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The Romans

The Romans. Founding of Rome. 753 BC Traditional date of Rome’s founding in Latium Romulus and Remus Rape of the Sabine Women Aeneas. Greeks established themselves in Italy in the 7 th Century BC Tarquinius Priscinus became first king of Rome in 7 th Century BC

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The Romans

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  1. The Romans

  2. Founding of Rome • 753 BC Traditional date of Rome’s founding in Latium • Romulus and Remus • Rape of the Sabine Women • Aeneas

  3. Greeks established themselves in Italy in the 7th Century BC Tarquinius Priscinus became first king of Rome in 7th Century BC Etruscans contributed many of the amenities that Romans enjoyed 510 BC Last of the Etruscan kings defeated after Junius Brutus avenged the rape of Lucretia Etruscans

  4. Senate Consuls Praetor Centuriate Assembly Council of the Plebs (471 BC) Political Structure

  5. Patricians and Plebeians 494 BC First secession of the plebeians; creation of the office of tribune of the plebs 471 BC Creation of the Council of the Plebs 450 Publication of the Twelve Tables 445 Canuleian law: right of plebeians to marry patricians 367 Licinian-Sextus laws: one consul may be a plebeian 342 One consul may be a plebeian, but one must be 287 Hortensian law: laws passed by Council of the Plebs are binding to both classes Struggle of the Orders

  6. 493 Latin alliance 396 Fall Veii 390 Rome sacked by Gauls 343-290 Samnite Wars 340-338 Revolt of Latin allies 338 Creation of the Roman confederation 281-267 Pyrrhic War Conquest of Italy

  7. Roman legions Citizen soldiers Quincunx Velites Hastati Principes Triarii Centurion Cavalry The Early Republican Army

  8. Began as a result of Rome sending an army to support the city of Messina in Sicily 262 Battle of Agrigentum Siege and naval warfare 260 Battle of Mylae 255 & 253 Fleets lost to storms 241 Battle of Aegates Islands Results First Punic War 264-241

  9. 238 Sardinia and Corsica seized Hamilcar Barca began conquest of Spain Hannibal Barca 218 Siege of Saguntum War declared Second Punic War 218-201BC

  10. Hannibal crossed the Alps Nov 218 Battle of Ticinus River Dec. 218 Battle of the Trebia River June 24, 217 Battle of Trasimene Dictatorship of Fabius War

  11. Gaius Varro Lucius Paullus Aug. 2, 216 Battle of Cannae Macedonia joins Hannibal as do numerous Gallic and Italian cities Change in strategy Crucial Events

  12. Scipio invaded Spain Hannibal recalled to Africa Oct. 19?, 202 Battle of Zama Carthage besieged Surrender Aftermath Turning Points

  13. “Ceterum censeo Carthaginem esse delendam” False provocation Siege of Carthage End of Carthaginian independence Third Punic War 149-146

  14. First Macedonian War 215-205 Inconclusive Second Macedonian War 200-196 197 Battle of Cynoscephalae Greece came under Roman control Third Macedonian War 172-167 Macedonia divided into 4 republics Fourth Macedonian War 151-146 Macedonia annexed to Rome Rome vs. Macedonia

  15. Pergamum annexed in 133 Latifundia Reforms of Tiberius Gracchus 163-133 Reforms of Gaius Gracchus 153-121 Rome in Transition

  16. Jugurthine War 112-105 Novus homo First consulship 107 Held six more in his lifetime Gaius Marius 157-86

  17. Legionary eagles Removed property requirements Professional army Foreign auxiliary Allegiance given to commanding general Marian Reforms of the Roman Army

  18. Lucius Sulla 138-78 Social War 91-88 War with Mithridates VI of Pontus Marius allied himself with a tribune and had Sulla replaced in 88 Sulla marched on Rome; Marius fled to Africa Marius vs. Sulla

  19. 84 Marius returned to Rome; died 2 weeks later Proscription lists 83 Sulla and Pompey the Great Nov 82 Battle of the Colline Gate 83-80 Sulla as dictator Roman Civil War 84-82

  20. Pompey 106-48 sent to Spain Marcus Crassus 115-53 73-71 Spartacus Revolt 70 Pompey and Crassus as consul 63 Pompey took Jerusalem Pompey and Crassus

  21. Born July 100 Early life Political career 62 First Triumvirate; Pompey, Crassus, Caesar Caesar in Gaul 58-51 Julius Caesar

  22. 53 Crassus killed at Carrhae 52 Pompey ruled as sole consul due to social unrest 50 Caesar requests second consulship in absentia 49 Pompey declared for the Senate and Caesar recalled to stand trial Caesar and Pompey

  23. Jan. 11, 49 Rubicon Pompey to Greece; Caesar to Spain Jan. 4, 48 Caesar in Greece Aug. 9, 48 Battle of Pharsalus Pompey to Egypt Great Civil War 49-44

  24. Oct. 2, 48 Caesar in Egypt Cleopatra Aug. 2, 47 Battle of Zela April 46 Battle of Thapsus 45 Battle of Munda Great Civil War

  25. Dictator for life Twice offered kingship Reforms Ides of March 44 BC Assassination Caesar in Power

  26. Funeral of Caesar Octavian named Caesar’s heir Second Triumvirate Oct. 3 & 23, 42 Battle of Philippi Antony to the east; Octavian Rome Marc Antony and Octavian

  27. 31 War between Octavian and Antony Sept. 2, 31 Battle of Actium Antony and Cleopatra commit suicide Octavian sole ruler of Rome Civil War

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