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Physics 778 – Star formation: Protostellar disks

Physics 778 – Star formation: Protostellar disks. Ralph Pudritz. 1.2 Disk evolution – reading spectral energy distributions (SEDs). d(log l F l ) / d(log l ) ( 1 – 10 m m). I. II. > 0 Class I < 0 y > -3 Class II ~ -3 Class III (photosphere). III.

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Physics 778 – Star formation: Protostellar disks

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  1. Physics 778 – Star formation: Protostellar disks Ralph Pudritz

  2. 1.2 Disk evolution – reading spectral energy distributions (SEDs) d(log l Fl) / d(log l) ( 1 – 10 mm) I II > 0 Class I < 0 y > -3 Class II ~ -3 Class III (photosphere) III from Hartmann 1998

  3. SEDs from Spitzer spectra: Class 0: (bottom) L1448C Class 1: (yellow) IRAS 04016+ Class II: (green) different small dust composition Class III (top, blue) (spectra from FM Tau down offset by factors 50, 200, and 10,000). Most prominent feature; ices and minerals Annual Reviews

  4. Class 1 Excess of energy above photosphere In IR - mm photosphere from Hartmann 1998

  5. 1.3 Disk formation - gravitational collapse of rotating molecular cloud core • Particles free-fall conserving specific angular momentum l • l ~ ro2W sin q, for particle falling from ro in core with uniform angular velocity W and angle q from rotation axis • Higher l for larger separation from rotation axis W r0

  6. Particle from ro,q shocks with particle from ro,q+p on equatorial plane, vertical velocity component dissipated, particles keep rotating on equatorial plane in a disk • Particles with q ~ p/2, reach the equatorial plane at the centrifugal radius Rc = ro4W2 / GM, M central mass, Rc ~ disk radius

  7. Collapse: streamlines and disk formation… • Streamlines at constant intervals of cos q • (dM/dt) ~ D cos q (dM/dt)/2 =>Mass accumulates at Rc M(core) at large radius => most of the core mass into the disk from Hartmann 1998

  8. 1.4 Accretion disks: viscous evolution • Particles at R rotating with W(R) move to R+DR, while particles at R+DR rotating at W(R+DR) < W(R) move to R. This motion implies a change of J in time, ie, a torque: • Tviscous ~ 2 pSn R3 dW/dR • where S = surface density; n = viscosity • ~ v l, where v and l are characteristic velocity and length of the turbulent motions - uncertain a prescription: n = a cs H, where cs is the sound speed and H the scale height (Shakura & Sunnyaev 1973).

  9. Viscous evolution of a ring: exact mathematical solution (see Pringle, ARAA, 1981) t=0 all angular momentum at infinity, carried by e of the mass t >> R12/n: all mass at center

  10. Disk evolution: expression for viscosity n= a cs H, cs sound speed, H = cs/W n = cs2/W = const T R3/2 In an irradiated disk at large R, T as 1/R1/2 So, n ~ const. R Similarity solution for S (R,t) (see Hartmann et al. 1998)

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