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Place-based Principle in Intercultural Communication

Place-based Principle in Intercultural Communication. Hou Jianjun, Hebei University of Economics and Business May 2007 houjjhome@yahoo.com.cn 13103015705. Introduction. Cultural Diversity ( Larry A. Samovar, 2004) Homogeneous Culture (C.R. Ember and M.Ember,1985)

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Place-based Principle in Intercultural Communication

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  1. Place-based Principle in Intercultural Communication Hou Jianjun, Hebei University of Economics and Business May 2007 houjjhome@yahoo.com.cn 13103015705

  2. Introduction • Cultural Diversity (Larry A. Samovar, 2004) • Homogeneous Culture (C.R. Ember and M.Ember,1985) • Ethnic and Cultural Identity( Winsor, 1994)

  3. Literature Review • Cultural Adherence of Language Learners and Teachers(Gao Yihong, 1994) • Cultural Adherence of Mandarin Teachers and International Students (Meng Zimin, 1997)

  4. Literature Review • Understanding and Transcending Linguistic and Cultural Differences (Gao Yihong, 2000) • Dao and Qi • Crossing Cultural Barriers (Hu Wenzhong, 2004) • Dynamics of Intercultural Communication (Carley H. Dodd, 2006) • Culture C

  5. Process Analyses • Seeking Similarities • “Birds of a feather flock together.” • Uncertainty Reduction “When strangers meet, their primary concern is one of uncertainty reduction or increasing predictability about the behavior of both themselves and others in the interaction.”(G. Cowin, 2002)

  6. Solution Analysis • Behavioristics Analyses • 5 W and 1 H • Psychology Analyses • The need to belong (Kim, Y.Y, 1998)

  7. Contents Place, as an invariable identified by both sides ahead of communication, should be the most basic principle of intercultural communication. In other words, communicators should in the first instance obey the cultural rules of the place where communication happens.

  8. Additions 1. This principle should be the prerequisite when communication happens and the objective standard in solving the cultural conflicts. 2. The establishment of the place-based principle is not in conflict with the fact that after they make knowledge of the cultural background of the other side, communicators voluntarily give up some or all of their own cultural criteria so as to show respect or to realize effective communication. 3. The establishment of the place-based principle is not in conflict with the general principles of understanding, toleration, and cooperation and mutual benefit.

  9. Recommendations Acculturation and deculturation Linguistic competence Cultural adaptation Dual membership ( Cultural Identity) Uncertainty reduction Communication skills

  10. Significance • The establishment of the place-based principle benefits the unification of the standard, avoiding unnecessary communicative conflicts and helping the realization of effective communication. • The establishment of the place-based principle incarnates the equality of the individual cultures, promoting the development of each national culture and resisting the extension of the cultural supremacy.

  11. SIETR 2007 Culture and Conflict: Courageous Conversations for Caring Communities

  12. Thank you for your attendance!

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