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TRUCKS IN CALIFORNIA: WHAT U.S. & OVERSEAS COMPANIES MUST KNOW ABOUT CARB COMPLIANCE Knowledge Lab | Oct. 9 | 4:00pm-5:00pm. Summary. Air Quality Overview and Health Impacts Diesel Emissions Reductions Programs The Air Quality “ Trifecta ” in California Enforcement & Responsible Parties
Summary • Air Quality Overview and Health Impacts • Diesel Emissions Reductions Programs • The Air Quality “Trifecta” in California • Enforcement & Responsible Parties • “Sustainable Freight Strategy” • Questions and Answers
California is a “Nation-State” Stats 37 million residents Ranks as the 6th or 7th largest economy globally About 25% of domestic logistics revenue touches the state 25 million light gasoline vehicles Over 1 million diesel vehicles Recognized nationally and internationally for emissions reductions programs
California Trade Corridors Seaports and rail facilities are located in areas with high population density Economic and environmental justice are concerns in these areas The communities surrounding the ports have driven much of the change toward lower emissions A public policy and economic tug of war continues on how to fund needed infrastruture
Recent Headlines http://www.bloomberg.com/news/2014-09-23/california-leading-on-emissions-as-brown-signs-new-laws.html http://www.latimes.com/opinion/op-ed/la-oe-diperna-climate-un-cap-and-trade-california-20140923-story.html http://www.npr.org/blogs/thetwo-way/2014/09/23/350911527/obama-to-lays-out-approach-to-climate-change-in-u-n-speech https://www.federalregister.gov/articles/2014/08/07/2014-18742/california-state-motor-vehicle-pollution-control-standards-heavy-duty-tractor-trailer-greenhouse-gas http://www.truckinginfo.com/news/story/2014/09/epa-s-phase-2-greenhouse-gas-rules-still-unknown.aspx http://www.arb.ca.gov/newsrel/newsrelease.php?id=603 http://www.overdriveonline.com/left-coast-gamble-carb-forces-tough-yearend-decision-for-many-owner-operators/ http://www.arb.ca.gov/newsrel/newsrelease.php?id=610 http://www.arb.ca.gov/newsrel/newsrelease.php?id=434 http://www.joc.com/port-news/us-ports/south-carolina-ports-authority/south-carolina-ports-authority-launch-clean-truck-program_20131104.html
California Air Regulatory Overview Three Levels The United States Environmental Protection Agency implements federal law relating to stationary and mobile sources of emissions CARB implements mobile source controls The 35 local Air Districts have some role in mobile sources but concentrate on stationary sources
CARB Structure • Twelve member Board • State legal authority to protect the public from pollution • The United States EPA acts upon “waiver” requests from CARB in order for CARB to enact fleet rules • Other states are adopting California-style rules (e.g. South Carolina Port Trucking)
CARB is Almost 50 Years Old Major initiatives: • Catalytic converters • Lead removal from gasoline • Low sulfur diesel • MTBE/oxygenated fuels • Low emission cars: ZEV/PZEV/ULEV/SULEV
The Problem With Diesel Trucks Total Vehicle Emissions Heavy Duty 2% 80 70 Light & 60 Medium 50 65% 98% 40 30 20 % of Total On-Road Vehicles 30% 10 0 NOx PM10
Strategy 1: Cleaner Fuels Stringent Diesel Fuel Standards (15 ppm sulfur diesel and aromatics 2006) Low Carbon Fuel Standard (10% less carbon intensity by 2020) The State’s strategy has officially been “fuel neutral” however grants and incentives for alternative fuels and biofuels have existed for many years The South Coast AQMD strategy jump started natural gas vehicles (NGVs)
Alternative Fuel VehiclesWithin SoCal (2012 est) ~ 4,538 Transit Buses ~ 3,632 Light- and Medium- Duty Public Fleet Vehicles ~ 1,886 Refuse Trucks ~ 1,965 School Buses ~ 526 Heavy-Duty Public Fleet Vehicles ~ 300 Street Sweepers ~ 856 Taxicabs and Airport Shuttles
Strategy 2: Burn Fuel More Cleanly Diesel motor vehicles number approximately 400,000 in-state registration and in excess of 600,000 visit the state annually Waiting for turnover is not fast enough to meet federal standards Diesel Risk Reduction Plan of 2000(Reduce PM exposure 75% by 2010 and 85% by 2020) Stringent Engine Certification Standards (2007 PM and 2010 NOx) In – Use Programs (“The 3 Rs”: Retrofit, Repower, Replace + Incentives and Enforcement) = Clean Green Engines and Vehicles
Strategy 2: Implementation Urban buses - 2000 School bus and delivery vehicle idling - 2003 Solid waste collection vehicles - 2003 Transport refrigeration units - 2004 Stationary compression ignition engines - 2004 Truck idling - 2004 Portable engines - 2004 Locomotive and harbor craft fuel – 2004
Strategy 2: Implementation Transit fleet vehicles - 2005 Public agencies and utility on-road fleets - 2005 Port/rail cargo handling equipment - 2005 Ship auxiliary engine fuels - 2005 Off-road (e.g. construction and mining) vehicles - 2007 Drayage (port) trucks - 2007 Commercial harbor craft - 2008 Statewide trucks and buses
Phase 1: 2009 through 2013 • 20,000 heavy truck required diesel particulate filters or replacement statewide • In Los Angeles & Long Beach, replacement was required by 2012
Phase 2: 2014 through 2022 • Heavy trucks that were retrofit must be replaced with 2010 or newer engines
Strategy 3: Burn Less Fuel • Regulates 53 foot and longer box-type trailers (dry-van & refrigerated-van trailers) and the tractors that pull them Tractor TrailerGreenhouse Gas
Reduced Greenhouse Gas (GHG) Emissions Integrated roof fairing Aerodynamic mirrors Aero profile tractor Cab side gap fairings Aerodynamic bumper Fuel-tank skirts Trailer Aerodynamics Tire Rolling Resistance Tractor Aerodynamics SmartWay Program Information: http://epa.gov/smartway/ :
Who gets stopped for an inspection? • Inspections are Random • Excessively smoking vehicles • Pre-2007 trucks with no filters will be easier to spot
What are they looking for? • Engine labels • Filter labels • Excessive smoke
Inland Empire (Press Enterprise Nov. 20, 2013) http://video.pe.com/29Tit/diesel-crackdown-state-regulators-cite-offending-trucks/
Delinquent Citation Enforcement DMV “registration holds” (~2000 to date) CHP “out of service process” per Vehicle Code section 27159 (~500 to date -- vehicles held) CARB obtains judgments in Sacramento Superior Court under authority of California Health and Safety Code section 44011.6 (~ 3,500 obtained to date) CARB executes judgments to place liens on property, etc.
“Supply-Chain” Liability DRIVER CARRIER DISPATCHER SHIPPER RECIEVER BROKER 1. Emission Control Label 2. HDVIP 3. PSIP 4. Idle Reduction 5. Transport Refrigeration Unit 6. GHG (SmartWay) Rule 7. Drayage Truck Rule 8. Statewide Truck and Bus
Thanks…. Sean Edgar CleanFleets.net 916-520-6040 Ext 104 Sean@ CleanFleets.net