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MMF reference model figures

MMF reference model figures. ebXML Registry. EAN Registry. RosettaNet Registry. Business Category. GCI Registry. CPFR Registry. 11179 Registry. Component Registry. Business Negotiation. UDDI. Consumer Profile. Vender Catalog. Shipper Catalog. System Development.

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MMF reference model figures

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Presentation Transcript

  1. MMF reference model figures

  2. ebXML Registry EAN Registry RosettaNet Registry Business Category GCI Registry CPFR Registry 11179 Registry Component Registry Business Negotiation UDDI Consumer Profile Vender Catalog Shipper Catalog System Development Production Planning & Procurement CALS Customer Support PDES/STEP Registry Shipping Manufacturing

  3. MOF 11179 MDR Core Model of MMF Framework for Meta ModelInteroperability Meta Model Framework MMF for Ontology MMF for Model Constructs MMF for Model Mapping MMF for Registration Metamodel Register Metamodel Instances MM for Ontology Metamodel for Model Constructs Metamodel for Ontology Metamodel for Model Constructs Metamodel • E-Commerce • Software Components • Discovery Metamodel Data Elements Registries Patterns Ontology

  4. Part-1: Reference Model Part-2 : Metamodel framework core model Part-3: Metamodel framework for Ontology Part-4: Metamodel framework for Model Mapping Part-5: Metamodel framework for Model Constructs Part-6: Registration Procedure

  5. MMF Core Model MOF Inherit Inherit MMF for Model Constructs MMF for Ontology Inherit Inherit Inherit MM instance for Model Constructs MM instance for Ontology describe Model Constructs Data Elements Object Patterns Components describe Refer Refer Ontology use use UML UML Metamodel use Domain Model Modeling UML Constructs

  6. Meta Modeling Facility (MOF) Defining Facility (ISO11179 MDR) Meta Model Frameworks Metamodel for Ontology Common Identification & Classification Metamodel for Model Mapping Metamodel for Model Constructs metadata Mapping Rules Codes Mapping Targets Value Domains Sharable model Patterns Common Modeling Facility (UML) Model Mapping CommonModel Constructs

  7. MMF Core Model MMF for Model Mapping Metamodel Instance Describing Metamodel Model Mapping Metamodel Describing Metamodel Registry Registry Metamodel Metamodel Buyer Seller Buyer Seller Industry Domain A Industry Domain B

  8. Metamodel Framework Standard Core Model for MM Framework MM Framework for Model mapping MM Framework for Model mapping MM Instance for Model Mapping Actual Program Platform UML Modeling Tool Platform Independent Models Platform Specific Models MM Instance for Model Constructs BO Patterns Common Model Constructs Components Data Elements

  9. メタモデル相互運用枠組みアーキテクチャ コアモデル メタモデル枠組み M3 Metamodel メタモデル M2 支配する モデル記号 モデル化機能 共通情報要素 M1   モデル オブジェクト   パターン モデル要素 値 M0 概念

  10. Metamodel framework Architecture Core model of Metamodel Frameworks Metamodel Framework for Ontology Metamodel Framework for Model Mapping Metamodel Framework for Modeling Constructs Exchanging & Sharing Metamodel Instance Domain Model Business Domain

  11. MRD (11179-3 ) metamodel MOF metamodel Core model

  12. Metamodel Framework Architecture Metamodel Facility (MOF) Meta object defining facility (MDR) Meta Model constructs Core model Metamodel Framework MMF Standards Domain SpecificMetamodels Model constructs Metamodel Instance

  13. <<BCC>> <<BCC>> Person.Name Person.Name (論理ビュー から) (論理ビュー から) CCTerm = PersonName CCTerm = PersonName Model Concept Model Domain ebXML CC Metamodel Registry Class (論理ビュー から) Business UniqueIdentifier Context Dictionaly EntryName (論理ビュー から) Definition Business Informaiton Core Entity(BIE) Component +basis (論理ビュー から) (論理ビュー から) BCC (Basic Core Component) BusinessTerm CCTerm 0..n 0..n Aggreate Business Aggregate Core Information Entity(ABIE) Compnent(ACC) +basis (論理ビュー から) (論理ビュー から) QualifierTerm ObjectClassTerm 0..n 0..n Cardinality CC Property BIE Property +basis (論理ビュー から) (論理ビュー から) QualifierTerm PropertyTerm 0..n 0..n Carndinality 0..n 0..n 0..n 0..n Association CC Association BIE +basis Property Property (論理ビュー から) (論理ビュー から) 0..n 0..n Basic BIE Basic CC +basis Property Property (論理ビュー から) (論理ビュー から) DataType (論理ビュー から) QualifierTerm Basic Core Basic Business Information +basis Component(BCC) Entity(BBIE) (論理ビュー から) (論理ビュー から) 0..n 0..n Model Selection Model Instance … Selected Model Models

  14. Namespace TypedElement (MOF1.4 から) (MOF1.4 から) DataElementConcept ConceptualDomain (MDR から) (MDR から) +having +specifying ModelConcept ModelDomain 0..n 0..n 1 1 1 1 1 1 +expressed by +governed by ModelAssociationEnd DataElement ValueDomain (MDR から) (MDR から) +exposedEnd +referencedEnd reforeTo /exposed +governing +expressing 0..n 0..n 0..n 0..n ModelSelection ModelInstance 0..n 0..n 1 1 +referre +referent +owned by +represented by 1 1 +representing Package ModelReference Classifier (MOF1.4 から) (MOF1.4 から) IsOfInstance +having ModelProfile 0..n 0..n ModelConstruct ModelClassifier ModelAssociation ModelPattern ModelStereotype ModelCollaboration ModelCommponent ModelFramework +typedModel ModelElement (MOF1.4 から) Reference (MOF1.4 から) IsOfType +modelType ModelCodedValue

  15. Core model MMF for Ontology Ontology A Metamodel Instance Metamodel Instance Ontology B Metamodel register

  16. MOF Core Model MMF for Model Mapping Transformation Trans Patterns Relation Trans Rule

  17. Consolidation of Different Metamodels MM for Ontology MM for Modeling Constructs MM for Mapping GCI to ebXML MM for Mapping GII to ebXML Metamodel Register MM for Registration MM for Registration MM for Registration GCI Metamodel CII Metamodel ebXML Metamodel

  18. Metamodel framework for Mapping Entity Entity Process Process Metamodel instance for mapping Event Event Model Model ebXML World CII World

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