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Precision Management Techniques for Forage Production Systems

Precision Management Techniques for Forage Production Systems. By Andy Clifford. The Value of Forage. In Oklahoma, excluding livestock, hay is the second most valuable crop, behind winter wheat.

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Precision Management Techniques for Forage Production Systems

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  1. Precision Management Techniques for Forage Production Systems By Andy Clifford

  2. The Value of Forage • In Oklahoma, excluding livestock, hay is the second most valuable crop, behind winter wheat. • Hay has a value of 302 million dollars annually just in the state of Oklahoma, wheat has a value of 386 million dollars. • There was 625,000 tons of silage cut in the year 2000 in Oklahoma.

  3. The Value of Forage cont’d. • Livestock • Cattle, sheep, horses, and goats all spend the majority of their life on some type of pasture. • The 5.4 million head of cattle in Oklahoma account for 1.57 billion dollars added to the economy annually. • 300,000 horses and 55,000 sheep.

  4. Pasture in Oklahoma • 27 million acres of Oklahoma is planted or used as some type of pasture • 44,020,480 acres in Oklahoma. • 61% of the surface area of Oklahoma is in some type of permanent or temporary pasture.

  5. Grain and Fiber Crops • Production mainly focused on the production of seed or fiber associated with the seed. • Harvest does not usually occur until the plant has reached maturity. • Production aimed towards producing the most seed rather than the most green forage.

  6. Forage Crops • Production mainly aimed towards the production of high quality green forage per unit of land area. • Harvest occurs over a longer period before and after the plant reaches maturity.

  7. Traditional Forage Systems • Continuous Livestock Grazing • Hay Production • Greenchop Forage and Drylot Systems • Silage Production

  8. Methods for increasing productivity or profitability through additional management • Decrease production costs and inputs • Increase total volume of forage produced • Increase quality of forage produced • Increase overall value of forage produced • Increased forage harvest efficiency

  9. Precision Management • Nutrient Management • Soil Testing • Grid soil sampling • Sensor based nutrient mgmt. • Water Management • Natural Rainfall • Irrigation • MIG

  10. What is MIG? • The use of additional management to improve profitability or sustainability of a livestock and forage operation. • Most often a combination of rotational grazing, improved forages, irrigation, and other types of intensive management techniques.

  11. Forage Quantity and Quality

  12. Rotational Grazing Systems

  13. Stocking Rates • The number of animals placed in a paddock is determined by several factors related to the livestock and to the forage. • Weather and other environmental conditions • Forage • Quality • Quantity • Species • Livestock • Species • Age • Size

  14. How stocking rates are determined • Stocking rates are usually determined based on the measure known as Animal Units (A.U.) or AUE. • One Animal Unit requires 26 pounds of dry matter per day.

  15. Calculating AUE

  16. Forage quality and quantity • Animal units are usually based just on the quantity of forage. • Could stocking rates be more accurately set if the quality of the forage was also taken into consideration?

  17. Nutrient requirements of livestock. • Livestock’s nutrient requirements are less as they grow older. • Young calves require higher quality forage than older steers or heifers. • Yearling cattle require higher nutrient levels than mature stock cows. • Etc.

  18. Determining forage availability. • Most common method is based on a combination of “eyeball” estimates and local averages. • A more accurate and precise method is a forage inventory.

  19. Forage inventory What is a forage inventory? • An enclosure such as a quadrant or hula hoop of known dimensions is placed in a representative area of a field. • The forage from within the enclosure is clipped and sorted based on species and desirability of the forage.

  20. Forage Inventory cont’d • The desirable forages are weighed and measure for quality. • This measure is taken in several other locations within the paddock or pasture to obtain a representative sample. • A stocking rate can be established based on these measurements.

  21. Advantages • More precise and accurate stocking rates can be established. • Forage availability is known and there will be less of a need for purchased feed. • Prevents over- or underutilization of forage. • Reduces Spatial variability in paddocks or pastures. • Maintains ideal species balance in pastures. • Environmental benefits.

  22. Disadvantages • Requires more time and management. • Requires more labor. • Additional knowledge of forage species, plant physiology and nutrient management is required. • Can create severe problems if producer neglects the system for extended periods.

  23. Cattleman, grassfarmer, or Both? • Most ranchers view themselves as caretakers of livestock. • A more profitable approach might be to view yourself as a grassfarmer who utilizes livestock to harvest his forage.

  24. Tools which might be useful if developed. • Sensors • On the go fertilizer applicators which use sensors. • A sensor which can provide an accurate quantitative and qualitative measure available forage in a paddock or pasture.

  25. References • Oregon State University,Management Intensive Grazing Pagehttp://www.forages.css.orst.edu/Topics/Pastures/Grazing/Systems/Techniques/MIG/What.html • Gerrish, J.R., Basic Concepts of Management Intensive Grazing, Iowa State University Extention service, Beef Cattle Handbook,http://www.ibc.iastate.edu/PDFs/BCH/Bch06000.pdf • Rollins, Dale, Determining Native Range Stocking Rates, Oklahoma Sate University Extension service. Pub. # F-2855 http://www.agweb.okstate.edu/pearl/range/f-2855.pdf • Oklahoma Agricultural Statistics Service. http://www.nass.usda.gov/ok/

  26. Questions

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