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  1. SOCIAL WORK Dr.K.SURIYAN Course Teacher HELENE I CLARKE (1947) Social Work is a professional service comprising a composite knowledge and skills which attempts on the one hand to help the individual satisfy his/her needs in the social milieu and on the other to remove as far as possible barriers which obstruct people from achieving the best of which they are capable. ALLEN PINCUS AND ANNE MINAHAN (1973) Social Work is concerned with interaction between people and their social environment which affects the ability of people to accomplish their life tasks, alleviate distress and realize their aspirations and values. UNIVERSITY OF HAWAI - SCHOOL OF SOCIAL WORK Social Work is a profession which deals with prevention and resolution of social problems and enhancement of the quality of human life. OBJECTIVES • Help the people enlarge their competence and increase their problem solving and coping capacities. • Help [people obtain resources. • Make organizations responsive to people. • Facilitate interaction between individual and other in their environment. • Influence interaction between organization and institutions. • Influence social and environmental policy. 1

  2. DIFFERENCE BETWEEN SOCIAL WORK, SOCIAL SERVICE AND SOCIAL WELFARE Social Work Social Work is a professional service comprising a composite knowledge and skills which attempts on the one hand to help the individual satisfy his/her needs in the social milieu and on the other to remove as far as possible barriers which obstruct people from achieving the best of which they are capable. Social Service Social Services are services which the society provides to its members for the protection and development of human resources. Social Services include health services, education, housing etc. The primary function of social work however is to help members of a community to make effective use of social services, so that they achieve a minimum desirable standard of social and economic well-being. It is thus clear that rendering health services, or organizing educational programmes for the poor people per se is not social work. Social Welfare The term ‘Social Welfare’ signifies the total well-being of the individual and the community. The objective before social welfare is to secure for each individual the basic economic necessities, high standard of health, decent living conditions, equal opportunities with his fellow-citizens and self-respect. In other words, ‘Social Welfare is an organized system of social services and institutions, designed to aid individuals and groups, to attain satisfying standards of life and health. It aims at personal and social relationships which permit individuals the development of their capacities and the promotion of their well-being in harmony with the needs of community. 2

  3. PRINCIPLES ❖ Problems do exist and that there is no stigma attached to any maladjustment person ❖ Many problems arise out of environment and circumstances over which an individual has no control. ❖ A solution can be sought to every problem. ❖ Individual can be helped by themselves ❖ Total personality of the individual is to be studied in order to help him/her. ❖ Total needs of the individual, group or community are to be taken into consideration while trying to help him. ❖ Self-help programmes require the use of local resources, in terms of man, money and material. So that dependence on out side help could be minimized if not solved. ❖ People in need should be helped by plying them back in the community rather than sending them to institutions except of material, social, physical and emotional maladjustment needs special treatments. ❖ It should evolve ways and means of providing preventive services like Public Health Programmes. FOCUS OF SOCIAL WORK INTERVENTION ON: • the interaction between human and the environment • to mediate • to match something in environment to something in the individual • To strike a balance between people’s coping ability and environmental demands. 3

  4. PROBLEMS The problems of individual fell into 3 areas • Problems and need associated with tasks involved in life transitions • Problems and needs associated in using and influencing elements of the environment • Problems and needs associated with interpersonal obstacles which impede the work of a family or a group as it deals with transitional and/or environmental tasks SOCIAL WORK IS A HELPING ACTIVITY There are 6 types strategies involved in social work name, * Giving Advice * Giving Information * Direction Action * Teaching * Systems Change * Counselling Contents of Social Work Practice I n Human Development • Health and Family Welfare * Education Social Welfare * Social Defence • Backward Classes * Rehabilitation * Employment PROFESSIONAL ETHICS OF SOCIAL WORK (Adopted by Assembly of the National Association of Social Workers, Oct. 03, 1960, USA) Y I commit myself the conduct my professional relations in accordance with the code. Y I regard as my primary obligation the welfare of the individual or group served which includes action for improving social conditions. Y I give precedence to my professional responsibility over my personal interest. Y I hold myself responsible for the quality and extent of the services I perform. Y I respect the privacy of the people I serve. 4

  5. S I use in responsible manner information gained in professional relationships. S I treat with the findings views and actions of colleagues; and use appropriate channels to express judgment on those matters. S I practice social work within the recognized knowledge and competence of the profession. S I recognize my professional responsibility to add my ideas and findings to the body of social work knowledge and practice. S I accept responsibility to help protect the community against unethical practice by my individuals or organizations engaged in social welfare activities. S I stand ready to give appropriate professional service in public emergencies. S I distinguish clearly in public between my statements and actions as on individual and as a representative of an organization. S I suggest the principle that professional practice requires professional education. S I accept responsibility for working towards the creation and maintenance of conditions within agencies which enable social workers to conduct themselves in keeping with this code. S I contribute my knowledge, skills and support to programmes of human welfare. FOUNDATION OF SOCIAL WORK EDUCATION IN INDIA First School of Social Work In 1936 - Sir Dorabji Tata Graduate School of Social Work. Now it is TISS Dr.Clifford Manshardi - First Director - American Missionary sent to Bombay by American Marathan Mission (A Protestant Christian Mission) Objective : Priority to work with the slum dwellers in Nagpada Neighbourhood settlement area in Bombay in 1932. 5

  6. Borne out his experience in not being to work with slum community, he suggested a social work education progrsmme to train young men and women to take up community work. It was bom in a hospitable climate when India’s struggle for independence need for social change, accompanying political change. Direction given by Mahatma Gandhi - to have political reforms. Gandhiji’s thinking was ‘when I began my work in the Nagbada Neighbourhood house, Bombay I had completely untrained staff. Part of this programme is on the job. The rest of it was classes which I required the to present basic philosophy and information which could not be learned by doing. Untill come to educational institution it is impossible to learn by the staff members. Untill a permanent school of social work was set up to engage in a continuous study of Indian Social Problems and to offer training of Social Work on a Post Graduate basis. To-day there was 52 institutions in India. All established within the University system either affiliated single faculty colleges or universities. The members of profound gratitude the pioneering work done by Mr.Clifford Manshardt to introduce Social Work training in India similar to general pattern of Professional Education in Social Work in USA. But in India it would not have seen the light of the day. Seven decades of Social Work in India have many young women have passed out of social work has been making more rapid progress in India to respond to human concern and needs. The thrust of Social Work is being increasingly laid on the development rather thsn ameliorative, preventive and curative. POST-INDEPENDENCE ERA AND STATE ACTIVITIES The state activities in the social welfare field were very much limited during preindependence period. 6

  7. There was no single department to deal with social welfare problems either in Centre or in the State. The partition of the country brought into existence the Ministry of Rehabilitation - provided relief to the people uprooted from Pakistan Our constitution entrusted the responsibility of the welfare of the SCs and STs to the Ministry of Home Affairs at the Centre. A Commissioner for SCs & STs was also appointed. As part of Five Year Plan a programme of comprehensive life was taken in hand. This work is now being supervised by the Ministry of Rural development. The Ministry of Education and Social Welfare set up well equipped institutions for the welfare of handicapped. 1. at Dehra Dun - for the Education and rehabilitation of the blind. 2. at Hyderabad for the deaf and dumb. 3. at Delhi - for mentally retarded children etc. There was a rapid progress of legislation on social insurance and welfare services for the working class and responsibilities of Ministry of Labour increased manifold. The CSWB was constituted in 1953 - Chairman - Smt.Durgabai Desmukh ___ Voluntary Welfare Agencies Members drawn from -' ► Central Ministries ik. Union Parliament The arrangement of this kind i.e the Partnership and Association of Official and Non-Official Agencies. And the A Parliament to Administer Welfare Programmes was a new experiment -which had not been tried even in other countries having longer record of democracy. FUNCTIONS (This board was 7

  8. 1. to provide financial assistance to the Voluntary Welfare Agencies in order to develop and improve their programs and 2. to sponsor welfare services in the areas wherever these did not exist. 3. Another important land mark in the field of social welfare has been the establishment of Department of Social Welfare at the Centre in 1965. Larger allocations were being given to the programs of CHILD DEVELOPMENT SERVICES. All States have DIRECTORATE OF SOCIAL WELFARE * The scheme of Development of Women And Children in Rural Areas (DWACRA). * The UNICEF sponsored program of Urban Based Service for Women Development Child Survival i Community Participation Department dealing with Social Welfare was set up at the Union Level after 17 years of Independence. The present Ministry of Welfare is a successor with emphasis on human and social development. The HRD Ministry covers - Departments of Education Development Youth Development Women Development - Child Development The Ministry of Welfare is incharge of Social Welfare Programs including SCs, STs, OBCs It was set up at state level - All the States and Union Territories have similar set up TRAINING Along with development of social welfare in the Public and Voluntary Sector more and more Schools of Social Work were set up in order to meet out demands of these agencies for Trainee Social Workers these Schools of Social Work Training on..... 8

  9. 1. Basic Social Sciences 2. Concept and Methods of Social Work, and 3. Different fields of welfare Efforts taken to standardize this training through the Association of Schools of Social Work Therefore, training centres were established for Bal Sevikas , Gram Sevikas Social Education Organizers and other similar functionaries for Social Work - Community Development etc., NIPCCD - gives training/orientation to a large Number of workers from Voluntary Agencies and also to functionaries for ICDS programmes. During the last 20 years Social Work Education has expanded. - Social Work training is being provided by around 5000 - 10000 graduates every years - there is however, a need to improve the standard of Social Work Education as much as its contents. NEW DEVELOPMENTS It was for a first time that a working group ( consisting of experts in social welfare) was set up. - to prepare blueprint of the FIVE YEAR PALN on Social Welfare - new thinking has developed and new definition of the term ‘SOCIAL WELFARE’ and ‘SOCIAL SERVICE’ has been evolved. SOCIAL WELFARE the term Social Welfare has come to be as ‘a set of social services intended to meet the special needs of individuals and groups, who because of social, economic and mental handicaps, are unable to make use of services in the community or are denied the use of such services’ . - the five year plans brought various new services on the map of ‘Social Welfare’. - Social Welfare is now being considered as a fifth factor of production. - Through treatment and preventive services, a handicapped individual, who otherwise lived on tax-money, becomes instead a voluntary taxpayer 9

  10. - and is not only helped to take care of himself, but also contribute to the general well-being. SOCIAL WORK LITERATURE Recent development in the post-independence period, both in the public sector and in the field of education of Social Work brought into existence a vulnerable literature which added to the body of this knowledge. • The TISS published a quarterly Journal on Social Work • The CSWB published a monthly Journal on Social Welfare Hindi Journal on Samaj Kalyan • The MINISTRY ON Rural Development’s Journal on Kurukshetra - added to the literature on Extension & Rural Development The INDIAN CONFERENCE OF SOCIAL WORK - produced literature on various aspects of Social Welfare in the form of papers read at its annual conferences and seminars. - for the first time, an attempt was made by the conference to prepare a statement of Minimum Standard on Child care Institutions. - Two committees appointed by CSWB to produce report on i) Social and Moral Hyginene ii) After Care The Planning Commission published four useful books - 1) Social Welfare in India 2) Social Legislation 3) Plans and Prospects 4) Encyclopedia of Social Work with the help of the Chairman of CSWB - Report of the study team on Social Welfare and Backward Classes also made a very useful contribution to the literature on Social Welfare. - CSWB set up a Committee with the Chairmanship of Dr. J.F. BULSARA to prepare i) A code of Grants - in - aid ii) Statement of minimum standard of welfare work, iii) A scheme of field counseling services - The report of the Child - Care Committee is another landmark in the literature on Social Work 10

  11. - The various Schools of Social Work also added a list of publications on Social Work - the few individuals made an attempt to write books on Social Welfare in Indian Conditions. These are .... Dr.M.S. GORE, Prof. P. D. KULKARNI, Dr. D. PAUL CHOWDRY, Prof. K. K. JACOB, Dr.K.D. GANGRADE Dr.S.K.KHINDUKA, Prof.S.H. PATHAK and Dr. RAJESWAR PRASAD - NIPCCD has contributed to literature on Social Welfare/Development through research studies, seminars/workshops/conference reports. - these covers a variety of areas like role and responsibility of Voluntary Organizations, Population, Education, Social Defence, Status of Women and other Institutions, Rural Development, Welfare of the SCs & STs, Training in Social Development, etc. - reference on the availability of literature of Social Work/Development/ Rural Development may be made to the Bibliography at the end of this value. SOCIAL LEGISLATION Legislations on - Hindu Marriage, Adoption on Maintenance, Treatment and Prevention on Juvenile Delinquency, Probation System, Old Age Pension, SITA, Supervision and Control of Orphanages and other institutions and plethora of legislation covering labour welfare followed by women development/welfare was enacted, but effective and adequate machinery has yet to be created to implement this progressive legislation. VOLUNTARY AGENCIES ALL INDIA AGENCIES METHODS OF SOCIAL WORK Direct Method Indirect Method 1 I Case Work Social Work Research 11

  12. Group Work Community Organization Social Welfare Administration Social Action CASE WORK* Help the Individual help by him/her-self. Stages in Process Intake Study Diagnosis Termination Fallow up Treatment Principles: PICCASS GROUP WORK* Help the individuals through group. Group Work is a process and method through which individuals and groups in social agency settings are helped by a worker to relate themselves to other people and to experience growth and opportunities in accordance with their needs and capacities. Principle of Group Work • Group formation should be planned. • Group should have specific objectives. • Worker-group relationship should be purposeful. • There should be continuous individualization in a group. • Inter-action of a group should be guided. • Group should be organized on democratic basis. • Group should have flexible functional organization. • There should be progressive programme development. • Group should utilize its existing resource. • There should be constant evaluation of group work. Evaluation of a Group The following aspects should be in mind 12

  13. • History of the group • Individuals in the group • Programmes of the group • Level of group development * Group Characteristics. * Group Relationship * Individual and group objectives * Leader in the group COMMUNITY ORGANIZATION In order to study Community Organization we have to study community. Community is defined as a group of people living in a common geographical area, sharing common interest and having a sense of belonging. Community Organization is used to refer to a process as well as field. This is dual usage is a familiar phenomena we refer to the practice of medicine as a process and to the field of medicine; to the teaching process and to the field of teaching; to the practice of law which is a process; and to the legal field etc. Community Organization is carried on within the area of Social Work and it is one of the techniques of Social Work. Definition Community Organization is the process of dealing with individuals and groups who are or may become concerned with social welfare services or objectives; for the purpose of influencing the volume of such services, improving the attainment of such objectives. It is concerned with efforts to direct social resources effectively towards the specific or total welfare needs of any geographical area. Its performance may involve such activities as fact-finding, coordination, improving standards, interpretation, developing welfare programmes changing patterns of social work and promoting social legislation. Steps in Community Organization 1) Informal or systematic survey of the community. 13

  14. It includes .. .a) History of the Community b) Geographical area and total land available c) Population —► i) No. of houses and families ii) Total No. of men, women and children iii) Age and Sex groups iv) Occupations d) Average income e) No. of dependents, etc. f) Common place of meetings g) Customs, traditions, superstitions, prejudices, folkways of the community. h) Different religious, political and cultural groups in the community. 2) Identifying social needs of the community and developing priorities among them. 3) Finding out methods and techniques of meeting these needs. 4) Discovery of the existing resources to fulfill the needs. 5) Find out financial, technical and manpower resources from within and if necessary and possible outside the community. 6) Elimination and prevention of social ill and disabilities through welfare programmes. 7) Creating consciousness fro needs an d resources by interpretation, helping the people to prepare for fulfillment of the needs with the available resources and helping to find solutions leading to action. 8) Coordination the work of various groups and agencies in the community. 9) Staffing and budgeting for welfare. 10) Articulation of needs and resources and constant readjustment of the resources in order to meet the changing needs. 11) Continuous evaluation of work done and follow the services developed in the community. Methods and Techniques 14

  15. For the purpose of creating consciousness in the community and help the community to understand the needs, resources and methods to solve its problems, a community organizer should follow certain stages, methods and techniques for educating the community and organizing. 1) Survey, research and maintaining of records. 2) Meeting key persons. 3) Discussions, group meetings, lectures and debates. 4) Film-shows and celebration of local festivals. 5) Dramas, dances, folk-songs, puppet shows 6) Use of flash cards and flannel or Kadhi graph stories 7) Use of notice boards, bulletin boards, charts, posters, booklets and newspapers. 8) Arranging exhibition and demonstrations. 9) Use of case-work and group work techniques and coordination. 10) Literacy and social education classes. 11) Inter-group and inter agency consultations and coordination. 12) Promotion of social action and social legislation. 13) Visit to places where the programme was successful. Principles of Community Organization 1) Community is means and not an end. - All programmes should be welfare 2) An agency should develop a friendly and trustful relationship with the members of the community. - an organizer should be a friend, companion, guide and enabler. 3) The total needs of the community should be taken into consideration, while organizing any programme of development. 4) Felt needs should be the basis of the community organization. 5) Any developmental process has to effectively stimulate, help and teach the people to adopt new methods, learn techniques and to improve their way of living. 6) The community should be helped to help itself. 7) All the programmes should be in harmony with economic and cultural patterns of the community as we have to work at the level of the community. 15

  16. 8) One of the most important feature of the Community Organization should be psychological preparation of the community for accepting certain changes. 9) In a disorganized community, the organizer should be very cautious in working with the groups in order to get cooperation of each of the groups and should not become a party to factions. 10) The use of various mass media in creating conciousness in the community about its needs and resources and using those resources for fulfilling these needs, are very important. Fields of work Economic i) Improvement of Agriculture ii) Improvement in local crafts iii) Promotion of cottage industries iv) Vocational guidance and v) Developing entrepreneurship exhibitions Education i) Adult Literacy Centres for men and women ii) Primary and Basic Education iii) Promotion of reading rooms and libraries. iv) Social Education, functional v) Special education for the handicapped literacy Health i) Health Education and public health ii) Opening dispensaries iii) Pre-natal, maternity and post-natal services iv) Family planning, population v) Care of physically and mentally handicapped education Roads and Housing i) Construction of new roads ii) Repair of old roads iii) Clearance/improvement of slums iv) Promotion of cooperative housing v) Sanitation, drinking water and light. Recreation i) Sports ii) Group dance iii) Dramas and dances iv) Films v) Radio vi) Camping and hiking vii) Cultural programmes viii) Juggler’s shows ix) Tournaments Cultural Activities i) Bhajan Mandalis ii) Kirians iii) Dramas iv) Folk songs v) Discussion about various customs, festivals, prejudices and superstitious vi) Organizing national days and festivals. Social Services i) Civic drives ii) Sanitation drives iii) Service to patients and the poor iv) Organization of volunteers Community Life 16

  17. i) Cultural and recreational activities ii) Organization of youth, children and women in the form of clubs, etc. iii) Starting of Community Centres. iv) Organizing Cooperatives v) Mock elections vi) Public Meetings vii) Participation in national life viii) Improving and supporting panchayats. SOCIAL WORK RESEARCH It is an indirect method or enabling method. Social Research means a careful, critical and systematic inquiry into or investigation of a problem; an effort to find fresh information by experimentation and study, and a process by which we try to find answers to problems of social work. Types of Social Research 1) Pure Research: It is designed without reference to practical result. 2) Applied or Action Research:Whereas applied research is action oriented. It is the social work research of applied research with which social workers are concerned. The welfare agencies running various programmes should be interested in applied research in order to provide data to the research workers and the agencies in order to implement their programmes more effectively. Concepts: ‘R’ - focuses on broad areas of the problems of the agency. ‘R’- requires a healthy mental attitude towards researchers. ‘R’ - as a cooperative process, research is suited to study a group process in administration. ‘R’ - enables workers to observe and record the relationship of individuals and group in actual operating situations. Areas of Research:it is useful in the following areas. i) Personal practices in welfare agencies. ii) Extent, adequacy and usefulness of services provided. iii) Study of administrative process of welfare agencies. iv) Ability of financial resources in the community for certain welfare programmes. v) Methods of fund rising and their allocation. 17

  18. vi) Techniques and methods for solving certain problems. Procedure: - Selection of a topic or a subject. - Formulation of ‘R’ problem/hypothesis. - Preparation of Research Design. - Test and verify the ‘hy’. - Collection of data and fact finding. - Analysis of data and interpretation. - Summary of findings, conclusion through either prove or disprove the hypothesis and presentation of facts, analysis interpretation and conclusion in the form of report. Tools of ‘R’ * Interview schedule * Questionnaire * Interviews and visits * Records SOCIAL WORK ADMINISTRATION It is the process by which we apply professional competence to certain goals and transform social policy into social action. Administrative process applied in various fields: * Medicine * Industry * Education * Law *Family etc. Functions of Administration:POSDCORB P- Planning O - Organising S- Staffing D - Directing Co - Coordinating R - Reporting B- Budgeting Areas of Administration - Planning and policy making - Organization and machinery - Constitution and functions of the executive board - Personal Policies - Supervision and Leadership - Programme Development and sound methods and practices - Specialization and co-ordination 18

  19. - Reporting, evaluation and Research - Public Relation - Mobilization and maintenance of Resources, budgeting and fiscal control and concept of accountability - Maintenance of proper records. Principles of Administration - Understanding - defined procedure - entrusted - giving responsibility and encourage to participate - staff members should be made to feel - administrative procedures means to achieve the goals - periodical assessment Process - collecting facts relating to agency - recruitment, orientation and training - laying down administrative and financial practices - maintenance of proper records, collection and utilization of facts - laying down definite financial practices - establishing effective community relationship and coordination with agency Social Action 19

  20. SOCIAL CASE WORK It is a process used by certain human welfare agencies to help individuals to cope more effectively with their problems in social functioning. Social Case Work consists of those process which develop personality through adjustments consciously effected, individual by individual between men and their social environment * Person * Problem * Place * Process * Principles PROCESS OF CASE WORK Principles (PICCASS) 1) Acceptance 2) Participation 3) Individuality 4) Confidentiality 5) Communication 6) Self Awareness 7) Self Determination 20

  21. DIFFERENCE BETWEEN SOCIAL WORK, SOCIAL SERVICE AND SOCIAL WELFARE Social Work Social Work is a professional service comprising a composite knowledge and skills which attempts on the one hand to help the individual satisfy his/her needs in the social milieu and on the other to remove as far as possible barriers which obstruct people from achieving the best of which they are capable. Social Service Social Services are services which the society provides to its members for the protection and development of human resources. Social Services include health services, education, housing etc. The primary function of social work however is to help members of a community to make effective use of social services, so that they achieve a minimum desirable standard of social and economic well-being. It is thus clear that rendering health services, or organizing educational programmes for the poor people per se is not social work. Social Welfare The term ‘Social Welfare’ signifies the total well-being of the individual and the community. The objective before social welfare is to secure for each individual the basic economic necessities, high standard of health, decent living conditions, equal opportunities with his fellow-citizens and self-respect. In other words, ‘Social Welfare is an organized system of social services and institutions, designed to aid individuals and groups, to attain satisfying standards of life and health. It aims at personal and social relationships which permit individuals the development of their capacities and the promotion of their well-being in harmony with the needs of community. 21

  22. HISTORICAL BACKGROUND OF SOCIAL WORK India has a long tradition of social services Responsibility of Assisting the Individual or in needs was shared by community and rulers. Love for charity and brotherhood existed even in feudal times. Acc. to Bhagwat Gita: Charity is valid if it takes into account - Desh (place), Kal (time), Patra (Recipient) - receiver Forms of charity - artha (money), vidya (education), abhaya (courage) All religious places were centres for social service - they provided shelters and free kitchens of the poor. It emphasis the values of charity, philanthropy and mutual help. HINDU PERIOD Kautilya mentions in his Arthashastra - responsibility for the care of the poor, the aged, the infirm, the destitutes etc. King Ashoka - we hear of the appointment of Gopas who supposed to keep the record of Caste Gotra, Occupation, Births, Daths, Marriages, etc. Duties of Gopas - akin to social workers The Kings And Chiefs also provided free kitchen during the famine and shelter to the homeless The sources of welfare activity were Joint Family, Caste system and village panchayats. Village Panchayats provided mechanism - which would meet the needs of the sick, aged, destitute, handicapped. MUSLIM PERIOD - Mughal period - social institutions underwent changes. state also took some shares of responsibility In this connection the famous reformer - AKBAR - There was a System Of Zakat 1/5 of income for charity. 22

  23. BRITISH PERIOD - The advent of the British ruler saw the impact of education and economic changes. Social services by the Christian Missionaries and efforts of the Indian Social and Religious reformers * If fought for equality of rights for women, abolition of institutions like untouchability, sati, child marriage and restricition of widow remarriage * Raja Ram Mohan Roy - BrahmoSamaj * Justice Ranade - Set up widow remarriage * Pandit Rama Bai - Established AryaMahilaSamaj in 1822 Sir Satya Ahmed Khan-whose efforts-resulted in the establishment of Anjyman-e-Islam in 1885 * Swami DayanandSaraswati - found AryaSamaj * Swami Vivekananda - set up - Ramakrishna Mission There were also arrangement for supervision of the charities by the rulers • * Mrs. Anne Besant - Theosophical Society • Servants of Indian Society was founded in 1905 along with the development. • The Christian Missionaries continued to spread their social and religious activities in the country. • Mahathma Gandhi - 1920 on the public scene • Gulf between the social reforms & Critical rebels were bridged • Voluntary social work through - Harijan Sevak Sangha All India villge Industries Ssciies. • Seva Gram - Wardha - as part of condtructive programs • Movements for economic betterment of and improvement in the social life of the people. • New Trends • The above traditional of social service were influenced by various social & economic factors • * Social Economic • Urbanization Industrialization • Social Institutions weakened Joint Family , Caste System, Village panchayats • New social problems cropped up for the solution of which the existing social institutions found themselves ineffective • * It was no longer possible for this movement of philonthoraphy to solve some of the social problems which were becoming complex day by day. • * It was no longer possible for this movement of philonthoraphy to solve some of the social problems which were becoming complex day by day. 23

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