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The researches of Slepiotka and Klodnica Rivers 11.2000-05.2002

SCHOOL DETAILS Students: 625 Classes: 17 -Bilingual Polish-Spanish Class -English Class -Biology and Chemistry Class -Maths and IT Class FACILITIES: 2 Gym Halls 1 Swimming Pool PROJECTS: -ASP and BSP -Comenius -Partners in Science.

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The researches of Slepiotka and Klodnica Rivers 11.2000-05.2002

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  1. SCHOOL DETAILS Students: 625 Classes: 17 -Bilingual Polish-Spanish Class -English Class -Biology and Chemistry Class -Maths and IT Class FACILITIES: 2 Gym Halls 1 Swimming Pool PROJECTS: -ASP and BSP -Comenius -Partners in Science The researches of Slepiotka and Klodnica Rivers 11.2000-05.2002 Konopnicka High School with Bilingual Classes in Katowice, Poland

  2. KATOWICE AN INDUSTRIAL DESERT OR A GREEN CITY? The researches of Slepiotka and Klodnica Rivers 11.2000-05.2002 Konopnicka High School with Bilingual Classes in Katowice, Poland

  3. Katowice is situated in the largest Polish industrial area – Upper Silesian Industry Area. • capital city of the most urbanised agglomeration in the country • one of the most heavily populated regions in Europe (4 million inhabitants). • Katowice is perceived as an environmentally degraded area, simply an ecological desert. • The data concerning the natural resources of the city contradict this view.

  4. 28%of the city area is covered by forests (the average forestation of Poland is 28,7%) http://www.logforum.net/vol4/issue1/no2/2_1_1_08.html

  5. RESEARCH ON SLEPIOTKA RIVERcarried out by students

  6. WHAT DO WE DO? What do we do? We have inspected the condition of contamination of water from Slepiotka River.

  7. Where do we research and what do we use? Where do we research and what do we use? Every week we gauge the lower course of Slepiotka River near Park Zadole in Katowice–Ligota (in Śląska and Wczasowa Streets). For examining samples we use school equipment: Electrical pHmeter (pH) Electrical oxygenometer (O2) Electrical thermometer (temperature)

  8. The results are elaborated on in comparison to the Polish standards of water purity classes, which are shown in the table below.

  9. The connection between oxygen dissolved in water and temperature is: • the lower temperature the higher content of oxygen (then the conditions for organism’s life in Slepiotka River are better).

  10. Comparing pH measurements we obtained average – 7,8 which means that the water is alkaline. • Clear water should reach pH 7,0 • This slight difference means that water from Slepiotka isn’t clear, but enables animals and plants to live.

  11. Water from Slepiotka River is included to the III class of water cleanliness because of high level of contamination caused by bringing waste into Slepiotka River by private owners.

  12. Diagrams showing results of research:

  13. Diagrams showing results of research:

  14. Diagrams showing results of research:

  15. The conclusions of results of research In winter months - the content of oxygen is higher than in the summer WHY?/MAYBE because of: the growth of rate of vegetation and the depth of the river. on water from Slepiotka OXYGEN The biggest difference in content of oxygen amounts is:- January: from 11,7mg/l (10.01) - May: 4,38mg/l (24.05),

  16. The conclusions of results of research The temperature of water depends on thetemperature of air, because the river is quite shallow – it reaches to 50 cm in depth.. on water from Slepiotka TEMPERATURE The temperature is lower during the winter months. The biggest differences in temperature is 15oC: from 19oC (in May) to 4oC(in December).

  17. The conclusions of results of research pH of water is slightly alkaline and never turns sour. on water from Slepiotka pH - the lowest value is about 7,2 - the highestone about 8,2 WHY?It might be connected with:- the natural base on the bottom of the river - or with the wastes let in from private estates.

  18. Rescue for Slepiotka River Rescue for Slepiotka River The analysed part of Slepiotka River is 27,2 km2 in area which makes 16,5% of Katowice area. Inhabitants of Katowice associate these rivers with stinking waste.

  19. There is possibility to make it cleaner. BUT THERE IS POSSIBILITY TO MAKE IT CLEANER!!!

  20. Slepiotka River has straight river-bed and concreted bottom. If we raise the water level the nearby area will be flowed giving about 1ha of clean water.

  21. THEN…- the water would not rush so fast through the river-bed BUT…- flowing calmly would give life to the plants (which are being destroyed now)

  22. Current Research Carried Out At School:

  23. RESEARCH • Students of Konopnicka High School in action

  24. RESEARCH AIMS : • recognising common and rare or endangered species of plants and animals • biodiversity of organisms and their habitats • diversity of animal activities • analysis of the density and the age structure of the forest • monitoring the anthropogenic changes in the ecosystem • comparing the climatic conditions in the forest and outside it • analysis of the occurrence of bioindicators • finding and drawing food webs • learning about the rules of forest industry • comparing forests with different levels of anthropogenic changes • planning/organising activities to improve the condition of the natural environment in the neighbourhood



  27. Classes take place at the Biology and Environmental Protection Department of Silesian University Lectures are held by Silesian University workers.

  28. Science Festivals, photographic, art, and Science Knowledge competitions are organized for all the students from our school.

  29. The sample research cocnerning the natural resourcesof Katowice city- research carried out by students. ‘A didactic path along the Slepiotka River’ The researched was based mainly on the analysis of the water and rush flora and the selected elements of water chemistry as well as the soil from the river banks.

  30. ‘A didactic path in Katowice-Ligota’ in Murcki Nature Reserve The project of the path of different fauna and flora species.

  31. ‘The composition dendroflora of chosen complexes in Katowice with the special emphasis on foreign species’ • Students observes the determination of: • the dominating species of trees and bushes, • the degree of anthropogenic transformation • the degree of the risk for the biodiversity coming from the alien invasivespecies.

  32. THANKS FOR YOUR ATTENTION Studentsof Konopnicka High School in Katowice Jolanta Mol - BSP National Coordinator (www.bsp-pl.org) Teachers: Aleksandra Bajura – biology Lidia Krzemień - biology Anna Wojtowicz-Musiał - English

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