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Introduction to Computer Programming I

Introduction to Computer Programming I. Muhammad Adnan Talib Lec#1 05 th Sep,2012 Computer Science Department COMSATS Institute of Information and Technology Sahiwal. Books. Text Book: C++ How to Program By Deitel & Deitel (6 th Edition)

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Introduction to Computer Programming I

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  1. Introduction to Computer Programming I Muhammad AdnanTalib Lec#1 05thSep,2012 Computer Science Department COMSATS Institute of Information and Technology Sahiwal

  2. Books • Text Book: C++ How to Program By Deitel & Deitel (6th Edition) • Ref. Book: Object Oriented Programming in C++ By RobortLafore (4th Edition) • Ref. Book: Let Us C++ By Yashwant P. Kanitkar

  3. Tentative Grading Policy Assignments 7.5% Quizzes 7.5% Project 10% Sessional I10% Sessional II 15% Final Exam 50%

  4. Projects/Assignments/Quizzes Deadlines are always final No credit for late submissions Submission guidelines must be followed Only latest version will be considered for assignments If u miss any quiz due to any reason then there will be no retake of any quiz

  5. Course Team • Instructor • Sec MCS-B3, BTN-B7 • Muhammad AdnanTalib • Email: adnan.talib@ciitsahiwal.edu.pk • Group Address: http://groups.yahoo.com/group/Fall12_ITCP

  6. So Lets start the Course…….

  7. What is a Computer?? • Computers are electronic devices that can follow instructions to • Accept input • Process that input • Produce information • Alternatively, a computer is a device capable of performing calculations and making logical decisions at speeds millions, and even billions, of times faster than human beings can.

  8. What is a Computer?? For example • Many of today’s Personal Computers can perform tens of millions of additions per second. • A person operating a desk calculator might require decades to complete the same number of calculations a powerful personal computer can perform in one second. • Supercomputers can perform hundreds of billions of additions per second. • And trillions-instructions per second computer are already functioning in research laboratories.

  9. What is Computer

  10. Basics of Computer

  11. Monitor (output) Speaker (output) System unit (processor, memory…) Printer (output) Storage devices (CD-RW, Floppy, Hard disk, zip,…) Scanner (input) Keyboard (input) Mouse (input) A Typical Computer System

  12. What does a Computer Do? • Computers can perform four general operations, which comprise the information processing cycle. • Input • Keyboard, Mouse, Scanner, Network/Internet, Cell phones etc • Process • Software • Output • Monitor, Printer etc • Storage • RAM, Hard disk, Floppy Disk, CD/DVD, Flash Disk etc

  13. Data vs. Information Data is a collection of raw facts, figures and symbols, such as numbers, words, images, video and sound. Information is data that is organized, meaningful, and useful. Computer takes data as input and process it to form information

  14. Software vs. Hardware A computer is an electronic device, operating under the control of instructions (software) Instructions are stored in its computer’s own memory unit Hardware is Tangible

  15. How Does a Computer Know what to do? A detailed list of instructions called a ComputerProgram or Software tells computer exactly what to do. Before processing a specific job, the computer program corresponding to that job must be stored in memory (RAM). Once the program is stored in memory the computer can start the operation by executing the program instructions one after the other.

  16. Storage Devices • RAM (Random Access Memory) • Memory also called Random Access Memory or RAM (temporary memory) is the main memory of the computer. • Data in the RAM is lost when you turned off your computer. • ROM (Read Only Memory) • ROM can store information a much larger in size than RAM. • Slower than RAM. • Other Storage Devices

  17. Post Class Activity • Find the differences between • Hardware and Software • Data and Information • ROM and RAM

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