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Higgs  update Catalin and Tony May 22, 2007

Higgs  update Catalin and Tony May 22, 2007. FTKL2 details. See figure below: Red cone: Rs = 0.07 Green cone: Ri = 0.1 Pale blue cone: Ro = 0.4 Et thresholds: Only look at jets with Et > 15GeV and |eta|<2.4 Only look at tracks with Et > 1GeV

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Higgs  update Catalin and Tony May 22, 2007

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  1. Higgs  updateCatalin and TonyMay 22, 2007

  2. FTKL2 details • See figure below: • Red cone: Rs = 0.07 • Green cone: Ri = 0.1 • Pale blue cone: Ro = 0.4 • Et thresholds: • Only look at jets with Et > 15GeV and |eta|<2.4 • Only look at tracks with Et > 1GeV • Highest-Pt track threshold – vary this between 1 and 7 GeV (next pages

  3. Had-had results (%) “Per Event” means the ratio is #events passing FTK L2 / #events passing L1 “Per Jet” means the ratio is #jets passing FTK L2 / #jets from events passing L1

  4. Lep-had results (%)

  5. Better dijet rejection? • Vary the cut on Pt of signal track and look at L2 efficiency (per event). • Raising the cut improves rejection by 1/3 to 1/2 (3.1)

  6. Tau jets • For the (3,1) case, look at several distributions • Min R (jet-i) where i are the truth taus About 85% of the jets passing our LVL1+(3,0) FTK come from the truth taus. For (3,0) this fraction is 92%.

  7. More on tau jets Select jets with R (jet-i)<0.1

  8. jet reco. jet reco. + tracker sel. jet reco. + tracker sel. + -no neutral activity- / LR sel Comparison to CMS • thanks Paola Loop over jets and require a R (jet-i)<0.15 match to the truth taus. Fractions in Et bin: (3,1) (3,0) 30-50 GeV 92.3% 50-70 GeV 95.4% 80-110 GeV 95.4% 130-150 GeV 97.6% 4% of truth taus outside the eta range of 2.4 H0TauTauevts Rm =0.1, Ri = 0.45, Rs = [0.13-0.05] depending t ET PT_lead_track> 6 GeV, Pt tracks > 1 GeV inside Rs & Ri

  9. Next steps • New samples appear to give sensible results • Investigate and quantify the gains from the new triggers (ditau and lep-tau) • Look at both signal channels and dijet samples and find the optimal thresholds and scenario for H->tautau potential

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