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Thinking Model. www.globplex.com. www.glocopass.com. Global e-Society Complex. Globplex Global Start Entities. www.globplex.com/atx/aa7702.10.atx.ppt. * = Globplex Global HQs ** = Extra Globals *** = Pilot e-Regions. Belgium. Personal Key-Functions in all Global HQs

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  1. Thinking Model www.globplex.com www.glocopass.com Global e-Society Complex Globplex Global Start Entities www.globplex.com/atx/aa7702.10.atx.ppt * = Globplex Global HQs** = Extra Globals *** = Pilot e-Regions Belgium Personal Key-Functions in all Global HQs to include Co-Founding Partners from other Pilot Countries *** Vlaanderen 5 e-Regions Per e-Region, in connection: * Universities Partnership * Schools Partnership *** Bruxelles e-Region Hungary *** Wallonie 5 e-Regions *** Oostkantons e-Region * Europe e-Resort ( Szentendre ) Globplex-Liaison Bureaux by existing Civil Society Entities * Globplex-Liaison Bureau International Entities ( Brussels ) *** Pilis Dunakanyar e-Region*** Bakony e-Region *** Budapest e-Region Portugal * Globplex-Matrix ( Lisbon ParqNações )= General Global HQ ** Global Civil Society Platform ( idem ) France * Globplex-Training ( Dieulefit ) * Globplex-Co-Governance** World e-Resort ( Alentejo Litoral ) Morocco *** Drôme Provençale e-Region * Globplex-Crowd-Conferences ( Algarve ) * Globplex-IT ( Essaouira ) Tunisia * Globplex-DataBank ( Essaouira ) *** Lisboa e-Region*** Alentejo Litoral e-Region *** Algarve e-Region * MediterraUnion e-Resort * Globplex-Holding ( Essaouira ) *** Essaouira Province e-Region **** Residential Seminar Center RMB *** Tata Province e-Region World * Globplex-Liaison Bureaux per World Geo-Region www.globplex.com/wgr/ Cape Verde DR Congo * Globplex-Foundation ( Praia ) USA * Africa e-Resort ( Bandundu ) * Globplex-Liaison Bureau UN ( New-York ) *** Kinshasa e-Region *** Bandundu e-Region Contributing to a democratization of world governance, as well as to avoid their geographical disperson, all Globlex’ Global HQs are projected to be located around the Mediterranean area. Update 12.01.2012

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