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Improving TELPAS OuTcomes

Improving TELPAS OuTcomes. 100 % “AH”. ---Not only identify, but develop writing , reading , speaking , and l istening skills for LEP students ; aka, English Language Learners . Beginning Writing “ B” .

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Improving TELPAS OuTcomes

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  1. Improving TELPAS OuTcomes 100 % “AH” ---Not only identify, but develop writing, reading, speaking, and listening skills for LEP students; aka, English Language Learners.

  2. Beginning Writing “ B” • “For me move from Monterrey Nuevo Leon to the US in Corpus Chrisy are for learn” • “The symiar in my travel is that algoand give me a good education no me” • “Find new city and is dificil becauseno conoces, but is okay because no talk ingles” • {There are no sentences, just simple words and phrases • There is a sprinkling of native words throughout the essay} • How do we develop from Beginning Level to Intermediate ? • Practice writing simple sentences with mastery of present and past tenses • Diagram sentences • Develop vocabulary, especially nouns and verbs

  3. Intermediate Writing “I” • “In my word Hystory class Ilearn about people that were famous because their go to the military or some of them were president” • “I was happy because I thought my mom take me home with her.” • “Ithink lab rules are important because when people did know they don’t do something rough like drink or eat doing experiment • Good command of simple declarative sentences • The ever present “I” is used a lot • Primarily in the present tense • Struggles to explain ideas • Repeats ideas on familiar topics • Few details • How do we develop from intermediate level to advanced level? • Add details with adjectives and adverbs • Write compound and complex sentences • Alternatives for “I” • Five paragraph essay structure: intro, three different ideas, and conclusion

  4. Advanced Writing “ A” • “Maria is the oldest one in the world. She always sits on her bed watching thought the window because she fealt so happy watching the beautiful view from the outside.” • “ Icould be someone else Iwould be my dog because he does not go to school. I want to stay at home all the day or the whole week and not go to work with my dad and I could stay taking care of the house and be in the air condition .” • Good grasp of all tenses • Narration and descriptions are emerging • Variety of cohesive devices –because, that, but, so, also, when • When Academic language demand is high, quality suffers • How do we develop from advanced to advanced high? • Add subordinate clauses to essay; i.e. start sentences with when, while, because, if and so; also, add similes and metaphors • More academic vocabulary, idiomatic expressions, and colloquialisms • Add more descriptive adjectives and adverbs, as well as prepositional and participle phrases ( over the top, beyond the door, looking at his watch, clogged with hair )

  5. Advanced High Writing “AH” • “There’s a big difference between Caesar and recent dictators in the world because Caesar was chosen by the people and dictators, like Sadam Hussein, elected himself to be the president of Iraq.” • “ They were arguing for a while, then the monkey came to them, and told them that fighting is not good, and he is very old and wise, so he can solve the problem.” • When I came to the US for the first time, my favorite subject was Geometry.” • Almost native like in vocabulary, expression, and syntax • Errors rarely interfere with written expression • Practice using essays and journal writing frequently to maintain “AH” level

  6. Developing TELPAS Reading • What is reading???-- • Connotations (suggestions) and Denotations (literal meanings) • Reading requires imagination and thinking; images in your head • If you do not understand, you are not reading. • Emotion drives attention, be attentive!!! • --Reading is structured thought in stories, movies, cartoons, lyrics, and books.

  7. TELPAS Reading • Remember that TIME is your friend; DO NOT RUSH because you have not won the Lotto or a trip to Las Vegas! Pomodoro Technique. • Skim and Scan for italicized words and numbered paragraphs, don’t waste time reading word for word • Use your Spanish language to improve comprehension; examples, obvious=obvio, retaliate=talionar, usually=usualmente, etc. etc. etc. • Visualize what you read … Say what? …Tenemos que visualizar para aprender! • Extract meaning (significado o sentido) from the story • Visualize you—the student--finishing the test and saying…YES! I did it!

  8. TELPAS Reading • Basic Pomodoro Technique for reading comprehension: Read in spurts –20 minutes and restfor 3 minutes (Just don’t go to sleep!) Answer 5 questions and stop, at the end of reading, writing take longer breaks. Why? This allows you to adapt to anxiety, gives you time to rest, and allows you to keep focused on your reading, writing, or revising and editing. • SQ3R : Survey the story, Read the questions they want, Read the story( take notes on the margins) and look up new vocabulary in dictionary, or context clues ,Reflect on the questions and provide evidence, Review by reading the selection again • Remember a summary has something from the beginning, the middle and the end of the story • Remember a detail is not a main idea

  9. TELPAS Reading • THE SEVEN “Cs” of Reading Comprehension by Farmer & Soden • Connect: Brainstorm topics, vocabulary, phrases, and associations. • Clarify: visual understanding via artifacts, articles, maps, anecdotes, student schemas (memes), and challenge and question information. • Consider: Three questions, or more, to consider during the reading and how it applies to your experiences. • Collect: Learners find answers to their questions, or they attempt to find questions. There may be no solutions, only quests. • Converse: Learners speak about what they discovered in groups; then, discuss with teacher; and lastly, start writing a synthesis by completing a rough draft . • Conclude: Learners write a final summary of what they learned. • Cite: Learners explain sources and where they are located.

  10. Developing TELPAS Speaking • Expect sentences, not just words or phrases, from Beginners. • Allow wait time for them to answer in sentence form. • Give opportunities for discussion every day to English Language Learners. • Graphic scaffolding of replies: If, then form, Because…(?), And also… (?) • Start @Individual>>> Small group>>> Whole class

  11. Developing TELPAS Listening • Use gestures and decrease speaking rate • Use anecdotal experiences • Use humor and vary voice pitch & tonality • Emphasize staying alert and positive • Visiting and texting hours start at 3:45 p.m. • Use visuals to make more impact on memory • Use graphic organizers • Use peer interaction to motivate listening

  12. ConcludingPoints • Team effort produces better Outcomes! • Make our Tax $$$ go far! • Improve Graduation Rates ! • Think: Win-Win! • Support, Support, Support! • We are never DONE with education! • Serve all students well!

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