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Photodynamic Therapy

Photodynamic Therapy. Phototherapy. The first who used the light: Egyptians, Indians, Chinese and Grecee 1815. Carvin 1822. Sniadecki 1903. D. N. Finsen: Nobel Prize. Photochemotherapy. Indians: Psoralea corylifolia Egyptians: Ammi majus. PDT history. 1900. Oscar Raab

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Photodynamic Therapy

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Photodynamic Therapy

  2. Phototherapy • The first who used the light: Egyptians, Indians, Chinese and Grecee • 1815. Carvin • 1822. Sniadecki • 1903. D. N. Finsen: Nobel Prize

  3. Photochemotherapy • Indians: Psoralea corylifolia • Egyptians: Ammi majus

  4. PDT history • 1900. Oscar Raab • 1905. H. von Tappeiner take in the PDT

  5. Hematoporphyrin 1841. Sherer 1867. Thudicum 1871. Hoppe- Seyler

  6. Hematoporphyrin • 1924. Policard • Auler and Banzer • Figge and co workers: photodiagnosis

  7. Why do some photosensitiziers localize selectively in tumors? • Tumors have a larger interstital volume than normal tissues • Tumors often contain a larger fraction of macrophages than normal tissues • Tumors have a leaky microvasculature • Tumors have poor lymphatic drainage • The extracellular ph is low in tumors • Tumors contain a relatively large amount of newly synthesized collagen • Tumor tissue contains many receptors for lipoproteins

  8. PDT treatment Use photosensitizing solution Collect in cancer Selective tumour collapse Irradiate

  9. Porfirin

  10. PDT mechanism Energy transport  reactive oxygen

  11. PDT mechanism Electron passing  free radical

  12. PDT mechanism photosensitizing Activation with light Introduce photosensitizing into the cell release reactive oxygen end free radical tissue necrosis or apoptozis

  13. Other tumour therapy Surgery disadvantage: - can’t remove total the cancer - matastasis Radio- and chemotherapy disadvantage: - to hight degree damage - resistance

  14. Photodynamic Therapy Advantage - selective destruction - not develop resistance Disadvantage - only use surface cancer - cell of small size

  15. Other field of application • Arteriosclerosis • Germ, virus inanctivation • Gum inflammation • Blood sterilization • Water purification

  16. Thank you for your patience

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