? t?? d?ad??as?a? ??s?? t?? ap????t??.

    11. ???? ???stas?a? ?ed?µ???? ???s?p???? ?a?a?t??a ? ???? ???stas?a? ?ed?µ???? ???s?p???? ?a?a?t??a http://www.dpa.gr (Data Protection Authority) ?e?t????e? s?µf??a µe t?? d?at??e?? t?? ?.2472/1997 (????a 15–20) µe ap?st??? t?? ep?pte?a t?? t???s?? t?? p??s?p???? ap????t?? ?a? st? ??ad??t??, ?p?? ????eta? ?a? ap? t?? µeta?e??ste?? ?.2774/1999 ??a t?? «???stas?a ded?µ???? p??s?p???? ?a?a?t??a st?? t??ep????????a?? t?µ?a». S?µf??a µe t??? pa?ap??? ??µ???, ?? ?st?se??de? p?? s???e?t?????? p??s?p??? st???e?a t?? ep?s?ept?? t???, ?p?? ???µata, t???f??a, d?e????se?? e-mail, ????? ??µ??? ?p?????s? ?a t??? e??µe?????? ??a t?? s??p? p?? s???????ta? a?t? ta st???e?a ?a??? ?a? ??a t? a? d?at??e?ta? se t??t???.

    12. ????????? F???a? ???????? ???ep????????a??? ?p?t?? (?F??) ? ?F?? d?µ?????????e st?? a???? t?? 2000 ap? ste???? t?? eta??e??? sta?e??? ?a? ????t?? ep?????????? st?? ????da (???, Vodafone, Cosmote, STETHELLAS), ta ?p??a d?ast????p?????ta? st?? e?t?p?sµ? ?a? t?? p?????? t?? ???ep????????a??? ?p?t?? ?a? t?? ??e?t??????? ?????µat?? ?e????te?a. O? ???ep????????a?? ?p?t? ?e??e?ta? : ? p??sßas? se t??ep????????a?? d??t?a ??a ???s? t??ep????????a??? ?p??es???, ????? ?a p?????eta? t? a?t?st???? t????. ? µ? e???s??d?t?µ??? p??sßas? se ded?µ??a µe s??p? t?? ap???µ?s? ??????µ???? ?f?????, ? ??a ?????? a??µ?t??? s??p???, ?p?? ß??µ??a???? ?atas??pe?a. ? ap?t? st?? ??e?t??????? s??a??a??? ?a? t? ??e?t?????? eµp????.

    13. ????a ???????? ??d??a 370? (?a?aß?as? t?? ap????t?? t?? t??ef???µ?t?? ?a? t?? p??f?????? s???µ???a?). 370? (?a?aß?as? st???e??? ? p????aµµ?t?? ?p?????st?? p?? ?e?????ta? ap????ta). 370G (?a????µ? a?t???af? ? ???s? p????aµµ?t?? ?p?????st?? ?a? pa????µ? p??sßas? se ded?µ??a ?p?????st??).  386? (?p?t? µe ?p?????st?).

    14. ??t?p?sµ?? t?? ???st?? st? Internet µe ???s? t?? IP ??e????s??

    15. Internet – ?????µ?a ?a? ?p???t? ??e??e??a ????s?? – ??? ????? ??? ap? t?? p?? d?aded?µ??e? a?a???ße?e? ??a t? Internet, st?? ?p??e? ?a? ?fe??eta? se p??? µe???? p?s?st? ? a?µat?d?? a???s? t?? pa????µ?? d?ast????t?t?? s’ a?t?, e??a? ?t? e??a? a????µ? ?a? ?t? pa???e? ap???t? e?e??e??a ??f?as?? st??? ???ste? t??. ?? s?????? e??a? ?t? t? Internet ??te a????µ? e??a? ??te pa???e? ap???t? e?e??e??a ????se??, e?f??se?? ?a? d?at?p?s?? ap??e?? st??? ???ste? t??.

    16. ? IP ??e????s? ???e ?p?????st?? p?? s??d?eta? st? Internet, ap??t? µ?a d?e????s? p?? e??a? ???st? µe t?? ??? IP d?e????s? (Internet Protocol address) ?a? ? ?p??a e??a? µ??ad??? st?? ??sµ?. ? d?e????s? a?t? ap?te?e?ta? ap? 4 a?e?a???? a???µ???, ?p?? ? ?a???a? µp??e? ?a p??e? µ?a t?µ? ap? 0 ??? ?a? 255, ?a? ??a ?a?a?t???st??? pa??de??µa IP d?e????s?? e??a? t? e??? : ??t?? ? s??d?asµ?? t?? tess???? a?e?a??? a???µ?? t?? IP d?e????s?? p??sd?????e? µ??ad??? ??a? ?p?????st? pa???sµ??? ?a? ap?te?e? t? ??e?d? ??a t?? e?t?p?sµ? t?? ???st?? p?? pa?a??µ??? st? ??ad??t??.

    17. S??des? st? Internet ap? t? Sp?t? St?? pe??pt?s? p?? ? ???st?? s??d?eta? st? Internet ap? t? sp?t? t?? µ?s? e??? ISP, t?te ???e f??? p?? s??d?eta? ap??t? ?a? µ?a d?af??et??? IP d?e????s?, ?p?? ? ? ???. ???p??µe ?t? st?? pe??pt?s? a?t? a????e? µ??? ? te?e?ta??? ap? t??? t?sse??? a???µ???, e?? ?? t?e?? p??t?? a???µ?? pa?aµ????? ?d??? ??a ????? t??? ???ste? p?? s??d???ta? st?? s???e???µ??? ISP.

    18. ?p?d?s? IP ??e????s??

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