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Chicken Soup Recipe and Friendship - A Satisfying Mix

Explore the recipe for making chicken soup and learn about the importance of friendship. Discover how these two elements can bring satisfaction to your life.

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Chicken Soup Recipe and Friendship - A Satisfying Mix

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  1. Unit 1 Sylvia Li Based on San-Min Textbook Book1 Lesson 1

  2. 1. recipen. [C]食譜,烹飪法 @The recipe tells you the things you need and what you should do to make chicken soup. @Mary decided to prepare all the recipes in the cookbook.  @The businessman shared his recipe for success with the audience in his speech.

  3. http://www.playnormous.com/assets/images/contentcolumn/parents/recipe-winner-gmsoup.gifhttp://www.playnormous.com/assets/images/contentcolumn/parents/recipe-winner-gmsoup.gif

  4. 2. friendshipn.[U]a relationship between friends 友情,友誼 @To Tim, friendship is more important than anything else. He can’t live without his friends. @Lisa formed a close friendship with the neighbor boy. @Friendship used to be based on face-to-face communication, but now people meet on the Internet. @Amy is on friendly terms with her mother-­in-­law.

  5. 額 外 補 充 字尾“­ship”可置於名詞後方,以形成另一表示情況、狀態、身分、職位等的抽象名詞,例:◊author → authorship 作家身分◊fellow → fellowship 夥伴關係◊champion → championship 冠軍地位◊sportsman → sportsmanship 運動家精神

  6. http://finedininglovers.cdn.crosscast-system.com/BlogPost/l_7257_Paul.Bocuse.Ratatouille.jpghttp://finedininglovers.cdn.crosscast-system.com/BlogPost/l_7257_Paul.Bocuse.Ratatouille.jpg http://6.blog.xuite.net/6/f/d/2/14015135/blog_707047/txt/22933096/0.jpg

  7. 3. chefn. [C]主廚飯店、餐廳)主廚 @My mother is a chef in a restaurant; she is very good at cooking. @In the movie Ratatouille, a rat named Remy dreams of becoming a chef. ratatouille https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uVeNEbh3A4U

  8. 4. poemn [C] 一首詩cf: poetry @Elements of poetry include rhythm, simile, metaphor, theme, and so on. @Emily Dickinson is one of the most famous American poets; we love reading her poems in the poetry class. @The writer gave a poetic description of the mountain town.

  9. 5. satisfyingadj. 令人有飽足感的;令人滿意的 @Jimmy tries to satisfy his parents by studying hard and getting good grades. @Ken enjoyed a satisfying meal at the newly-­opened restaurant yesterday. @The customer was satisfied with the car company’s after­sales service. @It is difficult to develop a product that satisfies everybody’s need. As a volunteer, she gained a great sense of satisfaction from helping poor people.

  10. 6. souln. [C]心靈;靈魂 @Some people believe that the soul leaves the body when a person is dead. @It is a superstition that the soul will be taken away when people sneeze. @Mr. Wang passed away last night. May his soul rest in peace. (願靈魂安息) @Not a soul would give the homeless man a helping hand.

  11. http://thebrookchurchng.org/wp-content/uploads/2015/06/pour.jpghttp://thebrookchurchng.org/wp-content/uploads/2015/06/pour.jpg https://i0.wp.com/img.photobucket.com/albums/v227/BostonFaninMichigan/pawsrainflood_zps11b0c0d0.jpg

  12. 7. pourvt. 倒another 倒 @The secretary poured me more coffee and made me wait for her boss. @Sue poured out her heart to her close friend when she felt blue. (傾吐心事) @It never rains, but it pours. 【諺】禍不單行。

  13. http://mathworld.wolfram.com/images/eps-gif/SimilarTriangles_1000.gifhttp://mathworld.wolfram.com/images/eps-gif/SimilarTriangles_1000.gif http://4.bp.blogspot.com/-jWGncddmVLo/UHMaCBcf7jI/AAAAAAAAAKQ/QAXk4_uSrfo/s1600/similar-CT.png http://www.nu-recruit.co.uk/wp-content/uploads/2014/10/Apples.png

  14. 8. similaradj. @Maggie’s voice is similar to her sister’s (voice). @There are some similarities between the two hats. For example, they are both red. @Her twin sister looks like her. They are very much alike. They are similar to each other. @ They are raised in the same family but they enjoy different interest.

  15. 9. mixvt. @If you mix black and white, you get gray. @ To make cup cakes, mix the flour witheggs and baking powder in a bowl. (將…與…混合) @As a salesperson, James has to mix with people from all walks of life. @I mixed Joy up with her twin sister. 混淆,搞錯(=confuse) @When Helen listened to the love song, she felt a mixture of sadness and happiness.

  16. 10. trustn. [U],相信 @You can put your trust in Alan. He always keeps his word. @I don’t trust Karl because he lied to others when he was young. He is not trustworthy. @Sam betrayed his sister’s trust and revealed her secret to his friends. (背信) @David left his cat in trust of his friend when he was on a business trip. (託付)

  17. 11. hugn. [C] @Before I go to school, my mother always gives me a hug to show her love for me. @When you meet foreign friends again, they usually give you a big hug as greetings. @The little girl hugged her favorite doll and held it in her arms.

  18. 12. tonn. [C] @An elephant can weighten tons! @I have tons of work to do tonight. (許多) 補充

  19. 13. encouragement n. [U] 鼓勵 @The coach gave the depressed player great encouragement to continue. So she had courage to finish the game. @Scott always encourages his sister to try something new; he believes that it would be good for her. @ I discouraged my daughter from traveling abroad alone.

  20. 14. bitn. [C] @To win the game, the team will need a lot of practice and a bit of luck. @She felt a little bit sad because her boy friend would get away for two months.

  21. 15. effortn. [C][U](艱難的)嘗試;努力 @My uncle made an effort to stop smoking and start exercising for his health. @It takes us much time and effort to climb up the mountain. @We should make every effort to protect the environment. (竭盡全力) @The golf player defeated the other players without effort. (輕鬆地)

  22. 16. stoven. [C] 爐子 @Watch the soup on the stove. Remember to stir it so it doesn’t burn. @The mother forgot that she left the water boiling on the stove while her children were left home. In the end, two children were burned to death.

  23. 額 外 補 充 常見的廚房設備與用具 pan平底鍋 wok(中式)炒菜鍋 rangehood 抽油煙機 refrigerator冰箱 (= fridge) oven 烤箱 microwaveoven微波爐 (= microwave) cuttingboard砧板 (【英】chopping board) sink 洗碗槽 dish washer 洗碗機

  24. 17. stirvt. (stirred | stirred | stirring) @After Iris stirred some sugar into her coffee. She stirred it with a spoon to mix them together. @Martin Luther King’s speech stirred many people’s hopes. @The terrorists were trying to stir up trouble.

  25. 18. attention[n. [U] @He didn’t pay attention to the teacher; he was thinking about his girlfriend. @To attract her classmates’ attention, Kelly stood on the desk and spoke loudly. She is such a show-­off. She loves being the center of attention. @Her parents give her full/complete attention and thus she is highly protected. @All the audience are attentive to the speaker.

  26. 19. thusadv. @Frank didn’t bring any money with him. Thus, he couldn’t buy anything. @ Fewer children will be born in the future; therefore, fewer teachers will be needed.

  27. 20. worthadj. 值得的 @The book is great. It is worth reading again and again. It is also worthy of being collected in your home library. @The British Museum, which collects about eight million objects, is worth a visit. (值得造訪) @The study took me two years to finish, but it was worth it. @The worth of the car was a million dollars. Such an important issue is worthy of note (noteworthy).

  28. X #1: teaspoon n. [C] 茶匙 teaspoonful n. [C](滿滿)一茶匙之量 ◊ Please give me a teaspoonful of sugar. #2: nuttinessn. [U] (infml.) 瘋狂,古怪 nutsadj. (infml.) 發瘋 ◊ If you keep nagging, I’ll go nuts. (發瘋)

  29. Idioms and Phrases 1. that is (to say)意即,也就是說 @The local folks in Tanan can speak nothing but their mother tongue, that is, Taiwanese。 Cf:Their wedding will be held next Sunday, in other words, the second of July.

  30. 2.sit back不採取行動;(悠閒地)坐好 @The team leader just sat back and watched his teammates do all the work. @After a day’s housework, Paula is sitting back comfortably. Cf: sit down take a seat

  31. 3.for example:for instance例如 @You can buy fruit here - oranges and bananas, for example. @It is extremely expensive to live in Taipei. For example, I pay lots of money for a one-bedroom apartment. @William Shakespeare wrote many plays, for example, Romeo and Juliet.

  32. 4.leave…alone別動、別碰(某物);不打擾(某人) @Aunt Rachel asked Eric to leave the candy bars alone because they were meant for his little brother. @Don’t bother the poor boy. Leave him alone. @The two children were left (home) alone while their mother went out.

  33. 5.when it comes to +N/V-ing speaking of 說到,提及 @When it comes to cooking, Stacy’s mother is the best. @When it comes to his ex-girlfriend, he stopped smiling and didn’t want to talk about her.

  34. word file I. The suffix “-ness” . The suffix “- ness” is put at the end of an adjective to form a noun. helpful helpfulness weak weakness shy shyness sad sadnesshappy happiness lazy laziness heavy heaviness

  35. II. Quotes (引言)about friends and friendship 1. A friend in need is a friend indeed. ─Latin Proverb 2. True friendship is seen through the heart, not through the eyes. ─Unknown 3.Friendship is one mind in two bodies. ─Mencius 4. The only way to have a friend is to be one. ─Ralph Waldo Emerson 5. Friendship is born at that moment when one person says to another: What! You, too? I thought I was the only one.─C. S. Lewis

  36. II Quotes about friends and friendship1 患難見真情。2 真正的友情是透過內心去理解到的,而不是眼睛。3 友情就像是兩個人共享一顆心。4 交友之道在使自己成為他人的朋友。5 當一個人對另一個人說:什麼,你也是這樣? 我以為我是唯一的。友誼就從這一刻起!

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