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The Christmas Traditions

The Christmas Traditions. The Christmas Tree.

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The Christmas Traditions

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  1. The Christmas Traditions

  2. The Christmas Tree • The tree was traditionally decorated with edibles such as apples, nuts or dates. In the 18th century, it began to be illuminated by candles, which with electrification could also be replaced by Christmas lights. Today, there are a wide variety of traditional ornaments, such as garland, tinsel, and candy canes. An angel or star may be placed at the top of the tree to represent the host of angels or the Star of Bethlehem from the Nativity.

  3. Mârşa • The etymologyislost in time. The Romanian wordmârşă - meaning "lure" or "bait", hasprobablynothingto do withthenameorigin.Accordingto 1901 edition of Marele Dicționar Geografic al Romîniei, Mârşawas in the 19th century a rural communelocated on DrîmbovnicValley, part of Neajlov District, Vlașca County. Also, formerproperty of Bolintineanu family - the poet DumitruBolintineanubeingevenborn in there, MârşawaslaterdividedbetweenMîrşia-din-Deal, property of R. Dumitriu andMîrşia-din-Vale, propertyof Nicolae Cioflic.

  4. Traditional Food Cartabos Sarmale

  5. Carol Tradition • In traditional Romanian rural society, preparations for carols started well in advance (sometimes weeks) before Christmas. The village youth (usually boys) would begin to form groups in different places and designate a leader in order to practice singing in unison. These groups are called cete de colindători, and their numbers vary from region to region. Then, starting on Christmas Eve, the groups would go to different houses and begin singing.

  6. Goat game tradition • Goat game is an ancient custom. Remains today in most Romanian settlements, he knows the most complex and spectacular form of progress in the villages of Moldova. Habit is defined suit "Goat" and other specific items: props, literary and musical, dance.

  7. Thanks for watching! By: BojianIoana, Munteanu Alina, NedelcuDenisa, Schiopu Daniela.

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