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Semantic and morphological partitives in the Uralic languages

Semantic and morphological partitives in the Uralic languages. Anne Tamm SLE 43RD ANNUAL MEETING, VILNIUS, 2 - 5 SEPTEMBER 2010 SLE workshop Partitives , Vilnius , September 4th, 2010. What is special about the Uralic partitives ?.

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Semantic and morphological partitives in the Uralic languages

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  1. Semantic and morphologicalpartitivesintheUraliclanguages Anne Tamm SLE 43RD ANNUAL MEETING, VILNIUS, 2 - 5 SEPTEMBER 2010 SLE workshopPartitives, Vilnius, September 4th, 2010

  2. What is specialabouttheUralicpartitives? • Havingmanylanguageswiththepartitive: thevariationacrosstheFinniclanguagesin ”whatthepartitive is usedfor” – thesemanticpartitive > partitive TAM semanticsdistinction • Embeddednessinrichcasesystems: themultitude of Source (separative) cases and a mismatchbetweenpartitivesemantics and semanticpartitives • Theinteractionbetween TAM and thepartitive • Aspectual DOM, DSM, DAM • Definitenesseffects, telicity, and partitivearguments • Caseonnon-finites and verbstems

  3. Semantics and morphology: a ”partitive” mismatch • SeveralUraliclanguageshavecasesthatarereferredtoas ”partitive”. • The semantics of thesecasesdivergesfromthegenerallyassumednotionof ”partitive”. • It is usefultodistinguishbetween ”semanticpartitives” (and casesthatexpressit) and ”morphologicalpartitives” (andthesemanticstheyexpress). Semantic Morphological PTV

  4. SemP The partitivesemanticscorrespondsto "part/amount-of-N", referringto a part orquantity out of a grouporamount of substance.

  5. Language-specificmorphologicalpartitives • Whilethesemanticpartitive has fixed semanticproperties, themorphologicalpartitivecaseshavedevelopedtheirownspecificsemanticsand pragmaticsineachUraliclanguagewherethecaseappears. • Karelian: thecausepartitive ”infinitives” • Inari Sami: afternumbers 7+ • Inari Sami: withcomparatives (thansomeone/something)

  6. Karelian ”partitiveinfinitives” Keittä-miäpadamusten-i. cook-M_NMLZ_PTV pot[NOM] blacken-3S.PST ’Cookingcausedthepotturnblack.’ (Karelian)

  7. Sami comparativeconstructions (Inari Sami, Toivonen 2003: 65)

  8. Sami numberphrases 7+ (Inari Sami, Toivonen 2003: 66)

  9. Richcasesystems • Uraliclanguagesaretypicallycharacterizedbyrichcasesystemswithapproximately 10 members, and manyhavecasesystems of approximately 15 or 20 cases. • Accordingtothe WALS map of Iggesen(2008), thereare 24 languageswith more than 10 cases. • The followinglanguageshave more than 10 casesin WALS: Awa Pit, Basque, Brahui, Chukchi, EpenaPedee, Estonian, Evenki, Finnish, Gooniyandi, Hamtai, Hungarian, Hunzib, Ingush, Kayardild, Ket, Lak, Lezgian, Martuthunira, Mordvin (Erzya), Nez Perce, Nunggubuyu, Pitjantjatjara, Toda, Udmurt. • Fiveof thoselistedareUralic (Erzya Mordvin, Estonian, Finnish, Hungarian, and Udmurt).

  10. Partitiveinthecaseparadigm Morphologicalpartitives: (Baltic)-Finnic Skolt and Inari Sami ---------------------- Semanticpartitives: Almost allUraliccaseshaveoneor more casesfor ”separation”

  11. Partitive and no sourcecase: Sami (Toivonen 2003: 36)

  12. Partitive and sourcecases: Est Nominative book raamat Genitive of a book raamatu Partitive(of) a book raamatu-t Illative into the book raamatu-sse Inessivein a book raamatu-s Elative from (inside) a book raamatu-st Allative onto a book raamatu-le Adessiveon a book raamatu-l Ablative from the book raamatu-lt Translative in(to), as a book raamatu-ks Terminative until a book raamatu-ni Essive as a book raamatu-na Abessivewithout a book raamatu-ta Comitative with a book raamatu-ga

  13. No partitive, Sourcecases (U) 1. Nominative s’ik 2. Genitives’ik-len 3. Accusatives’ik/s’ik-ez 4. Ablative s’ik-les’ 5. Dative s’ik-ly 6. Adessives’ik-len 7. Instrumentals’ik-en 8. Abessives’ik-tek 9. Inessives’ik-yn 10. Illative s’ik-e 11. Elative s’ik-ys’(t) 12. Terminative s’ik-oz’ 13. Egressives’ik-ys’en 14. Prolatives’ik-eti 15. Approximatives’ik-lan’ Source: SvetlanaEdygarova, p.c.

  14. Sourcecasesinrichparadigms • Komi has 18 cases (Riese 1998: 268), nominative, accusative, genitive, dative, approximative, genitive/ablative, inessive, elative, ablative, terminative, instrumental, egressive, caritive, adverbial, prolative 1 and 2, consecutive, comitative.

  15. Sourcecasesinpoorparadigms • Tundra Nenets 7 (Salminen 1998: 537), nominative, accusative, genitive, dative, locative, ablative, prosecutive. (thesuggestedProto-Samoyedicinventory, Janhunen 1998: 469) • Kamas 7 (Szimoncsics 1998: 585-586), nominative, accusative, genitive, lative, locative, ablative, instrumental • Selkup 13 (Helimski 1998: 560-561), nominative, accusative, genitive, instrumental, co-ordinative, caritive, translative, dative/allative, illative, locative, elative, prolative, vocative • Nganasan 8-11 (Helimski 1998: 496), nominative (= absoluteform), accusative, genitive, lative (= dative, ordative-lative), locative (=locative/instructive), elative (=ablative), prolative (=prosecutive)

  16. No partitive, noseparative (Kh) (Ruttkay 2003:20)

  17. Sourcecases: ablative, elative, delative, egressive, and exessive • Ablative(Erzya, Estonian, Finnish, Hungarian, Mansi, Vepsian, Votic, etc)denotesmovementawayfromsomething (e.g., awayfromthe house) • Elative (Erzya, Estonian, Finnish, Hungarian, Lule Sámi, Pite Sámi, Votic, etc) denotes "out of something" (e.g., out of the house). • Delative (Hungarian) denotesmovementfromthesurface (e.g., from (the top of) the house) • Egressive (Veps, Udmurt) marking thebeginning of a movementortime (e.g., beginningfromthe house) • Exessive (Karelian, Ingrian, Livonian, Votic, Estonian, etc ) transitionawayfrom a state (froma house) • Genitive-ablative (Komi) source of information, resource

  18. Uralicsemanticpartitive: elative, ablative • IntheUraliclanguages, thesemanticpartitive is generallyexpressedbytheelativecase. • Ifthere is no dedicatedelativecase, thenthesemanticpartitive is expressedbytheablative. • The morphologicalpartitiveis more characteristic of pseudopartitiveconstructions. • Pseudopartitiveconstructionsareexpressedpredominantlyviajuxtaposition. • It is notclearatthisstageifallUraliclanguageshaveanypartitiveconstructionswiththestructure • N-measure – N-substance

  19. SemP, elative • Elativedenotesmovementfrom a container, ablative - movementawayfromsomething, delative – movementfromasurface. gyerekeimből a legfiatalabb child-PL.1PX-ELA theyoungest ’theyoungest of mychildren’ (Hungarian)

  20. Juxtaposition (pseudo-partitives) ManyUraliclanguagesexpresspseudo-partitiveswithjuxtaposition (N and W Sami, Hungarian, Mari, Mordvinian, Komi, Udmurt (Koptjevskaja-Tamm 2001:555)). egy pohár bor det/oneglass[nom]wine[nom] ’a glass of wine’ (Hungarian)

  21. SemP: elative, MorphP: partitive • Estoniansemanticpartitive is typicallyrealizedbyelative; onlythepseudo-partitive is realizedwiththepartitivecase-marking. noorimmulaste-st youngestmychild.PL-ELA ’theyoungest of mychildren’ klaasveini glass[nom] wine.PTV ’a glass of wine’ (Estonian)

  22. TrueSemP and aspect Evett a pizzá-ból. eat.3sdef pizza-ela ‘She ate some of the pizza.’ Meg-ettea pizzá-t. TELIC-eat.3sdef pizza-acc ‘She ate up the pizza.’ *Meg-ettea pizzá-ból. TELIC-eat.3sdef pizza-ela (‘She ate up of the pizza.’) (Hungarian)

  23. MorphP Mari sõi (seda) pitsa-t. Mari ate this.ptvpizza-PTV ‘Mary waseating (this) pizza.’ (Est unbounded) Marisõipitsa / ??pitsa-t(ära). Mari ate pizza.ACC pizza-PTVup ‘Mary ate a pizza (up).’ (Est bounded) Pizzá-t evett. pizza-acc eat.3s ‘She waseating pizza.’ (Hu unbounded) The Hungarianelative is a realsemanticpartitive. BarenounscomparetootherUraliczeromarkedbarenouns.

  24. Udm.: acc. SemP, unmarked/acc n'an' s'i-i (odigjudes) bread[ACC]eat-INF (one[ACC] piece[ACC]) ‘toeat (a piece of) bread.’ n'an'-ezjudess'i-i bread-ACCpiece[ACC] eat-INF ‘toeat a piece of thisbread.’ n'an'-ezs'i-i bread-ACCeat-INF ‘toeat (a piece of) thisbreadup.’ (SvetlanaEdygarova, p.c.)

  25. Komi, elativeSemP, unmarked/acc Курчч-и нянь-сьыс тор. bite-1s.pastbread-ela piece[acc] ’I havebittensomebread.’ Нянь сёй-и. bread [acc] eat-1sg/past ‘I waseatingbread, Iatesomebread.’ Сёй-инянь-сö. eat-1sg/past bread-acc.def ‘I atethebread (some of thebread).’ (NikolayKuznetsov, p.c.)

  26. Affectedness of theincrementalthemeand theobjectcase

  27. Case-marked non-finite verb forms • Partitives and sourcecasesappearonnon-finites. • Non-finite forms frequently originate from case-marked non-finite verb forms, which are complements originally but develop further into base predicates of larger predicate complexes. • Thesecomplexes develop case-related semantics and TAM meanings.

  28. Udmurt:caseonn-nominalizations 1. Nominative s’ikmyn-on(verb+n+case) 2. Genitives’ik-lenmyn-on-len(verb+n+len) 3. Accusatives’ik/s’ik-ez myn-on-ez 4. Ablative s’ik-les’ myn-on-les’ 5. Dative s’ik-ly myn-on-ly 6. Adessives’ik-len 7. Instrumentals’ik-enmyn-on-en 8. Abessives’ik-tek 9. Inessives’ik-ynmyn-on-yn 10. Illative s’ik-emyn-on-e 11. Elatives’ik-ys’(t) 12. Terminative s’ik-oz’myn-on-oz’ 13. Egressives’ik-ys’en 14. Prolatives’ik-eti 15. Approximatives’ik-lan’ Source: SvetlanaEdygarova, p.c.

  29. Caseonm-nominalizations 1. Nominative s’ikmyn-em(verb+m+case) 2. Genitives’ik-lenmyn-em-len (verb+m+len) 3. Accusatives’ik/s’ik-ez myn-em-ez 4. Ablative s’ik-les’ myn-em-les’ 5. Dative s’ik-ly myn-em-ly 6. Adessives’ik-len 7. Instrumentals’ik-enmyn-em-en 8. Abessives’ik-tek 9. Inessives’ik-ynmyn-em-yn 10. Illative s’ik-emyn-em-e 11. Elative s’ik-ys’(t)myn-em-ys’ 12. Terminative s’ik-oz’myn-em-oz’ 13. Egressives’ik-ys’en 14. Prolatives’ik-eti 15. Approximatives’ik-lan’ Source: SvetlanaEdygarova, p.c.

  30. Spatialprepositions+infinitives (1) Je viens de manger. ‘I have just eaten.’ (2) I go to eat. (3) Jan is aan het eten. ‘John is eating.’ (4) *I come from eat. (5) Je vais manger. ‘I am going to eat.’

  31. The participlebecomes an object - auditoryevidence is partial Mari kuulis Jürit Mary heardG.ptv koju tulevat. homecome-pers.pres.ptcp.partitive ‘Mary heard Georgecome home.’ (Est)

  32. Visual evidence is notpartial Mari nägi Jürit Mary sawJ.part kojutule-mas. homecome-m_inessive ‘Mary saw Georgecominghome.’ (Est)

  33. Epistemicmodalityand thepartiality of evidence

  34. Summary • TherearemanySource (separative) cases. • There is a mismatchbetweensemantic and morphologicalpartitives. • The interactionbetween TAM, definiteness, and thepartitivecan be observedinmanyareas. • Aspectual DOM • Definitenesseffects, telicity, and partitivearguments • Caseonnon-finites and verbstems

  35. Thanks! partitive.pbworks.com

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