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The Present Perfect Subjunctive

The Present Perfect Subjunctive. It is used in a dependent clause (after “que”) when the main clause expresses emotion about an action that has occurred in the recent past. Example: . Me alegro de que Uds. hayan visto la película Los piratas del Caribe, el baúl el muerto.

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The Present Perfect Subjunctive

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  1. The Present Perfect Subjunctive • It is used in a dependent clause (after “que”) when the main clause expresses emotion about an action that has occurred in the recent past.

  2. Example: • Me alegro de que Uds. hayan visto la película Los piratas del Caribe, el baúl el muerto. • I am glad that you all have seen the movie Pirates of the Caribbean, Dead Man’s Chest.

  3. Temo que nadie me haya llamado hoy. • I fear that no one has called me today.

  4. Nos frustra que no haya llovido mucho esta primavera. • It frustrates us that it hasn’t rained much this spring.

  5. How to form the present perfect subjunctive • Use the present subjunctive of “haber” • haya hayamos • hayas hayáis • haya hayan

  6. + • Past participle • -ado (hablado) • -ido (comido) • -ido (vivido) • REVVMACPHDD

  7. Formula: • Verb of emotion in main clause + que + present perfect subjunctive

  8. Important things to remember: • HO • Object pronouns (DOP’s, IDOP’s, ROP’s) come before the conjugated form of “haber” • They cannot be attached to a past participle • They cannot come immediately before the past participle • “que” introduces a new clause, therefore a new subject. If there is no change in subject use the infinitive.

  9. Examples: • Nos alegramos de que nuestros padres nos hayan dejado el coche esta noche. • We are glad that our parents have left (given us) us the car tonight.

  10. A mi amigo Carlos le sorprende que nadie lo haya llamado esta tarde. • It surprises my friend Carlos that no one has called him this afternoon.

  11. CPS Questions

  12. Traduzca las siguientes en español. • Do you like that we have invited you to Eva Mendes’s birthday party? • You are glad that your friends have congratulated you after the piano concert. • I regret to inform you that the telephone still isn’t working. • Do you like to go to parties? • We regret that you haven’t written a letter to grandma. • I am glad that you have put on your tie, shirt and vest today.

  13. Answers: • ¿Te gusta que te hayamos invitado a la fiesta de cumpleaños de Eva Mendes? • Te alegras de que tus amigos te hayan felicitado después del concierto de piano. • Siento informarle que el teléfono todavía no funciona. • ¿Te gusta ir a las fiestas? • Sentimos que no hayas escrito una carta a abuelita. • Me alegro de que te hayas puesto tu corbata, camisa y chaleco hoy.

  14. El Fin Information cited from:Conner, John Breaking the Spanish Barrier 2006

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