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Human Rights Population

Human Rights Population. Population: Human Rights. WHAT ARE HUMAN RIGHTS?. Fundamental rights that belong to every person, simply by being a human being. Principles Universality Equality Non-discrimination. Population: Human Rights. HISTORY.

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Human Rights Population

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  1. Human Rights Population

  2. Population: Human Rights WHAT ARE HUMAN RIGHTS? • Fundamental rights that belong to every person, simply by being a human being. • Principles • Universality • Equality • Non-discrimination

  3. Population: Human Rights HISTORY • World War 2: Nazi atrocitiesagainst specific groupsof people. • United Nations founded in 1945 to maintain peace and promote Human Rights

  4. Population: Human Rights 30 HUMAN RIGHTS • Universal Declaration of Human Rights (1948) Do you know your rights?

  5. Population: Human Rights FREEDOM OF SPEECH • Article 19 UDHR: • “Everyone has the right to freedom of opinion and expression; this right includes freedom to hold opinions without interference and to seek, receive and impart information and ideas through any media and regardless of frontiers”

  6. Population: Human Rights FREEDOM OF SPEECH • This freedom can be limited: • Slander • Hate speech • Inciting violence • But only in some cases because the law also protects people against Government trying to silence them.

  7. Population: Human Rights FREEDOM FROM TORTURE • Article 5 UDHR: • “No one shall be subjected to torture or to cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment.”

  8. Population: Human Rights FREEDOM FROM TORTURE • Inflicting severe pain or suffering, whether mental or physical • To get information or to punish

  9. Population: Human Rights TORTURE EXAMPLE • The United States used torture on a large scale against terrorism suspects, claiming that suspects had given up their rights. • At the same timetheir prisonerswere also deniedthe Right to a Fair Trial and the Right to be Considered Innocent until Proven Guilty.

  10. Population: Human Rights MORE HUMAN RIGHTS • Life and Liberty / Slavery / Privacy • Education / Work / Leisure • Language! • No discrimination • Fair trial • Free speech • Education Dwi’nsiaradCymraeg!

  11. Population: Human Rights CATEGORIES OF RIGHTS • Absolute Rights can never be limited • Torture, slavery, discrimination • Limited Rights can be limited for certain cases • Liberty • Qualified Rights can be limited in some circumstances (state of emergency / war) • Education, expression

  12. Population: Human Rights HUMAN RIGHTS AT HOME • England & Wales: Human Rights Act (1998) • Same rights as the ECHR, but easier to protect • UK Court will decide if a right was violated • After that you could go higher up to the European Court of Human Rights • 20,000 cases from 47 countries • 1500 UK cases per year, 10 guilty verdicts

  13. Population: Human Rights HUMAN RIGHTS CONFLICTS IN THE UK • Security vs Privacy • Art. 3: Life, liberty and securityGovernment has to stop terrorists • Art. 12: Privacy, family, home and correspondenceGovernment can’t intercept your communication • Our safety is important, but so are our rights, so where do we draw the line?

  14. Population: Human Rights FUTURE CHALLENGES • Asylum for refugees: Some people flee countries with terrible human rights, but they are not always welcome in other countries • LGBT rights: Often LGBT individuals are discriminated against and lack rights • Gender rights: to equal employment, equal pay, equal access, etc.

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