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Midterm 2 Revision 2

Subtract by Summation . Subtraction with complement is done with binary numbers in a similar way.Using two binary numbers X=1010100 and Y=1000011We perform X-Y and Y-X . X-Y. X=10101002's com. of Y=0111101Sum= 10010001Answer=0010001. Y-X. Y=10000112's com. of X=0101100Su

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Midterm 2 Revision 2

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    1. Midterm 2 Revision 2 Prof. Sin-Min Lee Department of Computer Science

    2. Subtract by Summation Subtraction with complement is done with binary numbers in a similar way. Using two binary numbers X=1010100 and Y=1000011 We perform X-Y and Y-X

    3. X-Y X= 1010100 2’s com. of Y= 0111101 Sum= 10010001 Answer= 0010001

    4. Y-X Y= 1000011 2’s com. of X= 0101100 Sum= 1101111 There’s no end carry: answer is negative --- 0010001 (2’s complement of 1101111)

    5. How To Represent Signed Numbers Plus and minus signs used for decimal numbers: 25 (or +25), -16, etc. For computers, it is desirable to represent everything as bits. Three types of signed binary number representations: signed magnitude, 1’s complement, and 2’s complement

    6. 1. signed magnitude In each case: left-most bit indicates sign: positive (0) or negative (1).

    7. 2. One’s Complement Representation The one’s complement of a binary number involves inverting all bits. To find negative of 1’s complement number take the 1’s complement of whole number including the sign bit.

    8. 3. Two’s Complement Representation The two’s complement of a binary number involves inverting all bits and adding 1. To find the negative of a signed number take the 2’s the 2’s complement of the positive number including the sign bit.

    10. Arithmetic Subtraction A subtraction operation can be changed to an addition operation if the sign of the subtrahend is changed. (±A) - (+B) = (±A) + (-B) (±A) - (-B) = (±A) + (+B)

    11. Arithmetic Subtraction Consider the subtraction of (-6) - (-13) = +7. In binary with eight bits this is written as 11111010 - 11110011. The subtraction is changed to addition by taking the 2’s complement of the subtrahend (-13) to give (+13). In binary this is 11111010 + 00001101 = 100000111. Removing the end carry, we obtain the correct answer 00000111 (+ 7).

    12. Overflow The detection of an overflow after the addition of two binary numbers depends on whether the considered numbers are signed or unsigned. When two unsigned numbers are added, an overflow is detected from the end carry out of the most significant position. In the case of signed numbers, the leftmost bit always represents the sign, and negative numbers are in 2’s complement form. When two signed numbers are added, the sign bit is treated as part of the number and the end carry does not indicate an overflow.

    13. Overflow Overflow example: +70 0 1000110 -70 1 0111010 +80 0 1010000 -80 1 0110000 = +150 1 0010110 =-150 0 1101010

    14. Overflow An overflow cannot occur after an addition if one number is positive and the other is negative, since adding a positive number to a negative number produces a result that is smaller than the larger of the two original numbers. An overflow may occur if the two numbers added are both either positive or negative.

    15. Some commonly used components Decoders: n inputs, 2n outputs. the inputs are used to select which output is turned on. At any time exactly one output is on. Multiplexors: 2n inputs, n selection bits, 1 output. the selection bits determine which input will become the output. Adder: 2n inputs, 2n outputs. Computer Arithmetic.

    16. Multiplexer “Selects” binary information from one of many input lines and directs it to a single output line. Also known as the “selector” circuit, Selection is controlled by a particular set of inputs lines whose # depends on the # of the data input lines. For a 2n-to-1 multiplexer, there are 2n data input lines and n selection lines whose bit combination determines which input is selected.

    17. MUX

    18. Remember the 2 – 4 Decoder?

    19. 4 to 1 MUX

    20. 4-to-1 MUX (Gate level)

    21. Until now, we have examined single-bit data selected by a MUX. What if we want to select m-bit data/words? ? Combine MUX blocks in parallel with common select and enable signals Example: Construct a logic circuit that selects between 2 sets of 4-bit inputs (see next slide for solution).

    22. Example: Quad 2-to-1 MUX Uses four 4-to-1 MUXs with common select (S) and enable (E). Select line chooses between Ai’s and Bi’s. The selected four-wire digital signal is sent to the Yi’s Enable line turns MUX on and off (E=1 is on).

    23. Implementing Boolean functions with Multiplexers Any Boolean function of n variables can be implemented using a 2n-1-to-1 multiplexer. A MUX is basically a decoder with outputs ORed together, hence this isn’t surprising. The SELECT signals generate the minterms of the function. The data inputs identify which minterms are to be combined with an OR.

    24. Example

    25. Efficient Method for implementing Boolean functions For an n-variable function (e.g., f(A,B,C,D)): Need a 2n-1 line MUX with n-1 select lines. Enumerate function as a truth table with consistent ordering of variables (e.g., A,B,C,D) Attach the most significant n-1 variables to the n-1 select lines (e.g., A,B,C) Examine pairs of adjacent rows (only the least significant variable differs, e.g., D=0 and D=1). Determine whether the function output for the (A,B,C,0) and (A,B,C,1) combination is (0,0), (0,1), (1,0), or (1,1). Attach 0, D, D’, or 1 to the data input corresponding to (A,B,C) respectively.

    26. Another Example Consider F(A,B,C) = ?m(1,3,5,6). We can implement this function using a 4-to-1 MUX as follows. The index is ABC. Apply A and B to the S1 and S0 selection inputs of the MUX (A is most sig, S1 is most sig.) Enumerate function in a truth table.

    27. MUX Example (cont.)

    28. MUX implementation of F(A,B,C) = ?m(1,3,5,6)

    30. 1 input Decoder

    31. 1 input Decoder

    40. Adder We want to build a box that can add two 32 bit numbers. Assume 2s complement representation We can start by building a 1 bit adder.

    41. Addition We need to build a 1 bit adder compute binary addition of 2 bits. We already know that the result is 2 bits.

    42. One Implementation

    43. Binary addition and our adder What we really want is something that can be used to implement the binary addition algorithm. O0 is the carry O1 is the sum

    44. What about the second column? We are adding 3 bits new bit is the carry from the first column. The output is still 2 bits, a sum and a carry

    45. Truth Table for Addition

    47. Synchronous Sequential Circuit with T Flip-Flop --

    48. Timing Diagram

    49. State Table and State Diagram

    50. K-Maps for Example

    51. Example 2.Synchronous Sequential Circuit with JK Flip-flops

    52. Timing Diagram and State Table for Example 2

    53. K-Maps for Example 2

    54. Generating the State Table From K-maps -- Example 2

    55. Example 3.Synchronous Sequential Circuit Synthesis

    56. Introductory Synthesis Example -- Example 3

    57. Flip-flop Input Tables -- Example 3

    58. Generating the JK Flip-flop Excitation Maps -- Example 3

    59. Clocked JK Flip-Flop Implementation -- Example 3

    60. Application Equation Method for Deriving Excitation Equations -- Example 3

    62. Registers Two independent flip-flops with clear and preset

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